Why do we even bother living?

2015-10-29 2:39 am
Why do we even bother to acquire knowledge. Why do we even bother to stay in shape. Why do we even bother to achieve perfection. Why do we even bother to spend all of our energies to acquire such things.
Please give a reason to go after this"Perfection", after all if we're alive, we don't have much of choice, we have to pursue this kind of thing.

回答 (168)

2015-10-29 2:52 am
WE don't. Evidently you do. My guess is that you are a sheeple that has not bothered to learn critical thinking techniques and is completely lost in the sauce (as all of us once were).

Socrates said that "an unexamined life is not worth living". What he meant was that if a person is totally unaware of their self and why they do, say, and indeed think, what they do, they are really not living anyway. They are just surviving and going along for a ride.

Perfection is not a goal really, it is a concept. We are always striving towards perfection, that is the "idea" never the reality.

You are starting out in the correct direction. Learn and practice clear and honest critical thinking. Apply it to EVERYTHING in your head. ALWAYS know WHY your opinion is this or that. Believe whatever you choose, but know why you have made that choice.

Some people start here: https://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/critical-thinking-where-to-begin/796

Good luck to you as you begin your journey into a life EXAMINED.

Love and peace to you, forever.
2015-10-30 11:38 am
You don't need to bother about living. You can just kill yourself. However, if you do so, you would bring more grief to this world. By acquiring knowledge, staying fit, trying to be perfect and by helping others, you can end the sufferings of other people ( or even other creatures) and can make people around you happy. Atleast then your life and the amount of resources you used would have some meaning and you will be remembered for something.
2015-10-29 3:54 pm
2015-10-29 8:54 pm
We bother living because God made us for a purpose. We bother living if we follow and believe in God. God made us to spread his word and resemble his image; He delights in us. That's why we should bother to live...because God made us and he is enough and can save your sins. He is the way to Heaven. We bother to live to spread his word and achieve the ultimate prize: eternity in Heaven! Amen!
2015-10-29 5:31 pm
By perfection of the yoga (bhakti yoga, no bodily exercises) system one not only can travel through material space, but can surpass material space and enter the spiritual sky. That is the goal of life. This body is just a machine and we (the living enteties) are the operators. We use this material body to get free from material entanglement and attain our original natural position in the spiritual world. That is the perfection of life.
2015-10-29 2:53 am
It is somethhing to do while we wait for the end.
2015-10-31 8:18 pm
"The greatest philisophical problem is that of suicide." - Albert Camus

Suicide is the full embrace of the absurd. But, like Sisyphus we must keep pushing. We must be free from suicide. We all die one day anyway. Man is not above the animals, he returns to dust and into the bowls of sheol. The dead know nothing. So, it is better to be dead than alive, yet paradoxically it is better to be alive than dead.
2015-10-31 6:08 pm
Life is precious. Deal with the problems makes you a better person.
Enjoy life while you still can. Life has so much more it can offer to you.
There's always hope, remember that.
It is about making progress and gaining experience throughout our lives.
Friends, recognition of achievements, a world of fantasy, authentic things are great.
If you open your heart and give out the love like never before, your life will dramatically change for the better.
I am sure there are always more solutions than problems, so don't lose hope yet. The sun will raise.
2015-10-30 11:50 pm
Cause we are all put this world to be tested how we will handle it and everyone around us. Some spend their lives happy and become successful while the other majority suffers. But life is really a struggle, it's the one who try to make it out of it who come out nice!
2015-10-30 2:39 pm
There isn't in fact any objective goal or perfection towards which we must strive as a race, as life doesn't present itself with such meaning. Life is absurd, and lacks inherent meaning. This is outlined in the philosophical outlooks of existentialism, absurdism, and nihilism.

