有關英文文法問題今日睇到大廈張貼左張告示 唔係好明佢寫乜 文法唔啱請代修正?

2015-10-29 9:37 am
以下是內容 :

To all Neighbor of this building.

Dear Neighbor,

For the sake ofthis building, Please do not throw any thing out of the Backside Windows & along the Staircase.
( Any thing -- refuse- such as empty beer-tins or glass bottles.,etc.)

As one of the residence of this building, you have the duty to keep this building safe and tidy to live on

From the party of this Building.

Thank you for your co-operation

回答 (1)

2015-10-29 10:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

由Neighbor(鄰居)至From: the party of this building差不多有一句是正確的英文。用中文講法來看其實都看得明的,但全都不是英語句子。除了最後句:Thank you for your co-operation.

From: Owner s Cooperation / Management Office.

Dear Residents,

Please do not throw things, such as refuse, empty beer cans or bottles, out of windows and in staircases. It is your duty as one of the residents to maintain the building s safety and cleanliness.

Thank you for your co-operation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:15:27
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