Is life meaningless?

2015-10-29 7:56 am

回答 (403)

2015-10-29 8:09 am
Life is just life.

What I mean is, we exist. That is our purpose. Life isn't meaningless, It's just something that we were chosen to do. I can't tell you what to believe in when it comes to life, god, blah blah blah, because well, I really don't know. Humans are really weird in the way they think. We believe in things we cannot see on faith in something that we do not know existed.

If you think that life is meaningless, well just hear me out.

Farebfrom here, with no McDonalds at every corner and the smell of gasoline in the air, lives a flower. This flower grew in the middle of nowhere, untouched by human hands. It grows, it collects sun, in drinks water, and then it dies. Then, went the season comes around again, another flower grows in its place. Different flower, same color, same spot, same seed. Life isn't meaningless, more like repetitive. Life doesn't have a purpose cause it doesn't need one. We just exist, we can't change the fact that things grown, things get old, things die, and then it repeats. We just carry the power in our human hands to do much more then other living things can, and thats a gift and a burden.

So, ask yourself this. If we didn't exist what would be different?

There would be no love, no laughter, no happiness, and that means something to us right.

We may have started out meaningless, but created things that are meaningful.
參考: my true thoughts and opinions.
2015-10-30 1:51 am
Yes, life it is completely and utterly meaningless. It is a game of survival. Anyone that finds 'meaning' or happyness of the mess, makes it more miserable for someone else. That my friend is pretty meaningless. God is not real so do not listen to any of that BS.
2015-10-29 8:34 am
Life itself may well be meaningless, but our lives are not.

I try to have and understand the meaning for everything I do. I wish everyone did. Maybe they would do less crazy and meaningless things and more meaningful and wonderful things.
2015-10-29 8:53 am
Life is only meaningless for people who can't find their purpose of life.
2015-10-29 10:27 pm
Life isn't meaningless no matter who you are. In the bible it tells you that God gave you a mind and soul for a purpose... Some people on here will be vicious because I'm referring to the bible. Well who cares about their thoughts! You choose the path ways in your life! In fact all of our lives are the most precious things there are!
2015-10-31 10:39 pm
No, I don't think it is meaningless. It can feel that way when we don't have a sense of purpose and direction, yes. But there is meaning, everything isn't random.

One of my favorite quotes is by C.S. Lewis: "If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."

We all have a passion, something we love to do. If you feel like life is meaningless, like you don't have a purpose, then you just haven't found it yet. My advice is to look at your life and start searching. If there are any problems in your life, look at them honestly and start overcoming them. Don't get too discouraged and look at your motivations and where you get your sense of meaning/purpose honestly. Sometimes we chase the wrong things.

Best of luck, I hope my answer helps.

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
2015-10-29 10:02 pm
No, it only seems meaningless when they hide its cyclical nature from you, by telling you that you only get one lifetime. With the view that there is only one lifetime, it seems utterly impossible for justice to prevail, as well as making life seem un-necessarily cruel. Lifetimes are actually cyclical, a fact recognised not only by every ancient civilisation, but by every primitive culture. Read Barbara G. Walker's, "Secrets of the Tarot" which is a non-verbal visual aid to the principle of reincarnation.
2015-10-31 1:45 am
There is a purpose for everything. Some people certainly feel that life is meaningless because your born, live, & die. But its not meaningless to me the feeling a love, heartbreak, death, the good and the bad , pretty and the ugly, fortunate and unfortunate things we go through is like a boomerang. Life is a practice to me & everyday is a stepping stone a process. I'm honored to feel the wanted and unwanted & best of all overcoming every obstacle. If I do or don't do a good job while I'm here it was meant. Same goes for others . .
2015-10-29 11:45 pm
All of us, mankind, are children of God our Heavenly Father. He allowed us to become mortals so we could prove our love for him by following the teachings of his, Jesus Christ.

Therefore, if we want to be with him again, all we have to do is understand his will and have a desire to follow it.
2015-10-30 12:22 pm
Life is however you perceive it. Yes, bad things will happen but so will good things. You can either have a bad attitude about it and walk around pissed off and sad until you die or you can make your time here worth it and do what you can to enjoy yourself because as far as anyone knows, this could be the only life you have. After this, it could be eternity in darkness so better enjoy it. That might sound depressing but what if you've been in darkness for millions of years and finally got to live? You'd be wasting it if you don't live it to the fullest.
2015-10-30 9:00 am
I don't think life is meaningless. A struggle yes. But we all have challenges in life. I enjoy and treat everyday just like an adventure.
2015-10-30 1:56 am
Your life depends on what you think and what your believes are. There are many people out there who can manipulate your belief and your thoughts. So make your confidence STRONG and believe in your self.
There are may ways to find meaning in which I will tell you what I believe.

As per Religion:- You as a Human Being are made to Worship the only The LORD our God.
As per Meditation:- Reach to the level of Nirvana or Try opening your 3rd Eye by kundalini Yoga.
As per Foolish people:- Just have Sex, Drugs, money and fame.
Just have everything which gives pleasure.
Or be like Others eat, drink, sleep and next day go to work and take holidays with your family and forget everything.

2015-10-31 4:48 pm
We have been given the gift of life so what a shme if we waste it by just giving up with little or nothing to which to look forward. Such an attitude is self defeating. It is a very lazy and hopeless attitude that misses all the beauty of this world in which we live. Having a positive outlook on life is just as easy as having a negative attitude and leads to many rewards for which to live. My attitude about my life is that I live my life in a positive way such thatnt kudw leaves this world in a better place than what it when it was when I was born into it. Love, happiness, friends, children, families and much more are just some of the rewards of living a positive state of mind meaningful life. For me, inn no way is life meaningless. Just the opposite. It is so meaningful making each day a wonderful rewarding adventure.
2015-10-30 7:58 pm
I feel like it's more of what you make it. If you choose for your life to be meaningless or see it that way, then yes. However; if you enjoy every aspect of your life and push out negative influences no matter what those are for you, it won't be. I live my life to show people that they are loved and cared for, not necessarily and totally for me. I feel that I was given the gift of compassion and I use that to help people in all kinds of situations. I am a very understanding person and have the ability to see situations from all angles without total knowledge of them. I do have wonderful and great relationships with all kinds of people, and I have a great family life and partnership. Just remember that life is what you make it, so make it something that has meaning to you.
2015-10-31 11:18 pm
The purpose of life is to help others. There are people who need a kind word or food or clothing or shelter. Look at all the refugees who need all of these things yet they want to live and are willing to travel to other countries to get help.

Life may be meaningless to some who don't find a purpose for their lives. They need to stop feeling put upon or entitled to every little thing that comes up. Most of us can't imagine what it like to leave your home and all your belongings, your country and sometimes your family to get out of a dangerous situation.
2015-10-31 9:38 am
Well since my life has fallen so downhill, I certainly are beginning to feel like life is meaningless

I used to feel very enthusiastic, optimistic and hopeful of trying to succeed and strike gold one day in my life...

But that has now faded, ever since I now feel and realize that I completely missed such a chance and an opportunity, within a certain direction from the specific field that my enthusiasm was in

I am trying to look back up, but life just feels very sluggish, sometimes depressing at occasional times and almost worthless to be living, during very sluggish times

I sadly just about do not know what to make of my life anymore, since my enthusiasm has completely vanished away, leaving me in a depressing hole, rather than feeling happily optimistic on top of things in life

So in my answer to your question:
Yes, life does unfortunately feel meaningless for people who feel depressed or stuck in a hole
2015-10-30 3:41 pm
life by definition has a meaning or a goal if you like. the quantum level is meaningless.
2015-10-29 10:51 pm
My life is wonderful and everyday I live, love and laugh. Life is about the Journey not the destination. Today is the day to start designing the life that you LOVE! Try to stop worrying so much and become fearless. Once you become fearless, your possibilities become limitless.

We are only here temporary so do not focus on the none sense, enjoy the time with your love ones and simply LIVE....
2015-10-29 5:50 pm
2015-10-29 2:11 pm
Life may be meaningless in the larger context of the whole, since it is merely a minuscule part of it that seems to have no impact on or implications in the overall equation of the formation, progress and end of the universe. Nevertheless, from the point of view of an individual, life acquires considerable significance in terms of how it impacts his formation, progress and end..... the beauty of it lies in the fact that his life to a great extent is developed and molded by his own ideas and values and thus the meaning to his life is primarily affixed to it by how he himself acts and reacts to it.
2015-10-29 9:35 am
No, there's lots of meaning and stuff, but just to make it easy for you, I hereby dub thee Knight of the Answer Round Table, and your purpose and meaning in life is to crack people up, give some good advice from time to time, and give me Best Answer.