However, the act of working towards a goal is potently embodied by Existentialism. The subject understands that the world doesn't demand anything from him, that it is indifferent. As a result, he chooses to, find meaning in life by taking full responsibility of his decisions and exploring his own individual experience, through which he can remain content amidst the anxiety caused by such thoughts. A big part of this for him, I believe, is to reach his highest potential in life, as through this process, he is able to consummate his individual experience to arrive at a greater meaning than he would if he settled for average.
2015-10-30 5:38 am
The Saiyans acquired a ton of knowledge and evolved to have indefinite life spans. We will get there, humans aren't so different. There is much more joy today than there was in the dark ages. Knowledge hurts, but its in our nature to inquire and solve. Isn't that why you asked this question? Sort of makes the whole question entirely rhetorical, but that's just me being politically correct, 2015 loves that.
2015-10-29 11:13 pm
Joy,to live for joy you need to work. I just wanna hang out but it takes money to do fun things new clothes, a car,good food. Ive come to a point in my life where i have no "dreams" those are things that people take to seriously and let them robb their happiness. After all when i truly came to acceptance in life i fully understand that the future only exists in the mind. I lost my ego along the way, so i dont compare my self or others. It would be nice if life was just riding motorcycles and kissing girls. I used to think i was this "go getter" but i realised all my ambition and confidence and independence was all just insecurity in disguise and i was just looking for the approval of others and of society. After all im a Christian and this world is not my home im only here to live in accordance with the lords will. Im just enjoying the ride and getting what ever i want along the way.
2015-10-29 10:47 pm
2015-10-29 9:52 pm
What else can we do?
2015-10-29 8:18 pm
Because we take our medication. Take yours and remember why YOU continue living. If you don t have an Rx, talk to your healthcare provider. There s no shame in taking care of your mental health like you would your physical health.

And because we have people who would be devastated if we left.
2015-10-29 6:21 am
I like living. I enjoy learning, being healthy, etc.

Maybe that's just me.
2015-10-29 5:15 am
We're here. Might as well try to be here with some sense of trying to be here. Not that it can be figured out, but at least to make some attempt at it I would say.

I think to trust the nature of yourself and also to trust the dance of all people and things around you as being perfection in action.

----and to expect that it is perfect.
2015-10-29 5:08 am
Self satisfaction is a forceful motivator and it is to that end that we take all care and do all those things mentioned by you... and this need for self satisfaction remains alive and active so long as we live, no matter even if we realize that all this is merely going to end up in death beyond which we have no idea what happens if at all.
2015-10-29 4:57 am
Being is not otherwise. I am therefore I am.
2015-10-30 1:01 am
We don't bother. 'Bother' is a word symptomatic of a culture of force. In the same way a plant doesn't bother to grow, you don't bother to live, you just do. You presumably feel that the bothering part is an effort, when actually just 'being' is the most satisfying state of all when done right. In meditation, an exercise in being, the illusion of the subjective self may be realised and your real identity of the universe may reveal itself blahdeblah hippy jumbly bumbly monkey spunky.
2015-10-29 9:03 pm
People tend to pursue things that they feel will bring them pleasure and fulfillment . A very wise man who had everything a person could want and more, said "everything is vanity and a striving after the wind"Ecclesiastes chapter 1 vs 14.. No matter how much you have or pursue in life it is like a vapor in that it lacks substance, permanence,or enduring value. It could be here today gone tomorrow, or you could be here today gone tomorrow. There is one thing that is worth pursuing and that is a relationship with God. It will add meaning to your life now, and put you on the road to enjoy life forever. It is something you can not lose or be taken away from you, according to the bible book of Matthew chapter 6 vss 19 and 20. Pursue a good, close relationship with our creator, Jehovah God .Visit JW.org .
2015-10-29 8:04 pm
I bother living because life is pleasure in my eyes. I enjoy the buzz of achieving things that I fight to get, I also get a buzz from learning. I just want to learn everything. Suffering (not physical suffering) is a choice. If you don't enjoy living then you should do something to die, consequently becoming nutrients that living things use to carry on living.
2015-10-29 3:44 pm
You're given one opportunity to live and experience this world, that's why we bother!
2015-10-29 2:51 am
Seems pretty futile doesn't it.
2015-10-29 4:35 am
Perfection is an arbitrary piece of BS. You live to experience joy and pain, to be in the game, to find out on a daily basis why you are here. If you think you know the joy of the next day is being proven wrong. A) you are describing depression which is a medical condition. If you want to not take an aspirin when you have a headache and point and the sky and curse, be my guest. B) if you whine every time something goes wrong life will be a long string of whines. Things going wrong is half the fun.
2015-11-03 9:45 pm
Our QUALITY OF LIFE is enriched by taking care of ourselves, pursuing good priorities and living the best way we can. The biggest choice is life to make your living complete in a solid foundation and yes, in Christ. If only many would realize the daily BLESSINGS that happen by living this way......and loving Christ.
Good luck to you and breath and thank God for each day we have enjoy each one to the fullest......in doing for others to start.
2015-11-03 8:02 pm
To reproduce, according to evolution.
2015-11-03 7:07 am
because life is full of meaning, just look around to appreciate it!
2015-11-02 8:05 pm
he saying
life is highly attached to person
couldnt be romoved without using high force
tried to suicide but failed many time and as usual
2015-11-02 6:52 pm
MY Friend, NO ONE is perfect--those of us who are saved know that the\
only one who is perfect is our Lord. Are you saved?? Read Roms. where Paul says that, "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." are you any different? Are you sinless?
NO, my friend re think your question, but only after you have read in Romans.
2015-11-02 6:34 pm
Because this is part of Obama's plan.
2015-11-02 6:07 pm
"Its Genetics Town, Jake, Its Genetics Town"
2015-11-02 2:30 pm
Our lives can improve
2015-11-02 12:27 pm
Honestly, I think we live primarily because of three things: instinct, selfishness and curiosity. The latter, in my opinion, is what empowers us to continually do all that we do. When we have a purpose, and we pursue it, curiosity is the culprit that enables us to do all that we can in order to reach the goal we have. We want to know what happens, why it happens, and what it means when it does. There's an infinite number of ways to do things. Our curiosity is what drives us to figure these things out. Our selfishness is what gives birth to the notion itself. And our instincts are what lead us to our individual methods and ways of going about certain things the way we do.

