Are girls too emotional?

2015-10-29 3:27 pm
I m doing a study for this project I m doing in my language arts class. I want to know how many people think girls are too emotional. All i need to know is your gender and your opinion. Thank you :)

回答 (10)

2015-10-29 3:51 pm
I see this like "do girls pee too much?" Holding in natural functions and feelings isn't healthy. I dont know what masochist came up with the idea that pretending to feel something you dont is healthy but its been proven over and over again how it isn't and if you dont let it out it will take its toll on you over time one way or another. Obviously there is a time and a place but it still needs to come out sooner or later. We would have less people suddenly snapping at innocent people and venting on them if they had just been upfront and not bottled things.
2015-10-29 3:30 pm
MOst are. It's built into them and part of nature.
2015-10-29 4:01 pm
Girls for the most part live in their hearts, and us Males, for the most part live in our head. But im emotional only i dont show when im upset, and i love laughing, which is dont forget, also an emotion.
2015-10-29 3:36 pm
No. Girls are not too emotional.

2015-10-29 10:45 pm
A healthy girl would be emotional, but not too much.
2015-10-29 4:11 pm
2015-10-29 3:44 pm
First, you would need to quantify emotional reactions to various situations, then determine an "appropriate" response to the situation, and calculate various reactions based on your numbers. Those who scored over that would be considered "too emotional", those who scored under that would be considered "unemotional".

Really, though, who is anyone to say a whole gender displays too much emotion or not enough? If you cry because your 20 year old pet has died, is that too much? Just right? What if someone hosted a party in your honor and you were thrilled? Too much? Not enough?

IMO, there is something wrong with not expressing your emotions because you fear how others will perceive you. If you're happy, be happy. If you're unhappy, that stinks, but it's a part of life.
2015-10-29 3:35 pm
Most boys and girls are emotional.
2015-10-29 8:42 pm
Girls are not too emotional.

I am a female.
2015-10-29 8:37 pm
I am a female, and I dont think girls are too emotional

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