One two three go.
2015-11-02 7:35 pm
Why would we be here if if was all completely meaningless?
2015-11-01 4:37 pm
Life. Life. What is life? Test for our next lives? Test for heaven?
2015-11-01 5:59 am
It can be. But it also depends on you and how you make the best out of it.
2015-11-01 12:31 am
No. G*D needs entertainment, we are it.
2015-10-31 10:56 pm
Life isn't meaningless. If it were meaningless, then there would be no point for its existence. It's simple logic really.
Everything in existence has a reason, and if it didn't, it wouldn't need to exist in the first place.
Life isn't meaningless, you just haven't found that meaning yet. It's not part of your conscious knowledge as yet. Keep looking. It'll help get to answers faster than giving up ever will.
2015-10-31 12:57 pm
I only find life to be meaningless when I consider there to be no point in it!
2015-10-31 12:16 am
stupid question. our species, all species, the entire universe is evolving, gradually changing, and here you happen to be asking this question at this point in time relative to the time constant as we understand it. it all just happens to be. meaningful? meaningless? they are just words. just like all words,
a convenient way to share our collective understanding. a limited means of sharing our conceptions which have been derived from our collective senses. we are not human. we are essentially human, for convenience. really we are organisms forever changing, evolving. so who is to say we are human at any specific point in that process. to call it a process is a fallacy, because our entire existence is gradual.

bottom line. try to be happy. try to be kind, but be real. don't be afraid to tell people to go **** themselves. dont be afraid to tell someone they are being a complete fuckwit. if they have any brains, they'll appreciate your honesty, or respect you enough to tell you the same, and then you can both laugh about it. if they don't. **** 'em. do what you enjoy. don't be stubborn. don't be stupid. eat food that tastes good. have sex. jack off. lick the *** off ur fingers. you get the idea. **** the world, but don't forget to say 'i love you' when you're done.
2015-10-30 7:39 pm
It depends , if you don't not have a goal in life or a dream to fulfil then life is meaningless therefore you should always have a goal in life .
2015-10-30 5:33 pm
2015-10-30 5:05 pm
Life is a game and it is a journey too.
Birth, growing and get old, sick and die!
No one can live more than 116 years old.
The goal of life is continuous to extend the life.
Money, glory will be a short moment of our life. Just be happy!
I'm 71 years old, Lonely cruising on the cruise ship many times. Sometimes I look at the ocean and don't see any meaning for my life!
2015-10-30 1:03 pm
Life is life, but if you looking for bad things itll get worse, or if you looking for good things itll be better.
2015-10-30 7:57 am
Every person in the world are living to achive their desires,goals and wants....So,i dont think life is meaningless
If you dont know the value of life..then, yes it is meaningless
2015-10-30 5:53 am
Life is meaningless if you consider it meaningless

If you love movies, watch them for the rest of your life

If you desire companionship, the lives of your friends have value to you

If you seek knowlege. experiments on life, human philosophies, world issues and stuff like that are important

If nothing matters to you, then its pointless

Its as simple as that
2015-10-30 5:42 am
Depends on if you eat bacon or not.
2015-10-30 4:35 am
Life is what you make it, if you can't find the point, make one.
2015-10-30 12:51 am
No God created EVERYONE with a purpose. He created you and made you the way YOU are. When he created you he did not miss up. Life is life, it's going to be hard, but with God he be by our side to help us. Theres nothing to small or big that you can't overcome!!
2015-10-30 12:32 am
It depends on how the person live their life. If they are satisfied or happy with it, then no, it's not meaningless.
2015-10-29 7:54 pm
Life is a very large free form piece of art that each of us creates for ourselves. Each of our lives means whatever we want it to mean. If you make your life meaningless, then that's what it will be. Remember that we are in complete control so each of us should do everything we can to make our lives mean something great!
2015-10-29 5:42 pm
yes, i think so. However i am depressed
2015-10-29 5:30 pm
It is not created by us , but by somebody else, so HE knows the purpose for it with meaning. We have to just live.
2015-10-29 4:36 pm
2015-11-03 1:59 pm
Life Is Meaningless Only If We Allow It To Be. Each Of Us Has The Power To Give Life Meaning, To Make Our Time And Our Bodies And Our Words Into Instruments Of Love And Hope.

Hope i helped.
2015-10-31 7:38 am
No, life is not meaningless. ????✨

Everyone has a purpose in life. Whether it may be big or small. The sad truth is that people don't realise their purpose throughout their lifetime because they are either ignorant, or they realise it but they don't want to act on it.

Some people waste their purpose on this earth in things like drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. When there are many other useful things to be doing. Like making a difference in people's lives.
Even if it's just ONE person or the entire world. It doesn't matter. If you can have an impact on someone save ONE person's life, it not only makes this world a better place, but you will gain inner happiness too.

Have you ever visited an orphanage?
Spending a day with orphaned kids will make your day AND theirs so much better. You should try doing things for other people who can do nothing for you.
Because being selfless is also a purpose in life. Or the way to find your purpose in life. If a person becomes selfless they actually gain a lot of things deeper than what I can even understand or explain to you about.

And another thing, a lot of people might bash me for saying this, is that God is a profoundly important part in a person's life.
He gave us humans this world as a gift. So that we can all live in it together happily.
So that we can love our neighbours like we love ourselves. So that our love becomes so powerful that no one can defeat it. But before that, Satan ruined it all.

Have you ever wondered why many people are hateful towards many great things?
Even if there's a video on YouTube with a baby laughing which no one can dislike, there's still ALWAYS more than a handful of people disliking things. There are always haters and sinners. I'm not saying I'm perfect. Because I have many flaws too.

But when God made this world, he intended for it to be a world of love so powerful. But nowadays, it's the opposite.

A single argument ruins a marriage. A single decision breaks two friends apart. People refuse to forgive eachother because they don't wanna be the person who said "sorry" because of their ego. A person who achieves something in life is asked things like "Do you want a medal/cookie?" And people who do bad things like drugs are praised for being "cool".

This world has turned into a place where effort is mocked and not trying or not giving a f u c k is praised.

A world where people choose money over family.
Where people betray their friends for something better that won't last.
Where people do things for a few seconds worth of fame.
A world where a "promise" is just another word in the dictionary.
A world where "commitment" is nearly extinct.

Everyone has a purpose initially. But this world changes them and its influences change them for the worse. People with wisdom, experience and MOST (not all) religious people are the only ones who truly find their happiness and purpose.

Again, you don't have to listen to me. My opinions aren't to be forced upon others.

But it's always good to listen to other people. You can never get knowledge or wisdom from talking. You can only gain it from listening to others and experiencing them first hand. Everyone can learn something from others.
參考: Just a 17 year old girl from Australia :) Here to spread love and happiness ❤️
2015-10-30 2:47 pm
Nothing in this world is meaningless, because the cause ad effect creates the life. True, Life itself is to create the meaning.
2015-10-30 7:54 am
I don't think life is meaningless. You may be just sad about what you are now. It seams that when we are sad, we like to think too much which in return bother us so much. You can try things and find out what you like. If you find things you like and you are willing to delicate your time and efforts to it, you may not think life is meaningless. Hope everything goes right...
2015-10-29 1:25 pm
But that doesn't mean it isn't a nice day.
Carpe Diem.
2015-10-30 9:48 pm
Do me a favor will you. Pretend that the part of you that makes you ponder that is a demon. Now do me a favor, give it the finger for me and say I am living and you are not, haha, sick it up b#tch, an old friend says hello! It will know who your talking about. I know it sounds crazy, but just do that okay. Please. Pretty please with sugar on top. :)
Anyway, life is what you make it. You really don't think it's meaningless do you? The meaning of life is to walk your own path, head held high, and to decide your own destiny, and you are responsible for it. I know people make life hard because their #ssh#les with nothing better to do than to feed off people who are getting a jump start in life and they give us all a hard time till we become like them and do it to others below us because at first they take life for granted and It ticks us off, so we mess with them in a means to say, now you know how I felt you ungrateful sob.
That is why school is so hard. Not because they want us to have
參考: a better education, no, but to measure out the lives of the ungrateful to the lives of the greatful as a guise to tell the ungreatful to suffer for taking it for granted, a personal vendetta for c#cky people to have to work their butts off to reach that qoutta of having that career. So now you know the truth. That is why school is hard and gets harder and harder every decade.
2015-12-15 6:48 pm

God created us for His glory. One has the most meaningful life when they are united to God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

The sin of our first parents (Adam and Eve) brought about the fallen state of mankind. Humans are sinful because of their iniquity, sins bring curses and both iniquity and curses pass down the generations if they are not cleansed by the blood of Christ. Children are born with defects and suffer unfortunate circumstances because of curses due to their ancestors’ unrepented sins. Hereditary illness is an example of a curse. In the future, God will make a new Heaven and earth, and there will be no more suffering, sickness, sin, evil, old age or death. God’s people (those who accept His Son Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord) will joyfully and peacefully live in this new and perfect earth, with the Lord Jesus Christ as their King forever. See chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation.

Almighty God was, is and will always be triune (one God in three persons, not three gods). God is comprised of the Father, the Son (Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. Each person of the Triune Godhead has a different role. There is only one God (Isaiah 43:10-11; 44:6,8; 45:21-22; 46:9; John 17:3; 1 John 5:20-21). The Father is God (1 Peter 1:2; Philippians 2:11), the Lord Jesus Christ is God (Matthew 1:23; John 1:1; 20:28; Hebrews 1:8; Hebrews 13:8; Revelation 1:7-8; 2 Peter 1:1; Titus 2:13) and the Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; Acts 28:25-27; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 3:17).