We live because instinctively we must, selfishly because we want the things life presents to us, and curiously to unask all the things in the world that satiate our desires. And because these things vary, that's what defines individual purpose and differentiates us from everyone else.

Perfection doesn't exist. But the idea of it is enough to enable us to strive toward it, inadvertently making us better overall people. Because it's in reachable, there in no end to our improvement as people. We infinitely ameleriorate ourselves and reach higher levels of purpose and action.
2015-11-02 11:44 am
Bothering becomes a routine because of your own thoughts. If you take everything as an interesting game you will not bother instead you will crave to do more and more. This depends on how you train your mind.

Human beings are ruled by spirits but humans must learn to control and rule the spirits. The more you bother the more will be the possession of that spirit. It finds pleasure in that way. You could have noticed someone who always talk in a vexed manner for everything. If you analyze this someone's life there will not be anything to mention. Then why he/she must do it?

Spirits possess people according to the mental state of the human beings and keep them in the same state until they are rejected and replaced by another. This is an all time phenomena occurring in all humans. Human beings are always under the influence of spirits. Certain situations and circumstances causes the possession of certain type of spirits. Often thinking and talking about bad subjects or bad imaginations even for fun can take serious turns on one who think and talk. All spirits (good and bad) have the dominating character. They can take you to the extent of sacrifice or suicide.

