What is a health insurance exchange?

2015-10-29 6:44 am
(in terms of the ACA)

回答 (3)

2015-10-31 1:10 am
That is what was established under the ACA or Obamacare in every stat4e. Those states who refused to do that have a federal insurance exchange since it was required by law. You can buy an insurance policy from the exchange and get a subsidy toward the cost of your monthly premiums.
2015-10-29 7:26 pm
A state run program where a few insurance companies have contracted with them to provide policies that meet the ACA rules. Those programs are then subject to Federal Govt subsidies.
2015-10-29 7:21 am
The health insurance exchange is the website that you'd use to purchase health insurance if you qualify for a subsidy.

There are website specifically for a few states but most states use the federal website.

If you qualify for a subsidy signing up through the website is the only way to get the subsidy. If you don't qualify for a subsidy you don't need to use the website ▬ you can get the same plans for the same premium (in most areas) without using the website.
參考: Independent Ägent

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:46:55
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