Without God, man’s spirit is unilluminated. This illumination happens at the time one’s spirit is united to the Holy Spirit (which happens only after one has accepted Christ as their Saviour). The Light went out of the spirit after the fall of man. Man had lost communion with God. Christ, the second person of the Triune Godhead made the sacrifice for our sins so the Light could be lit in the spirits of all. There is no redemption or unity to God apart from receiving Christ as one’s Saviour and Lord. The infilling of the Holy Spirit was possible only after Christ’s sacrifice. Before the death of Christ, the Holy Spirit only fell on persons who worshiped and served the true God (Judges 15:14; Ezekiel 11:5). Hebrews 9:6-8 (KJV) tells us that unity to God “the way into the Holiest of all” was also possible only after Christ’s sacrifice which brought an end to the Old Covenant. Christ made the sacrifice for our sins as the spotless lamb (1 Peter 1:9) and took the place of the Jewish high priest and became our eternal High Priest (Hebrews 6:20). The Book of Hebrews explains how the Old Covenant was replaced by the New Covenant.

The blood of Christ was shed so our sins could be paid for and we could have direct unity to God. The Holy Spirit leads us to remain focused on God so we can grow spiritually. God the Father lives within believers (John 14:23), God the Holy Spirit lives within believers (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and God the Son also lives within believers (2 Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 2:20). Because Christ lives in us, we are a new being, having our old self with its evil practices stripped off, and we are being renewed and remoulded after the image of God, in order to bring us to a full knowledge of Himself (Colossians 3:9-10). Because He lives in us, we have His peace (John 16:33), we have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), we have His strength to do all things (Philippians 4:13) and we are a chosen race, the King’s priests, the holy nation and God’s own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God (Peter 2:9). As Christians, the Lord Jesus Christ is always interceding for us (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25), He is preparing a place for us in heaven (John 14:1–3) and He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Matthew 3:11).

The truth about Jesus Christ can be found only in the word of God which is the Holy Bible. Three days after the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, He resurrected from the dead (Luke 24:1-8; Acts 10:40; 1 Corinthians 15:4) and 40 days later, He ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:3; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-11).

1 Timothy 3:16
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

Jesus Christ is Lord over all:

Philippians 2:9-11
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

False doctrines claim that there are several paths to God. The word of God tells us that THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO GOD AND THIS IS THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST AS ONE’S LORD AND SAVIOUR.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 3:36
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him

Shortly after physical death, humans pass into either Heaven or Hell. Before Christ’s sacrifice, access into Heaven was not possible for human souls. The souls of those who loved and served the true God were kept in the paradise part of a spiritual place within the earth called Sheol, and the other part of Sheol was a prison of torment where the souls of those who rejected God ended up (Luke 16:19-31). There was a spiritual gulf fixed between these two parts so no soul from one side could cross over to the next (Luke 16:26). Access into Heaven was made possible for humans by Christ’s sacrifice and right after He died on the cross He went into the paradise part of Sheol, told the good souls (who were there for thousands of years) what He did and took them up to Heaven (Matthew 12:40; Ephesians 4:8–10; 1 Peter 3:18–20). The paradise part of Sheol no longer exists but the prison part of Sheol still does. This part of torment is called Hades or Hell. Those who reject God by not receiving Christ or any one of the Triune Godhead (Jeremiah 15:6; Matthew 12:311; Chronicles 28:9; 1 John 2:23) end up there and then go into the Lake of Fire after the Millennium (Revelation 20:15). Earthly fire, Godly fire (the type Jesus baptizes with) and the tormenting fire of the Lake of Fire are three different types of fire. There is also demonic fire which demons can produce.

Reincarnation is a false teaching (Hebrews 9:27). The Lord Jesus said that the human being’s afterlife state whether torment or paradise, will be eternal (Matthew 25:46). In the original text, the Greek word for eternal, aiōnion is used. He didn’t say that we would be born again and again until we got it right and received liberation. He would not have made that huge sacrifice for us if we could have had unity to God another way, and if there was another way, He would have taught that. The Lord said he could have employed legions of angels to prevent His crucifixion (Matthew 26:53), but because of His great and perfect love for humanity, He chose to endure a very painful death so we could be redeemed and united to God.

Salvation, redemption, reception of the Holy Spirit and adoption as God’s own children happen the instant a human being has faith in Christ as their Saviour and Lord and not at some future time in the believer’s life.

People who have not accepted Christ can become better individuals, but only to a certain extent. The Holy Spirit calls out to everyone but only those who have let the Holy Spirit (the third person of the Triune Godhead) into them by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour are the ones who are transformed and experience abundant and constant spiritual growth.

Iniquities (tendencies that cause one to sin) pass down the generation line (Numbers 14:18). After one accepts Lord Jesus as their Saviour, God forgives their sins as they truly repent and removes their iniquities (evil tendencies) in the transformation process which makes one more and more like Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus 3:5; Hebrews 9:12-14). After genuinely accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, ALL sinners (alcoholics, liars, drug addicts, fornicators etc.) will be saved and transformed. Each believer is cleansed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and receives the infilling of the Holy Spirit who renews them.


Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.

If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:

"Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood. Come into my heart. I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior. Amen"
2015-11-06 8:48 am
If you're asking others, then it must be to you. Meaning is relative and can't be measured. It's an abstract concept you're trying to make an inherent property of something which exists, when in reality the puzzle pieces don't fit.
2015-11-05 3:20 am
Yes and no. Life means whatever you make of it.
2015-11-04 11:53 pm
NO, its meaningful. Since your young & learning. When you grow up. you'll see how meaningful you'll be. Mike
參考: Logical
2015-11-04 6:01 am
My good friend C.S Lewis once said something along the lines of: "If life were indeed meaningless, we would have never found out it had no meaning. For example, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, then we should never know it was dark. 'Dark' would have no meaning."
2015-11-04 4:04 am
Life is a gift
2015-11-04 3:15 am
In a way, yes. But life has to suck for you to be philosophical. Suffering builds character. When you hit rock bottom, you have nowhere else to go but up.
Thinking life is meaningless might be the first step on your personal journey to find out what it's really all about.
For you.
2015-11-03 7:29 pm
2015-11-03 12:39 pm
Not if you give meaning to your life.

So it's your responsibility to find meaning and purpose to your life.
2015-11-03 12:32 pm
Its anything but meaningless. You can find meaning in the smallest of things. Simply enjoying one cup of tea gives life meaning. In fact i would go as far to say if all you did in one lifespan was drink and enjoy one cup of tea then your life had meaning, barely any, but some.

If you're depressed, hopeless and desperate for life to feel meaningful then embarking on a quest to find meaning beyond the misery would initself give your life meaning.

As long as you're living for something that you can enjoy, others can enjoy from knowing you, or maybe living to break out of an old habit and improve yourself. or create something, your life absolutely has meaning.

Every life ever lived has had meaning to it, its just a matter of extent. If you yourself want to find more meaning, then find meaning in finding more meaning, and enjoy the process
2015-11-03 8:52 am
Life is not meaningless. If life (which means everything) is meaningless, this question would also be meaningless, which you don't assume to be true.(This question has some fixed meaning and hence all these answers coming in from people).
If you assume that this question is also meaningless, why to ask at the first place?
2015-11-03 7:06 am
That's not true!
2015-11-03 5:55 am
2015-11-03 5:01 am
life is what you make it out to be, there is no set definition
2015-11-03 2:38 am
No, Life is full of meaning! Blessings and miracles are upon us each and everyday if we seek to look for and appreciate those blessings. God created us all with a purpose in life. So are more talented than others (gift that are given to us) but we all have something to bring to the table and to humanity each and everyday. Seek to find the positive things in life! Life is hard and is not perfect. But, living in a perfect world would be boring and predictable.
2015-11-03 1:04 am
2015-11-03 12:46 am
YouTube, "What is the Meaning of Life 101?"
2015-11-03 12:16 am
2015-11-03 12:02 am
Life is for discovery of the endless glories path. Beethoven and countless others found it through the centuries to now. More and more start every day.

When, where, and how varies. It involves what you can do. There is absolute assurance that God the Father has enabled you to help in some special and unique way. It does not have to be words or music. It involves what you can do, thus starting your destiny in eternity here and now, on this humble and often somewhat distracting sphere.

If you are patient to try many different things, you will find out where your talents lie. Talents are solely a beginning. Practicing in your talents areas leads to more and better and to increasing personal perfections.

Perfections start here -- and that is why the heavenly message is to 'Become Perfect, like your Heavenly Father.' It is a cosmic journey, earth is only your first sphere. Your increasing expertise travels with you all of the way --- after many increasingly glorious spheres to the Perfect Day in Paradise.