All of your activities, talks and even thoughts determine what kind of spirits you will have for your life. Only these spirits can create a good opportunity to get a job and all favorable things which you need to your life. Generally spirits determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. All knowledge, skills, emotions, feelings, interests and everything are spirits. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another they think and you just listen and choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. Human beings are just unprogrammed robots made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., by birth and toys of the spirits for their games.
2015-11-02 6:56 am
Life is short what's after that?
2015-11-02 5:25 am
because you need to otherwise you will die
2015-11-02 2:23 am
2015-11-01 11:22 pm
For yahoo answers!
2015-11-01 10:49 pm
Because we are afraid of dying.
2015-11-01 9:58 pm
I dont know I just wanna die ugh
2015-11-01 9:40 pm
do we have a choice.
2015-11-01 8:59 pm
Because we've been given the chance to
2015-11-01 6:26 pm
Some people attemp perfection
2015-11-01 5:40 pm
at first I thought you had a half-empty glass, but then I realized it was just that you weren't taught by your parents a lot of things of life and how to live it.
There's a whole list of things you're supposed to do, like: graduate from school, further educate, get a career, make money and marry, have children and support them, buy a house for the kids, maintain the house, teach the kids about their maker, go to church weekly, join in with church and civic projects, help your kids thru school, take care of your parents, travel to be with family for the holidays, and the list goes on and on. That's why you "bother" to live, it's because life is "worth" living. find out what the word "worth" means.
2015-11-01 5:20 pm
I will give you a suggestion.
To hell with perfection and knowledge.
In the end, they wont matter.
So, strive for happiness and peace.
For some, perfection and knowledge is happiness.
for some its money.
you see its relative
2015-11-01 3:44 pm
Idk man tell me when u figure it out
2015-11-01 2:59 pm
Wow! I've been suicidal for my whole life but could never do it, and especially this last week. Seeing this really sums up life. I want to thank you for your wisdom. I'm going to handle my fairs with family and make my farewell letter. The nightmare of life is almost over. Its time to get busy living or get busy dying. I've finally made my decision. Thanks again, and I'll see you in the next life. Goodbye to everyone and this thing called life. My rope awaits.
2015-11-01 2:09 pm
Not another one.
2015-11-01 11:57 am
2015-11-01 9:27 am
Thats what i've been asking my whole life
2015-11-01 8:38 am
There is no reason at all. Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law
2015-11-01 3:03 am
seek the only the true religion
2015-11-01 12:33 am
G*D gets bored, and when entertainment is needed G*D watches the Ants (us) scurry around. If things need stirring up, then there are hurricanes, floods, famine, maybe a volcano, etc.
2015-11-01 12:18 am
Why not?
2015-10-31 11:36 pm
Coz it's boring
2015-10-31 11:27 pm
What is the alternative? I don't know about you but, dying does not sound like a whole lot of fun to me I like to look forward to have a good time.
2015-10-31 11:06 pm
I guess life is pretty useless as long as we don't create a meaning to it.but bother living or rather we have to keep bothering to live because as long as we are alive we still have a HOPE!!!!
2015-10-31 10:58 pm
There are many reasons for why we bother to live.A lot of people don't understand that we should never stop learning.A lot of people just see knowledge as a way of getting a job.We stay in shape because staying in shape gives us health benefits.Competition is a popular thing for humans.We like to give everyone the illusion that we have a perfect life.
2015-10-31 9:21 pm
Survival instinct.

Those who don't bother living are already dead.

Everything people do is for survival and have children.
2015-10-31 9:17 pm
2015-10-31 8:58 pm
You care another wise why hide behind anonymous..........
2015-10-31 8:26 pm
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” - the Word of God. Get a kjversion Bible and believe.
2015-10-31 7:49 pm
I gives me something to do while I'm waiting for the waitress to bring me my next beer and wings.
2015-10-31 5:41 pm
There's so many things to experience that a human being knows .00001% of.
2015-10-31 5:40 pm
A part of a person's brain (front left side lobe???) controls and dictates to all the organs to seek pleasure. Negative feedback from the organs to the brain stops the pleasure scenario.

Simply put, pleasure is the force to want to live! .
2015-10-31 4:06 pm
That's no way think. You mine as well go hang yourself thinking that way. I actually have a phobia of death, so I've thought about this many many times. You never know if there's an afterlife, so our knowledge just might come in handy. Also, the things we enjoy...people we love, are way to important to just give up. When I am.overwhelmd with these feelings, some.good Morphine is suited
2015-10-31 2:06 pm
You can find itbin the philosphy in rhe worlds most resd book


2015-10-31 12:28 pm
There is literally nothing better to do.
2015-10-31 8:45 am
Everything. Is sex. We want to look better and be healthy to attract mates, we want to be successful to attract mates, etc. It's all just sex with humans. That's why all you see sex in advertising, movies and tv, music. Sex is even the reason for all laws. Don't murder: Because you can't make babies when you're dead. Don't steal: Because someone needs that money to support their family so they're lineage can be kept alive through sex. Humans are just sex.
2015-10-31 7:08 am
Cause we're nature
2015-10-31 6:40 am
2015-10-31 6:08 am
you are right, there is absolutely no point
2015-10-31 5:29 am
You sound depressed bro
2015-10-31 3:15 am
Why do we even acquire knowledge? Not sure if you did because you failed to use correct punctuation at the end of all of your questions.
2015-10-31 2:33 am
I bother living because of the pleasure I have. I bother living because of the infinite span of knowledge I can consume. The fact I can express my emotions and acknowledge them. I find life interesting and I want to study it as long as possible. Sure, there is anger,suffering,envy, etc. but those you can always find love,friendship,comfort, etc. That is why I bother living.
2015-10-31 2:17 am
Because we're alive!
2015-10-31 2:01 am
When you find out that you are not here for your own benefit, but merely to procreate and dedicate your life to the pleasure of raising your kids and family, life truly becomes a reason to live. When a family is not possible giving your life to anyone in need in many different ways is similar to raising a family. As simple as that!
2015-10-31 1:18 am
Not everyone does has this "perfection" goal in mind. I guess it's because people have a conscience to keep themselves alive that helps them reach something similar to being "perfect." I kind of see where you may be coming from with your question, but my answer would be we live to keep ourselves alive and working to that one goal we may have in mind with our lives.
2015-10-31 12:39 am
Human instinct
2015-10-31 12:00 am
For icecream
2015-10-30 11:58 pm
Because were curious
2015-10-30 11:38 pm
Well you don't have to do that if you want, but envy leads to people wanting to become similar to the scientists who find cures for diseases.
2015-10-30 11:28 pm
You only have one life on this planet before you die. Just one. Make the most of it and live a great, balanced life, instead settling for a dull, uninteresting life.
2015-10-30 11:14 pm
Living It's great, life It's whenever you wan!