You not only are Co-Creator with God of your unique destiny in eternity. You will leave a trail and are with many others from countless spheres, a co-creator of the cosmos and of supreme, perhaps even ultimate cosmic perfections.

It's a metamorphosis from total ignorance to transcendent knowledge and skills. Through less and less material to increasingly spiritual glories.

You will have others here for company, and meet many from afar. You will gain understanding of God's plans and participate in bringing them into reality.

As does the cosmos, earth becomes an ever newer and more perfected reality.

Angels accompany you here. The Holy Spirit lights your way.

If you are not on this path as yet, you need humility to seek and to ask of God, as Jesus taught.

Be direct about it. Avoid the precepts of men as Isaiah taught. Go directly to Source: knock and it shall be opened unto you.

-- ask not solely for yourself, always be willing to share the best, develop no egoistic dead end that hinders progress, remain a student who is ever humble to learn more from the Infinite and Absolute First Source and Center

Chief Mind Helper here will be the Holy Spirit

to help your new and growing soul, that requires some daily nourishment from you and from what spiritual influences you seek...

As Jesus taught, saying "My yoke is easy, my burden is light."

Abundant joys and everlasting life awaits you !

When you have one foot in eternity, remember to share !
2015-11-02 10:28 pm
life is what you make of it
2015-11-02 8:31 pm
Not at all. You spend your life living to find your purpose. You're learning about yourself as you go and you're living the life you chose, with the family you chose which leads to the circumstances you have to deal with because you chose. But there's purpose, you live to find yours.
2015-11-02 8:10 pm
2015-11-02 7:58 pm
yes it is
2015-11-02 7:45 pm
Sometimes it might be. But it's up to us to make it/work for it to have meaning.
2015-11-02 7:45 pm
I believe life is meaningful and purposeful, but its meaning and purpose lie in the hands of its owner.

If you need some advice, if you need someone to talk to, someone who will not judge you.Come to my facebook page (ALL ABOUT YOU) and send me your message. I'll be glad to hear your stories. I hope to comfort you, give you advice, and uplift your spirit. Come, let's talk. Let's talk "ALL ABOUT YOU".
Link to my FB page is
You may also visit my site
2015-11-02 7:23 pm
If we were to consider life meaningless, why would one even try to ponder the meaning of life? If its meaningless, then you should probably just live it, being as you will just try to solve the unsolvable.
2015-11-02 7:14 pm
Yes it is meaningless until something happens that is important or valuable then it has meaning.
2015-11-02 6:58 pm
WHo knows? Humans are too primitive to understand questions like that. Just do what you want and thats the answer. We just dont know an answer.
2015-11-02 6:23 pm
2015-11-02 6:20 pm
Hmm possibly
2015-11-02 5:25 pm
By giving something like life the attribute of being meaningless your admitting that there is meaning existing relative to it.
2015-11-02 4:48 pm
No. Life is the greatest gift of all. It's what you do with your life that makes it worth while
2015-11-02 3:28 pm
No, it's what meaning YOU give it.
2015-11-02 2:46 pm
No. God put everyone on this earth for a reason.. Everyone has a purpose
2015-11-02 2:06 pm
Life is full of charms and struggles.
2015-11-02 1:01 pm
Life is what you want it to be, figure out the question its asking you and answer it yourself.
2015-11-02 11:36 am
depends on what you make of it. if you wallow in self-pity and don't do anything then yes, it is meaningless. but if you make it exciting and have something to live for, you will see that you can make your own meaning of life.
2015-11-02 11:21 am
Depends on ones thinking style/way.
2015-11-02 10:37 am
Life is a test that i can gurrente.But what is the meaning of the test is undetectable.
I guess everybody can find out after death.
2015-11-02 7:21 am
2015-11-02 6:59 am
Yes. Everything we do is going to go away one day. And who will remember us? Nobody. Who will be left? Nobody. You say the purpose of life is to have kids and fall in love? We all die eventually and we are literally overpopulating the earth to death
2015-11-02 6:58 am
Life is short and when we die we are nothing. I agree with you
2015-11-02 5:25 am
life is meaningful!
2015-11-02 4:43 am
Yes, but also no. Life is what you choose it to be, but there are some things one cannot control
2015-11-02 3:46 am
To quote the Vision, "something isn't beautiful because it late."
2015-11-02 3:33 am
2015-11-02 3:20 am
Not in Jesus the Christ!!
2015-11-02 2:30 am
2015-11-02 2:25 am
it is
2015-11-02 2:18 am
life sucks
2015-11-02 2:13 am
I think it's dependent on your worldview. If you believe in a God, then yes, there is objective meaning and purpose to life, because he provides it. If not, then you give life its own meaning by your actions and pursuits.
2015-11-02 2:11 am
I think it is. It's a bullshit reason for capitalism to eat you alive and leave you with nothing but a miserable existence. Why do you think suicide isn't legal (although doesn't matter in the moment)? Because society needs you... to suffer for nothing.
2015-11-02 2:05 am
2015-11-02 1:53 am
Life is whatever you choose to get out of it. You give life it's meaning by doing things that are worth living for. Life is what you make it. Simply living is a meaning of life. However, for some, simply living isn't enough of a meaning, so those are the people who try to make more of their lives. Their lives hold greater meaning, however that's not to say someone who spends all day doing nothing, and sees life as worth less, is living a life of no meaning. So long as you are alive you are giving life meaning.
2015-11-02 1:29 am matter what you do you die. Even if you are a billionaire you die just like a homeless man. No matter what you accomplish your name will be forgotten eventually. The very few who are written in history books...who really gives a ****?
2015-11-02 1:14 am
2015-11-02 12:47 am
2015-11-02 12:29 am
Who knows
2015-11-02 12:27 am
with jesus no
2015-11-02 12:04 am
not by all means
2015-11-01 11:51 pm
Life isn't meaningless. You have to give life a meaning. Take chances, so one day you can say that you live a meaningful life and you enjoyed it. "Live life to its fullest."
2015-11-01 11:20 pm
Only if you choose to pursue meaningless habits and self destructive patterns in your life.
2015-11-01 10:48 pm
2015-11-01 10:23 pm
the meaning to life the universe and everything is:
(wait for it)


see Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

defining "meaning"
2015-11-01 10:15 pm
2015-11-01 9:53 pm
2015-11-01 9:46 pm
Life is most definitely not meaningless...God designed life and saw that it was good. Everyone's life has a very specific purpose that God will use. Some people's lives may not matter to other people but to God EVERYONE'S life matters.
2015-11-01 9:38 pm
fill it with love, it will become meaningful.
2015-11-01 9:08 pm
2015-11-01 8:55 pm
Every thing has a role in this universe. Even you. So don't think life is meaningless. If you haven't found your purpose yet, go out there and find it.
2015-11-01 8:54 pm
No life does have a meaning, actually quite a few meanings if you go through the list,

1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
2015-11-01 8:53 pm
yes it is. god doesnt exist, he just doesnt. stop pretending that there is some huge meaning and that when we die we go to some great big beautiful 'heaven' cuz we dont. when you die youre worm food thats just it.
2015-11-01 8:43 pm
Not if you enjoyed yourself
2015-11-01 8:33 pm
i am a muslim and i would say that no it isnt
2015-11-01 6:33 pm
2015-11-01 6:25 pm
It depends!
2015-11-01 6:23 pm
Life is whatever you want it to be. It can be full creativity and beauty, it could be filled with excitement and joy. And if your a believer you know that it is a journey to the fait of you afterlife. Make your life as amazing as you can and enjoy it while you have it because it is inevitable.
2015-11-01 5:17 pm
No. Life is not Meaningless. Allah sent us in the world to do only his Worship.
2015-11-01 4:51 pm

I think that depends on wether we look for meaning. In my opinion life is about achieving goals but unfortunately there are many who are at a disadvantage, those who lack the inner/outer resources to search and obtain great things. The struggles of life can be so detrimental for an individual's reasoning for existence.
2015-11-01 4:36 pm
it is...
2015-11-01 3:52 pm
I don't think life is meaningless. I think it is up to each person to give meaning to their life. For everyone it may be different.
2015-11-01 3:31 pm
2015-11-01 2:45 pm
2015-11-01 2:26 pm
I believe life is beautiful. If you live your life saying its meaningless it will be. It is what you make it to be.
2015-11-01 2:04 pm
LIFE—what a precious possession! Without it we can do nothing. Once it is lost, it cannot be restored by any human means. If our life is in danger, we do everything within reason to preserve it. Why, some will even call for superhuman aid when in distress!
Those who appreciate their Grand Creator, Jehovah, have a powerful reason to view life as precious. Life is his sacred gift. They are therefore willing to make whatever changes are necessary to treat it as a divine gift. Consider the experience of Kwaku, a teacher in Ghana. A reckless alcoholic, he was throwing his life away.
“My life was a mess. I was embarrassed, but I soon got over it. Then I started developing suicidal thoughts because I felt I was a failure in life. Still, I could not break free from alcohol addiction. But when one day in a bar I got involved in a drunken brawl and was stabbed, it painfully dawned on me that my love for alcohol would some day cost me my life. After this i had a personal study and gain accurate knowledge by learning "What the bible really teach and the promise of everlasting life in a peaceful new world.
Only the creator of the heavens and the earth can can make life meaningful. Like Kwaku. eight million people from all nations including myself have embraced bible truths and are living even now living a meaningful life with the hope of everlasting life in view. You can too
For more information on this subject and others, please go to the source below, click on "Online Library search box." Also for free downloads, publications or read online. You can read online the book "What does the Bible Really teach. or the brochure "Good News from God."
2015-11-01 1:47 pm
Only if you allow it to be! Life to me is beautiful the trees, sky, sky, water, animals, different cultures of people. Family and friends who care for you. Life can be beautiful if you open your eyes to see the big picture.
2015-11-01 1:36 pm
Most philosophers agree that there is no point in searching for meaning in (of) life and that it is a biggest question in philosophy so we probably we will never know
2015-11-01 1:15 pm
Life is meaningless
2015-11-01 12:35 pm
2015-11-01 11:12 am
2015-11-01 10:18 am
Yes, yes it is.
2015-11-01 9:25 am
Life is like computer hardware (house,cars,men,woman...)that can have so many programs(meaning of life).but each of the program has a fault.
2015-11-01 9:25 am
2015-11-01 8:54 am
2015-11-01 8:51 am
Depends how you look at it. Life is about death. Which one could say the whole point of living at all is meaningless if we're only here to die. Whilst others could say life is meaningful because the meaning is to die. Then there are even more who think life has more meaning then death.
2015-11-01 8:46 am
The key to life, is doing swot and smart analyses of yr life
2015-11-01 8:45 am
only if you choose to make it meaningless
2015-11-01 8:09 am
Life is what you make it. I lost a daughter (nearly 17 yrs old) I know she would want me try things.Not give up
2015-11-01 7:59 am
Not at all
2015-11-01 7:55 am
2015-11-01 7:37 am
Life is what you make it. If you make it meaningless than it will be just that.
2015-11-01 7:27 am
No it's not right
2015-11-01 6:53 am
no, it's not
just believe in god
2015-11-01 5:41 am
Pretty much
2015-11-01 5:39 am
life has no inherent meaning. whatever meaning is given to it is subjective. would it make it any better if you knew life's purpose? what if it was a meaning you felt had no value? life's purpose can only ever be subjective.
2015-11-01 4:50 am
Life is meaningless unless you give it meaning.
2015-11-01 4:21 am
Life is your biggest gift by a god. Life has its own meaning.
2015-11-01 4:13 am
Life is really what you make it. You can do good things and be happy with yourself and with others and I think that's what makes a good life of you can not be happy with things and then that will make for a not so good life but it really is up to you as to as to how you're gonna live your life and don't listen to anything otherwise because I'm just telling you the truth.
2015-11-01 4:05 am
I think there is so much more to life than we actually know about, we thank the human race has all the answers because of science but truth is there is so much still to be discovered about life and for every answer solved always raises more questions. but I do think life has purpose and meaning.
2015-11-01 4:02 am
2015-11-01 3:12 am
2015-11-01 3:05 am
2015-11-01 2:47 am
Life is what you make of it
2015-11-01 2:30 am
The meaning of life is the humanbeing's seeking,enjoying.
2015-11-01 2:22 am
2015-11-01 1:58 am
Yes. To all who do not interact or have knowledge of you. However, while the immediate sercomestances of your actions may not be noticeably large it can and will spread unimaginably. Your life is meaningful to those who choose to give meaning to it.
2015-11-01 1:55 am
Yes everything you do has a meaning!!!
2015-11-01 1:46 am
2015-11-01 1:34 am
Life has more meaning than death. Light gives contrast to darkness. Love gives is more appreciated than hate. Appreciation is a meaning for life.
2015-11-01 1:10 am
參考: ask your dad
2015-11-01 12:58 am
To me it is like a game & sometimes it feels one way and other times another. If I had a better life it would probably feel like it had a purpose but my only purpose is to make sure I do my best so my son has a better life. If not for him I don't feel like I would have any reason to be here.
2015-11-01 12:18 am
No it's not
2015-10-31 11:47 pm
Do you think would we exist if never had a meaning I'm an atheist but I believe that we are here for purpose
2015-10-31 11:35 pm
life is what u make of it
2015-10-31 11:32 pm
It seems that u r grieving and if i was ur husband i would not want to see u for the question.u have to live on to know its to say 10 years before now,when u look back at happy moments of ur u think it was all my answer is that life do have some mening to it.
2015-10-31 11:20 pm
You give your life meaning
2015-10-31 10:53 pm
Life is meaningless.However we can make it bearable.
2015-10-31 10:16 pm
Life is meaningless when you know that the human body, alive or dead, has the same amount of particles, takes up the same amount of space. If you accomplish something, anything in your life worth remembering then your life has meaning or had meaning. Let's hope for all the rest of us those accomplishments were good ones and we're all not trying to kill each other over a drink of water.
2015-10-31 9:53 pm
yeah. you just live for those two things : basic living - enough money for food, house and living comfortably.
and extras, like whatever else
2015-10-31 9:37 pm
My Werner is very warmer.
2015-10-31 9:27 pm
Life is *BOTH* meaningless AND also meaningful. The beauty of it, is that it is BOTH.

How can this be? well, it by itself plainly has no reason other than nature wanting to preserve a given species that rules over the rest in the animal kingdom , but INDIVIDUALLY life has a lot of meaning. You just have to CREATE your OWN meaning :) Every person finds his or her own way and passions that create oneself, inspire others, challenge old thoughts, do something cool that you really enjoy, or develop your personal talents and make the best of it!
2015-10-31 9:22 pm
Life is the best price that we have from our parents and from the god
2015-10-31 9:19 pm
2015-10-31 9:06 pm
no its beautiful just make the best of ot
2015-10-31 8:48 pm
2015-10-31 8:32 pm
Life is how you lool at it, if science ia true then i would say yes, u live and die. If religion is right then no you have a purpose to live for. Or if you make a family and get married life isnt meaningless , i would want to leave this world knowing ppl knew about me and my family shoot to make a stamp on this world b4 you live if u truly wanna make life meaningful!
2015-10-31 8:16 pm
2015-10-31 7:57 pm
Life is not meaningless. You are living for a reason. You were born into this life for a reason. Everyone has a particular job in this world. Without you, everything would be different.
2015-10-31 7:42 pm
You have something to live for but no it's not meaningless
2015-10-31 7:41 pm
I think thats one of those things we dont possess the knowledge or intelligence to know. I could tell you its whatever you make it or that God put us here for individual reasons. But at the end of the day that is still our interpretation of what we think is most plausible.
Life is something we experience, why? We really dont know. The meaning of life is something far greater than our us. Much like our way of living is far greater than that of an ant's. The meaning or purpose of life will probably confuse us to the point our heads explode.
2015-10-31 7:24 pm
life is worth living....I am sure the ones in grave would say the same thing
2015-10-31 7:08 pm
Lol, sometimes, maybe. Sometimes, no. Who knows? Somebody right now might be ******* your life so badly.
2015-10-31 7:06 pm
yeah and no depends on the way you look at it i mean is the end of the world and universe inevitable yes billions of years away if global warming doesn't get us first see even if we fix our planet we ae still doomed but on the other side of things we have a consciousness where we can think dream imagine we have technology games movies ipods consoles computers all we have to do is have as much fun as we can before time runs out :P
2015-10-31 7:01 pm
No its not
2015-10-31 6:52 pm
Your life with have as much meaning as you bring to it, so stop the philosophical navel gazing and live life.
2015-10-31 6:52 pm
I think life is meaningful, because we have family, friends and love.
2015-10-31 6:48 pm
It sure can end up that way. That is, if you don't have some talent, skill or genetic advantage that distinguishes you from the pack.
2015-10-31 6:38 pm
Yes and no
2015-10-31 5:43 pm
2015-10-31 5:40 pm
Not when you have something you live for!
2015-10-31 5:29 pm
I wish it wasn't.
2015-10-31 5:24 pm
No . Why life will be meaningless ?
2015-10-31 5:06 pm
The ghost attached to your body is already haunting people
2015-10-31 4:33 pm
The meaning of life like happiness comes from within. Most people find meaning in doing for others.
2015-10-31 4:20 pm
No you must find out what it means for you
2015-10-31 3:59 pm
Life is only considered meaningless when you dont find anything meaningfull to do with it.
2015-10-31 3:47 pm
2015-10-31 3:43 pm
No, I believe we are here for a reason. Perhaps we will understand when we die.
2015-10-31 3:39 pm
2015-10-31 3:23 pm
so far my meaning has been taken away from me and so yes I don't see a meaning I used to think there was but all of that's changed now.
2015-10-31 3:16 pm
Well, the short answer is that life itself is a process which seeks to perpetuate itself and in ever increasing diversity which ebbs and flows over time. Human life, and probably more to your point, gives humans a wide latitude in determining how we invest meaning into that life. We are, however, impacted by outside events which can seem random (an asteroid happens to hit the Earth at a certain time), consequences of previous actions by both ourselves and others (sometimes called karma, both individual and collective), genetics, and the choices we make both individually and collectively. Even with all that in play, we can craft a meaningful existence. It can seem easy at times and it can seem excruciatingly difficult at other times. My earnest hope is that we will find better ways to support and care for each other and our world. With great freedom comes great responsibilities and the quality of our lives (individually and collectively) may hinge on how well we make those choices.
2015-10-31 3:12 pm
No ,it is the most precious thing there is in the world
2015-10-31 2:47 pm
It depends on how you define "meaningful".