If you don't feel that way you should do things different!
2015-10-30 11:11 pm
dunno its fun
2015-10-30 10:32 pm
no idea, i think i will end it all tonight
2015-10-30 10:23 pm
You should be able to give yourself these answers. Though I understand where you are coming from, reality is people that live their life without hunger, focus, ambition, and purpose usually ask these questions. Bottom line is since you have to be here, make life worth living. Give yourself a reason to be here.
2015-10-30 10:23 pm
We all have a purpose
2015-10-30 9:30 pm
Somewhere along the line a long long time ago some one f#cked up in soul resonance of human beings. Before us, there were other humans who were different. They went completely insane and lived on the stream of insanity till they destroyed themselves and they became demons who are miserable who never run out of misery loves company because their insane and never notice they have company living in a state of in denial insanity thinking from the beginning in a sort of revenge for themselves that they are blaming their higher power for. Anyway, after all those other humans died, the Earth or God if you will made another species of New human beings called the alternative humans and that is who we are. Now this gets interesting. Those people that were insane lingered around and feed off of your conscious mind and make you ponder demented questions to drive you insane to annilate yourself and go competely mad doing so. They influence weak minded people, women especially, and they influence
參考: criminals to convince them that life isn't fair, they influence us on what to say when we argue with one another, and they influence questions such as this one.I caught them too many times and now they stopped trying to influence me. We humans are supposed to remain calm and follow our hearts and decide our own life's free of demonic inuences and just live our lives out with a clean and clear conscience till we die and get reincarnated again. Those demons are jealous of the living and never learn to let go of the past so they move on, so they influence us to go insane while living our lives.
2015-10-30 8:35 pm
To experience life
2015-10-30 7:51 pm
What do u want to die or somthing
2015-10-30 6:53 pm
2015-10-30 6:43 pm
We live to enjoy life
and live a holy life to make it in the next life call heaven
2015-10-30 6:39 pm
bother living because life is pleasure in my eyes.
2015-10-30 6:19 pm
why i was born as a human if 6 billion years passed i could have been a bacteria.actually you can do whatever you want god gave us free will but most rather behave then to act on it, my dad is a good example he likes 15yo but at his age he doesn't act on it. for example the guy that met me at hospital could have come to house and killed me but he nows lol with his 2 girlfriends out of luck. i know cuz i remember the people i fought same schubertt instead of planning to kill us he lols and restart his sinverguenza. my cousin hmm guess ill have to see in my next life ill have one or not those factors. yeah i could have "holy raped" my

toddlerhood friend but i was too saint by that time
chopin: yes Lucille i never touched you hehe
Lucille: yesss
chopin:tididididid lol
my dad too he once broke a tabloe in two because of that lol
2015-10-30 6:17 pm
<<Why do we <snip> quire such things.>>

Because those are the right things to do.