I myself am content with just living my life. So what if you're not remembered or you don't accomplish anything world changing. If a nameless dog can die without worry then so can you :)


But if you want to spend your life obsessing over being remembered, preserving your consciousness, or whatever ambitious form of meaningful you desire then that's totally your choice. I guess that's where the whole "love for the moment" thing comes. So what if nothing comes out of our life? Live for the thrills. Done.
2015-10-31 2:37 pm
2015-10-31 2:24 pm
Life has a meaning when we are able to wrap our mind around the beginning of life. For millions of years animal life developed. Through all the struggle to survive one of our predecessors had hope, faith and vision that he could be more than he was. Through some miracle, some nudge in evolution, man became. The struggle goes on. But with the same determination that we can become than we are. Mankind has always reached for something greater. True, we don t know what we will become but our struggle, to find greater things, will be successful. Man s predecessor in this crucible of life, didn t what he would become. Our grandparents would be amazed what we have become. But we are still on the upward movement. We will become something great. For life to have any meaning we must have the hope, faith and willingness to be more than what we were.

Al Hanusch
2015-10-31 2:13 pm
Life is like a video game, not to sound corny, but it is. You go through life with experiences, just like a video game. Those experiences reflect on who you are as a person. Life is amazing man, I don't like seeing people question their existence. Life is all trial and error, you're going to have lows but the highs man are so amazing. Especially when you ha good people around you, it's the best. Life life on the edge man, no regrets. Do everything fun that you can. Trust me there's is a lot if fun out there. Just open your 3rd eye, and see what you're missing out on.
2015-10-31 2:03 pm
If you are looking for meaning resd
it is worlds best seller translated in over 2o languages. It is a Philosphy not a religion.
2015-10-31 1:56 pm
Life is what you make of it. It's up to the person to do what they choose to do with their life when they are growing up.
2015-10-31 1:33 pm
If you've ever thought about anyone ever, then no life is not meaningless.
2015-10-31 1:23 pm
No, life isn't meaningless as each of yours may effect millions.
2015-10-31 1:13 pm
No because it precedes and is followed by something we put in
2015-10-31 12:42 pm
2015-10-31 12:02 pm
No I think we all fined a purpose eventually
2015-10-31 11:27 am
Life is a test.
2015-10-31 11:14 am
Life is life. That's just it. You give its own definition. And if you can have a contented, functional life that does not require meaning then that's good to. It's all up to you, really.
2015-10-31 11:11 am
Life is not meaning less.Life is more enjoy.
2015-10-31 10:56 am
No. But the most difficult thing is find out the meaning of your life...........
2015-10-31 9:13 am
Life is what you make of it as being Married for a number of yrs. and having two sons and six Grand children. At times I feel sad as the Boys both live in Canada and New Zealand along with all the Grand children but I get to see them on Skype (not the same but nice anyway) I'm happy that they are enjoying there life made good . But as I still say life is what you make it .There are so many poor people out there that need our help .
2015-10-31 8:52 am
No man life is not meaningless read the Holy Quran to understand true meaning of life only this book will help you to understand all things but be aware of aetheists who still believe in this modern world that there is no god but they are still blind actually everything in this world has a creator but this vast universe has no creator how it is possible but reality is this life is test and result will be displayed on judgment day remember my words I am not forcing you to enter my religion but just advising you atleast read this book atleast once thank you
2015-10-31 8:20 am
In the Bible it says that God in heaven created us; the Bible also explains a lot of life's mysteries. Another book that explains why life is the way it is - The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White. I'm pretty sure it can be found online. All the best for your search! :)
2015-10-31 8:11 am
Neither meaningless or meaningful.

Everything is exactly where it needs to be for the universe to exist, so everything anywhere is needed to keep the universe "in balance".

Yet, in the long run, in the big picture, you are totally meaningless, because you will eventually die, and lose everything.

Try to see the point.
The form is insignificant, but still needed to bee the way it is from moment to moment.
2015-10-31 8:09 am
If it was then why would it have been given to us
2015-10-31 7:40 am
life is not meaningless.
2015-10-31 7:30 am
no it is never does have a meaning.The meaning which sometimes makes sense for you but not others and viceversa
2015-10-31 7:10 am
Yes it is, no greater purpose, but ainxe we are here try to have fun and do the things you like as much as it's possible.
2015-10-31 6:51 am
no find new ways of living
2015-10-31 6:36 am
Life have meaning....but after life sounds meaningless....
2015-10-31 6:06 am
Nope it isn't
2015-10-31 5:37 am
Only for "normal" people. Most people convince themselves that if they have a job, a family, a car, and a house then their life will be happy and meaningful but it is only a coping mechanism. What really happens is that once their dreams come to fruition they have nothing more to lust after and they gradually get bored of life. If it is meaning you seek, expect nothing. If you expect nothing then everything in your life becomes abundant and spontaneous, and that is a life fit for a king.
2015-10-31 5:36 am
If you are asking this question then you are already dead inside.
2015-10-31 4:55 am
2015-10-31 4:32 am
If ur healthy life is what you make of it if ur not yes life is meaningless
2015-10-31 3:58 am
2015-10-31 3:43 am
Just what you make of it
2015-10-31 3:20 am
No unless you think so
2015-10-31 2:17 am
2015-10-31 1:53 am
Well it's really about what kind of mindset you have. But objectively yeah it seems meaningless
2015-10-31 1:47 am
Life has no meaning - it's up to US to give it meaning.
Find out what you want to do in life and pursue it! I want to establish my own studio and create video games, comics and animations, so im going to the Art Institute to learn how to do that. In the meantime i use Construct 2 (its free, no microtransactions or malware!) to get my simpler games into working states.
2015-10-31 1:45 am
2015-10-31 1:33 am
depends how you live it
2015-10-31 1:16 am
Life is when you believe it's not real, it's still there.
2015-10-31 1:08 am
Probably not, as life exists at all and anything in existence usually happens 4 a reason even if the reason may be unknown.

Hope this helps/makes sense.
2015-10-31 1:07 am
Obviously life is meaningless! Whatever we do at the end we die and face miseries! And when things aren't going in the way we plan them that's even worser! I hate my life personally! Because nothing is encouraging me to live ! I have passions and ambitions that surpasses my capabilities and that is so depressive! Sometimes I think if it was god who controlling it all he is just playing is!
2015-10-31 12:42 am
2015-10-31 12:23 am
Futal maybe
2015-10-30 11:52 pm
Yea, having fun?
2015-10-30 11:35 pm
It is if you don't give it YOUR own meaning. Don't let anyone tell you how to live your live.
2015-10-30 11:27 pm
2015-10-30 11:11 pm
life's what you make it
so lets make it rock
參考: hannah montana
2015-10-30 11:09 pm
2015-10-30 10:55 pm
howd you know?
2015-10-30 10:50 pm
2015-10-30 10:32 pm
yes because some say we live in the Matrix (a virtual world) and the real world is over run by aliens in 2025
2015-10-30 10:30 pm
Yes & no
2015-10-30 10:23 pm
No, we all have a special purpose
2015-10-30 10:07 pm
not at all, i can't believe you think like that. everybody has a purpose...
2015-10-30 9:57 pm
No. God puteach of us here for a reason. We are all special in our own ways
2015-10-30 9:46 pm
2015-10-30 9:28 pm
it's our job o create a meaning for it. No day passes without finding faults with life. This kind of questioning means that you still care about life. Of course life without hope would be totally wasted. Every day you'll wake up questioning how meaningless life is. we have to learn from nature; it furnishes a lot of examples for us and for good reason. a forest fire blazes callously in one corner of the world and in no time green shoots of hope pop their heads out of soil. Nature never ceases its struggle to recreate itself.
2015-10-30 9:22 pm
Try and list some things that are meaningful. The exercise should let you know what you mean by "meaningful". Then ask "Does this apply to life?"
2015-10-30 8:48 pm
you have to find your own meaning
2015-10-30 8:29 pm
Way to put me into an existential crisis, buddy
2015-10-30 8:27 pm
2015-10-30 8:25 pm
2015-10-30 7:48 pm
2015-10-30 7:42 pm
nope..we have our holly book and prophet.. in that books we already have the guidelines.. what to do in life..ask their expert. If we really follow our religion we know what we need in life..what need to do for ourself. If you dont believe it as expert from each religion. No religion on this earth taught to be bad and have no life directions. It's the human who made it look bad and lost far away from what they supposed to do in life. God already plan beautifully our's us to decide..which way to go and what to do and either to follow the guidelines or not.
2015-10-30 7:35 pm
No. Life is all about how you live it.
2015-10-30 7:08 pm
2015-10-30 6:53 pm
It's a blessing
2015-10-30 6:45 pm
It's a matter of perspective
2015-10-30 6:38 pm
You must decide the answer. Value the people in your life. I would view a movie from the 1940s : "Its A Wonderful Life."
2015-10-30 6:24 pm
It's whatever you want it to be
2015-10-30 6:23 pm
42, thats all you need to know.
2015-10-30 6:11 pm
Life is a gift
2015-10-30 6:10 pm
Life is not meaningless unless u make your self meaning is to enjoy......... Life is to be happy.... Life is to love is to make others is to respect others and spread all good things and life is to believe in God.
參考: Own experience
2015-10-30 6:10 pm
No. Would we be here if it was?
2015-10-30 6:07 pm
Life is temporary in this world but in the here after is when your real life begins.
2015-10-30 6:05 pm
2015-10-30 5:48 pm
2015-10-30 5:45 pm
life isn't meaningless, unless you make it.
2015-10-30 5:42 pm
Life is meaning full... and we want to find the meaning
2015-10-30 5:09 pm
Yes, in actuality it is. But it's part of the human condition to make a meaning for yourself. Of course you don't have to if you don't want to, it's just want humans tend to do naturally.
2015-10-30 4:34 pm
Mine is.
2015-10-30 4:30 pm
2015-10-30 4:22 pm
Not to ME; I'm 76, and have VERY few regrets !
2015-10-30 4:09 pm
2015-10-30 4:06 pm
It sure is! :D
2015-10-30 4:02 pm
Mine is.
2015-10-30 3:45 pm
Life is Not meaningless. Life is a test. Seek the truth.

Please watch this video.

The Purpose of Life:
2015-10-30 3:37 pm
Like a lot of people are saying, life it what you make it and what you put into it. Kinda like college, just because you went to college doesn't make you smart, its how hard you worked while there. Just because you're alive doesn't mean you're living.
2015-10-30 3:35 pm
It is to me. Life only has a meaning If you have a purpose
2015-10-30 3:22 pm
Life is very meaningful. The mere fact of existing is awesome. You live to impact on the world and be a useful entity to the universe.
2015-10-30 3:09 pm
Only if you make it so.
2015-10-30 2:57 pm
2015-10-30 2:47 pm
2015-10-30 2:42 pm
It could be, yes. So have fun
2015-10-30 2:38 pm
Life is what we make it, there is no preordained plan - each of us must make our own way in the world and create our own lives.

Always remember that, "All the world's a stage. . . . .etc." And that we are actors upon that stage.
2015-10-30 2:25 pm
Life is indeed meaningless. Why are we on this planet anyway? haha. The human race is full of horrid people that just like to get other people down and ruin there lives.
2015-10-30 2:19 pm
I believe it isn't. We are here for a reason. Our life is something we should be grateful for, everyday! I believe every single one of us, is in this world for a reason, to offer greatness. Make life how you want it to be. Sure life can be incredible unfair at times but we have to look past the imperfections and be greatful for what we do have . We have to hold our head high and say to ourselfs, I will show u life. Look how strong I am. It honestly doesn't matter what your background is, dream big, work hard and honestly the opportunities are really endless! :)
2015-10-30 2:10 pm
2015-10-30 2:01 pm
heh heh yeaaa
2015-10-30 1:54 pm
life is not meaningless
2015-10-30 1:20 pm
2015-10-30 1:20 pm
No, not at all. We were created to enjoy life. Having a relationship with God gives you purpose. Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Although we all have problems, the promises that God has in store for mankind gives you hope for a better future.
2015-10-30 1:15 pm
2015-10-30 12:45 pm
Life can be meaningless depending on you,. It's the way you perceive it in your own perspective
2015-10-30 12:43 pm
Hell no, life is worth enjoying. Sometimes you face hardships but overall it's all great.
2015-10-30 12:12 pm
Ainda não sabemos.Não nos foi dado o direito de saber isto,e muitas outras coisas.
Estamos evoluindo,e um dia saberemos
2015-10-30 12:12 pm
No. The meaning of life is life itself so it can't be meaningless.
2015-10-30 12:05 pm
We are here for hapiness
2015-10-30 11:10 am
Can be but on the other side of the coin, it can be worthwhile.
2015-10-30 10:53 am
2015-10-30 9:45 am
2015-10-30 9:37 am
Life is not meaningless I do not believe God gave us a purpose as I do not believe in God and If he is real he is a psychopathic,narcissistic,hypocritical,maniac who as Steven fry rightly said "deserves no respect whatsoever" ( I digress) nor do I believe we are born with a purpose I believe we must create our own purpose and make life have a meaning to us as individuals.
2015-10-30 9:26 am
Life is what you make of it !! Life is great if you are happy & horrible if you're miserable !!!! Go to a KISS concert !!!! That will make you happy !!!!
2015-10-30 8:59 am
It depends from life to life and according to the points of view. Some years ago, I used to belive that life was useless, at least for me cause I had no love from my parents, a dirty and unconfortable house , no job . I considered my life and my rutine actions, something like an old black and white nonsense movie that I had to play without understanding exactily why. Now, I am proud to have been strong enouth to leave that orrible life in the periphery, and to go and have a new life in the city, where I live with my partener who loves me and I love him. Thanks to his love I consider my self lucky to conduct an hard but happy and meaningfull life.