<<Please give a <snip> kind of thing.>>

Doing the right thing(s) isn't the point. Doing the rights - for the right 'reasons'. That's the point.
2015-10-30 5:15 pm
Honestly? I don't know. It seems to me that if we are all doomed (or blessed with) oblivion anyway, then we won't remember our lives and nothing matters. However, using the same logic, there's no reason not to live a "perfect" life, either. It's a moot point.
2015-10-30 5:08 pm
we just live life, thats living
2015-10-30 5:06 pm
We will all die eventually
You can either make the most of your life or do nothing, the choice is all the individuals
2015-10-30 5:01 pm
remember we don't just live for ourselves we live 4 other people as well
2015-10-30 4:44 pm
I don't know about you but I don't like dieing/losing. Natural instinct tells me to do what is possible to keep breathing. Leave the rest to God.If you were freezing to death. Would you find a way to get warm? If you were on fire. Would you pat or just let it burn? Do you like to hurt? More than likely not. If you do somethings wrong. I think they should take your color caryons away. Your scribbling is scaring me. Maybe just leave you with all pink crayons.
2015-10-30 4:09 pm
Because god made us
2015-10-30 1:38 pm
When u have a relationship with God it gives your life meaning. You live your life in a way that pleases him and He blesses you.
2015-10-30 1:15 pm
It is in the nature of humans to want self gratification. We strive throughout our lives to achieve what we feel will make us the happiest (often times sacrificing happiness in our pursuit of it.) Power, Money, Beauty, Health, Longevity, Sex, Wisdom, Acceptance. Each of us have our own agenda and our own way of finding happiness.
2015-10-30 12:33 pm
Because winning by making the right decisions, and escaping with credit for the things we do is the ultimate biological high. Sadly, however, not everybody realizes how much other people do their thinking and their work for them.
2015-10-30 12:23 pm
Because how else are you going to spend your time? Live it.
2015-10-30 10:56 am
It's all a facade that society developed through out the years.
And now we're stuck with it.
2015-10-30 10:49 am
Well ...... you know this is somehow the way we are
Whatever your beliefs you can't deny our feelings. We were created to make progress we feel it like I want to become stronger,smarter,bigger,taller,better whatever the target you choose in life you will just feel it
Like love and these things it pushes us to move and not only to stay alive but to upgrade ourselves
Well you know it's not something that can be said or written it's something that is felt. That is what recognize us as humans; feelings ^_^
2015-10-30 8:32 am
i guess it's simply because we are human
2015-10-30 8:10 am
We bother doing it because that's what we're adept at. Bothering to live is what we tend to do. We have desires that we want to fulfill. We innately have the urge to find a reason to bother living. Our physical form, the learned and instinctual behaviors that we employ, and the tools and consructs we use helped our ancestors bother living and pass our traits to us genetically and by their teachings and by the things that they have left behind. Bothering to live is our nature and our ancestors' legacy.
2015-10-30 7:03 am
that's a good question
2015-10-30 6:48 am
because everybody else does this things, and we don't wanna be an outsider don't we? Pressure of the community or majority?!
2015-10-30 5:10 am
I don't think we "need" perfection. Our role in like is survival and procreation. Therefore, we must live a life that will set an environment for our children. Our jobs is to ensure that they survive to keep populating the Earth. Anything above and beyond that is just a way to stay occupied.
2015-10-30 4:43 am
maybe because we are created to live and serve our purpose here on earth.
2015-10-30 4:34 am
I think God put us on this earth for a reason and that is to live and follow his commandments to be sure we are good enough to be in his wonderful kingdom.
2015-10-30 4:06 am
Your are right! And the older you get the more you will feel that way. Lets get through it as best we can, with as little pain as is possible.
2015-10-30 4:05 am
Since I am alive I am going to make the best of it. I am going to try every moment to do my best. I am many things but one thing I am not is a loser.
2015-10-30 4:00 am
I wonder also i heard on TV briefly in a country didn't get the name but a guy said if you eat everyday you're considered rich in that country. Can't imagine living that way. Even if you have no money in the us you could get food from somewhere.
2015-10-30 3:49 am
To love, to feel,to suffer,to live and then die?
Life has no meaning( or does it ?)but its a fun experience like what you did right now, asking the people what the mening of life is out of curiosity? you seek an answer that you already know the answer to.
This endless Cycle of life and death will go on for an eternity.
Our imperfections is what makes us perfect, or in other words "unique".
What is perfect?
I dont know
What is the meaning of life?
I dont know
One thing i can tell you is that you will never find your answer in yahoo answers
2015-10-30 3:35 am
Only some people attempt perfection. People continue living because they want to. They want to experience more things and they're happy with that. We also have goals to pursue because we know we'll be pretty content with that. I don't know the whole meaning of life lmao, but I think I've got a good idea of why some us continue living.
2015-10-30 3:33 am
To make a name for ourselve. To make a name for your family. And last time I checked, no one cares about being is shape anymore
2015-10-30 3:32 am
If you are seeking a new and different explanation of the truth that makes sense, search for TRUTH CONTEST in Google and click the 1st result, then click on THE PRESENT and read what it says. This is truth you can check.
2015-10-30 3:19 am
U need think about why you are alive in this world..hah
2015-10-30 2:53 am
I heard there are fish back in to catch out on 1st reef, Need plant some new tomato plants next week. A card game is still going on, and the new coffee beans will soon come down from the mountain. Comes to mind right now.
2015-10-30 2:48 am
Because there is more to life than meats the eye.
2015-10-30 2:20 am
2015-10-30 2:04 am
Do you mean self-preservation? What's perfect? The Law of Karma. Even the Creator has a responsibility to submit to Karma. In fact that is the only perfect thing, the perfect adherence to the law from God. In all things He must be fair, balanced. Sorry if you don't like this answer...The accumulation of knowledge, good health, and "things" are the soul of Western media influence. You are allowed to do feel and think the way you want, as long as you keep in mind there are consequences to just about everything; hence Karma...!!! Good day and good luck. Yes, I said luck.
2015-10-30 1:56 am
First, your emotions around this question are something that I would advise you to seek help with - whether it is with a trusted friend or relative, or someone trained to help people deal with such a sense of despair. I can tell you from personal experience, it is not an academic matter, and can be a matter of life or death. So talk to someone about how you feel, irrespective of the philosophical ramifications.