I hope I said something valid for you. Have a good day.
2015-10-30 8:31 am
One can not find meaning to a life for the shallowness of the search is purely carnal, what we can get hardly what we can give. Alas, less we GIVE meaning to our life, it can be and can become meaningless.
2015-10-30 8:28 am
life itself is meaningless, but u can give it meanings.
2015-10-30 8:18 am
At the LHC they are busy smashing particles together and congratulating themselves on creating "stable" black holes etc.
My question is this.
Do they really know what there doing? Does the fate of the planet reside in the minds of a few scientists and there construction or is it 100% completey safe?
Thank you
2015-10-30 7:58 am
Life is a chocolate.
2015-10-30 7:27 am
It's only meaningless if you're dead.
2015-10-30 6:32 am
lift is not meaningless at all!
2015-10-30 6:26 am
Life is only meaningless if your not doing what makes YOU happy! Other wise your just exsisting NOT living!
2015-10-30 6:24 am
2015-10-30 5:37 am
If life is meaning less then everything on the earth is meaningless.
2015-10-30 5:18 am
I mean I guess it depends on your prospective
2015-10-30 5:15 am
2015-10-30 4:56 am
No, your goal in life is to survive and multiply so our species can survive and prosper and eventually rule the universe having evolved over time to become the top of the food chain. If there was no life, what else would you do? Nothing. You wouldn't even exist.
2015-10-30 4:48 am
When your depressed it is
2015-10-30 4:43 am
Certainly not.
2015-10-30 4:31 am
2015-10-30 4:18 am
Nope but its meaning is up to those who are living it. We all have our own values , mine is determining how the Universe formed and where it is going. That is pure curiosity , most don't care but I do. Others love to paint or sketch and make representations of life, write poetry or novels or mess with puns. It may ultimately mean nothing to humanity in the long term or it may change our view of the universe or humanity , hard to call until life is over or close to over. Do what you need to do or what life forces you to do . Never take it too seriously.
2015-10-30 3:46 am
Even if it is, we might as well have some fun living it right?
2015-10-30 3:41 am
I think if you strive to have a meaning in life, you'll find the meaning. Assuming you aren't religious, life was created by accident. None of that had meaning. However, that doesn't mean your life doesn't have meaning. You could be close to someone, and you would mean something to them, or even help with a cause that has meaning to someone. (Mediocre drinking game: take a shot every time one of the answers mentions the words "mean" or "meaning")
2015-10-30 3:36 am
2015-10-30 3:33 am
As meaningless as you make it
2015-10-30 3:31 am
If you are seeking a new and different explanation of the truth that makes sense, search for TRUTH CONTEST in Google and click the 1st result, then click on THE PRESENT and read what it says. This is truth you can check.
2015-10-30 3:20 am
It depends...Life could be wonderful
2015-10-30 3:14 am
I like to believe it isn't. To believe life is completely meaningless is sad and depressing.
2015-10-30 3:09 am
2015-10-30 2:43 am
If your a nihilists
2015-10-30 2:43 am
it is
2015-10-30 2:41 am
If you really want to know, make the question of meaning a topic of conversation to all people that is practical. You will find does take on new meaning. People want to tell, and many want to know.
2015-10-30 2:23 am
yes as evidenced
2015-10-30 2:22 am
Life is just something that is, something that happens and we cant do anything about it. Killing yourself isint going to change anything because everyone is a part of exisistence. Its like Death, its just something that happens, its no sad or happy or depressing or exciting, its just something that happens.
2015-10-30 2:15 am
Life is good
2015-10-30 2:13 am
2015-10-30 2:07 am
Only if you don't know how to leave it
2015-10-30 2:01 am
Depends on ur view.
Just make the best out of it.
2015-10-30 1:31 am
Life is made up of givers and takers
2015-10-30 1:27 am
yeah, I kind of feel like a drone most of the time...
2015-10-30 1:27 am
2015-10-30 12:25 am
2015-10-30 12:07 am
Well when you look at this in the scientific perspective, life is basically what we have in order to reproduce. The meaning of life is to reproduce and pass on our geans to future generations of relatives.
2015-10-29 11:55 pm
Not if you live it !
2015-10-29 11:44 pm
no, why does life need a meaning?
2015-10-29 11:06 pm
No, it's not. Life is a one big test.
2015-10-29 10:58 pm
2015-10-29 10:35 pm
yes life has no purpose
2015-10-29 10:10 pm
What do you mean 'meaningless'?
2015-10-29 9:31 pm
No , you need to find out the meaning of life .
2015-10-29 9:23 pm
No. Life has meaning! That meaning is different for everyone, though.
2015-10-29 9:16 pm
Yes it is meaningless
2015-10-29 9:00 pm
Your life means whatever you want it to, its up to you to answer that question for yourself.
2015-10-29 8:43 pm
No, however, a perspective of anomie, aka "godless existentialism," may be noted. Related: "Man, Master of His Destiny," "The Path of the Higher Self," "The Great Divorce."
2015-10-29 8:27 pm
No idk
2015-10-29 8:04 pm
參考: We will all die one day
2015-10-29 8:03 pm
Filthy Frank's new video highlights this point quite well. The video is called E.T.2 (NSFW btw). He says that we don't live simply to survive. We live because we ourselves find interests to keep us here.
2015-10-29 8:01 pm
2015-10-29 7:43 pm
Of course no
2015-10-29 7:30 pm
2015-10-29 7:23 pm
Life is not meaningless but you just need to find out what you want in life. People study for something in life and find happiness. Everyone is not the same but we need to find our interest.
2015-10-29 7:01 pm
2015-10-29 6:53 pm
To complete this test that we have been given for the other
2015-10-29 6:21 pm
We just live. We did not come to life our own. so why think about what life means.
2015-10-29 6:21 pm
everybody is unique and everybody has a talent it have to be used then the life will b meaningful
2015-10-29 6:01 pm
Life isn't meaningless. Life is a characteristic distinguishing physical entities having biological processes (such as signaling and self-sustaining processes) from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (death), or because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate
2015-10-29 6:01 pm
not today its payday
2015-10-29 4:44 pm
Only if you can't put your mind towards anything useful to do !
2015-10-29 3:48 pm
Every life has a meaning.Otherwise it would not exist.Its up to us to open our eyes to what it really is.
2015-10-29 1:47 pm
Life is a blank canvas - splash your colours on it.
2015-10-29 11:52 am
How could it possibly be meaningless? Every conscious action that life takes, it takes because of meaning. Everything that life is doing has meaning. Every bit of information that our minds receive is interpreted and given meaning. Every one of us is ceaselessly giving meaning to everything.
2015-11-02 4:17 am
Yes. In fact, it is so meaningless, that by saying that the meaning is "no meaning", you're STILL WRONG because someone else has found a meaning giving their life a meaning that is wrong to someone else. In a nutshell, everyone is wrong about the meaning of life. Some people have subjective values and these are opinions, not facts. However, there are things that can happen to you that you can't control, for better or worse. These things are objective and, hence, meaningful, yet they don't happen to someone else, so they still aren't a universal truth. For SOME people, life is what you make it (and they're lucky bastards), but not everyone. So, speaking universally: yes, it is pointless. However, humans will always find a meaning to life, even if that meaning states that "life is pointless". Life is too pointless for the human mind to comprehend exactly how pointless it is, so you might as well do everything in your power to make a meaning. Hope that helps.
2015-11-01 5:46 pm
It depends on you.
If you think life has got meaning, it has got meaning.
If you think it doesn't, then it is meaningless
I don't care about whether its meaningless or not
Why should anyone bother about it?
Just don't give your ears to this religious s**t which make you believe that you are instruments in the hands of some higher powers. though you have no power over your life, nobody has....
2015-10-31 5:20 am
hi friend,

Life definitely has a purpose!! I stare up at the stars at night and know that there is no way that this is a coincidence. There has to be a creator. and He wouldn't create us just for fun, He obviously has a plan for us. I believe that creator is God, an all powerful being. I believe he wants to guide us, and provide these answers. I have found these answers in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Check it out for yourself, and see if it is something that makes sense to you.
2015-10-30 12:11 pm
If you try to make it out in terms of sub-total details, then yes, it's meaningless, but life is life, so it is going to have a whole universe of meaning.
2015-10-30 8:04 am
No but it can seem like that sometimes.
2015-10-30 12:02 am
I mean we live and we die and we are separated by religion which determines our outcome and plus some people are born misfortunate than others and some people live good lives I think life is unfair for those who can not find happiness based on circumstances surrounding their daily life and jealousy is the root of all evil based on those with good merits Its pointless sometimes but in the end you determine your own outcome if it is too much to handle there is suicide im not promoting it just stating that it is a viable option
2015-10-29 9:11 pm
If you choose for it to be meaningless
2015-10-29 8:24 pm
Life's meaning is whatever you choose yours to be.
2015-10-29 5:43 pm
2015-10-29 5:12 pm
Your's maybe.
Meaning is what you make of it.
2015-10-29 4:34 pm
Yours is, or why ask? Mine is not. Your choice. You want a supernatural being to stroke your tummy?
2015-10-31 8:24 am
Well there's 3 "options" concerning that.
1. Life is just a random jumble of molecules and events and nothing really has a purpose (Nihilist)
2. Life is just a random jumble of molecules and events but it still has a purpose (Atheist)
3. God created life and gave it a purpose (Theist).

Whichever you believe is up to you. Personally I don t see how number 2 makes any logical sense; if everything is random and meaningless then how could we possibly have a purpose? That argument is like if there was a sports game where nobody ever wins or loses, and then the teams say "Someday we'll get to the superbowl". Basically I think purpose is bestowed and if you didn't have it to begin with then you can't have it ever. Even if we are intelligent enough beings to bestow purpose upon ourselves that's really impossible because us being purposeless to begin with shouldn't have the ability to bestow any sort of purpose. Or to put it in picture form, where M = Man, G = God, and "--->" represents the giving of purpose, it looks like this:

Nihilism: M
Atheism: M --> M
Christianity: G --> M

The Atheistic point of view is sort of "Man IS God" and the Christian view is "God is God, Man is man"; God in the sense of one being able to give purpose to other beings. But frankly what purpose does man scientifically have beyond f*cking and leaving behind some children to keep f*cking and let that cycle continue to infinity? It's pretty meaningless. And furthermore, man only views the universe as "Meaningless or meaningful" in relation to humans. Even if we said there was purpose it would only apply to us and not everything else, the same way "Night and Day" and "Calculous and Fairness" are only concepts of the human mind that are just "Things happening" without us to give them a name and.. PURPOSE. Therefore man can't have given reality itself a purpose because man's laws do not apply to all of reality, just the way us humans see reality. As for whatever purpose God may have given us, I have no idea what it is, but it seems less bleak than the no God option. Just my take on it.

So to answer your question: It may or may not, and you can choose to believe whichever.
2015-10-30 11:48 am
The main aim of all creatures is to survive. Why they are there and what is the purpose of them being alive is not known. All we know is that they are there. Humans too, want to survive. But since we can think better than the other known creatures, we could instill some meaning. We could live a righteous life and help other people so that we can remove the sufferings of those people. This would make survival easier and happier for them, and in turn the lives of us if other people live by the same way. This would also help us being remembered for generations, and our actions and lives being respected even after our deaths. So the meaning of life could be improving the lives of other people.
2015-10-29 5:21 pm
No. No even for a plant, roach or worm in the stool. We, as living entities, have a purpose for existing. Eating, sleeping, mating and defending, are four activities in whic animals and human give meaning for their lives. But human form of life has to go beyond that, otherwise he remain animal. That is knowledge of the self and the Super Self.
2015-10-29 4:52 pm
Being a meaning, the conception as a purpose of being of something, life has this, from my point of view, as given by nature, to conceal itself in the environment given by nature, love, enjoyment and appreciation throughout the realization of different procceses for the conflagration of the different expressions in love.
2015-10-29 9:31 am
It depends. It is for you to add more and more knowledge, qualifications, experience, skill, acumen and maturity. Besides add more and more values and virtues day-by-day to your life. You can thus give a meaning to your own life. If you don't do, it is meaninglessness.
參考: own
2015-10-29 2:58 pm
I am not suicidal.
I think we all die, but we try to fill our lives with distractions like marriage, kids, etc. which is all meaningless. We fill our lives with rituals like work, play, music, etc. People who go for monastic pursuit do perfectly fine without these distractions.

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