Now to the question. Generally, people seek meaning for their lives from two types of sources: objective or personal.

Objective purposes for life can be provided by the orthodox religions, some social movements, any number of collective constructs that adhere to a particular world view. In these cases, this is not a personal search of yours, but a matter of accepting a doctrine and committing to a life lived accordingly. Your part of it is deciding how you can fulfill this given purpose. Many wise and intelligent people have lived their lives according to a purpose provided to them by a school of thought, religion or other institution.

Those who are not convinced by such extrinsic influences, who have searched their own minds, explored the universe around them and found no extrinsic purpose that they believe is valid - these people have two options.

On one hand, they can adopt a lack of purpose and a kind of hopelessness as their world view, and live accordingly. Some see this as a ticket to perfect freedom. How they use this freedom is entirely up to them.

On the other hand, they can decide that a purposeless life is not worth living, and there is no power in the universe besides themselves to provide it for them. In this case, they survey the landscape of their associations - to themselves, to their family and friends, to their profession, the groups, national or ethnic to which they belong - and decide to forge a purpose for themselves out of these relationships.

This is heavy going, a tremendous responsibility. However, I will simply name for you such luminaries as Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell, probably Eleanor Roosevelt, and many others as merely famous examples.

As you discuss your feelings with others on this topic - which again, I urge you to do - you will discover less famous persons who have struggled with this responsibility. They will have suggestions on how to go about finding a purpose, from either objective sources, or from within yourself.

So in the short term, reading your question, you HAVE forged a purpose - of finding a purpose. You have set your feet on a journey traveled by many of your fellow humans. Step one completed. Congratulations.
2015-10-30 1:44 am
To learn. If you think this life is all there is, then yes it doesn't make sense. It is here we learn by experiencing sorrow, joy, empathy, scorn, victory, defeat, love, hate, loneliness, relationships, accomplishment, failure, pain, pleasure, etc.. So that we can grow and become what we are truly meant to be. Spiritual beings.
2015-10-30 12:48 am
just cuz.
2015-10-30 12:28 am
Well being dead isn't a better option for most of us.
2015-10-30 12:06 am
Gods will
2015-10-30 12:05 am
Because we are alive.
2015-10-29 11:16 pm
And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again - 2 Corinthians 5:15
Jesus died so that we could live and have life to the fullest. We die because the wages of our sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus has defeated death and has the victory, we have the victory through Him.
Live for Jesus, there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain of addiction. I bind and cast out all evil spirits of those who are reading this by the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus is stronger and much more powerful than anything you are going through. Rebuke the spirit of infirmity and depression and bind and cast it out by the power of the Holy Spirit. God is so good.
2015-10-29 10:58 pm
Why bother dying? I think life is more interesting than death personally
2015-10-29 10:41 pm
family relationship love..
2015-10-29 10:33 pm
There's absolutely no reason to live. We all just appeared over a series of coincidences. But the way I look at it, I've got something given to me and I get pleasure from enjoying it. Might as well.
2015-10-29 10:28 pm
Sometimes I wonder why as well.
2015-10-29 10:06 pm
should there be a blue sky or a red sky
should there be some reason
should the dark sky
live with light sky
should there be a epoch
just sayin'
2015-10-29 8:29 pm
The main goal in life is to reproduce, that is it
2015-10-29 8:16 pm
Answers in bullets below:

- Why do we even bother to acquire knowledge - To find out how to acquire the perfect piece of ****!
- Why do we even bother to stay in shape - To be able to bone the perfect piece of **** after it found!
- Why do we even bother to achieve perfection - To keep the perfect piece of **** happy for continued enjoyment!
- Why do we even bother to spend all of our energies to acquire such things - There's nothing like a perfect piece of ****.

- Please give a reason to go after this"Perfection", after all if we're alive, we don't have much of choice, we have to pursue this kind of thing. - Answers given above.

Initial consultation is free.
2015-10-29 8:04 pm
We are all going to die one day, so you make a good point.
2015-10-29 7:55 pm
Because dying takes effort and planning.
2015-10-29 7:50 pm
We keep on living because there is no other alternative. Being alive is certainly better than being dead.
2015-10-29 6:56 pm
To complete this life the test we have been hiven for the over where is no test and everlasting
2015-10-29 6:39 pm
out of curiousity
2015-10-29 6:32 pm
You need to read some religious scriptures, sny flavour or variety, perhaps one will provide some motivation and understanding. Dounds like your idea of perfection is materialistic which im not saying is your fault
2015-10-29 6:03 pm
2015-10-29 5:55 pm
I've asked myself this many times
2015-10-29 5:48 pm
Not to "acquire" things. That depends in what sort of society you live. Decide to consume to the X degree or come to different conclusions and be happy with what you have and be happy with who you are. As to why we bother living, I suppose it is something innate in that the will to live is so much stronger than the desire to end it all and die.
2015-10-29 5:46 pm
We dont have a choice, and when its the only thing you have - why throw it away
2015-10-29 5:11 pm
We have to be purified for the next phase.
2015-10-29 4:56 pm
Is not "perfection" what we are after, but a wrong path to the concealing towards nature, which should be understood, as part of the human desires and needs, but in a process of building a way in which one can appreciate the expressions of nature, in a correct realization.
2015-10-29 4:53 pm
to msaintain a sens of puprpose/hap[piuness. Most people get a kick out of their achivments. Those that dont put any effort into life tend to lead rather empty unhappy pointless lives.
2015-10-29 3:50 pm
You were given a life. do something with it. Over years, we humans realized that falling out of shape, watching tv, and being lazy is easy. It is human nature to be competitive, and to want to be better than everyone else. So they challenged themselves to do something difficult, so they could be the be best. Eating all the time and watching tv is also probably unhealthy. We realize that, and don't want to be a picture of unhealthiness. That is why we live.
2015-10-29 3:28 pm
people do the kinds of things you mentioned of course for all kinds of different reasons (acquring knowledge, staying in shape etc). that's a good question though why do we bother living. because on one level we don't have much choice do we? unless you want to commit suicide. we have quite a primal basic need to be competitive, so I suppose that's where the striving for perfection stems from.
2015-10-29 3:26 pm
I live because I don't like the alternative....
2015-10-29 3:00 pm
Instinct. We must survive long enough to reproduce.
2015-10-29 2:00 pm
Don't you know anything about Satan's popular tool; which is discouragement?
2015-10-29 12:54 pm
life is lovely!
2015-10-29 12:30 pm
Because we're all trapped here.

It's a trap and we can't get out.
2015-10-29 10:47 am
we have to
2015-10-29 10:41 am
To earn a place in heaven.
2015-10-29 5:43 am
Because we have very little verifiable factual or scientific information about the nature of the alternative.
參考: William Shakespeare
2015-10-29 3:47 am
We bother living cause otherwise we would die of boredom.
2015-10-29 3:21 am
We are dead for a trillions and billions of years, We are alive for less than 100 years. Then going dead for another trillions of years. So its a good question. You will find the answer is you keep on looking.
For death is far longer than being alive. Make the most out of it. No one gets out from this life -- Alive anyway.
2015-10-29 5:02 am
There is really a serious dearth of proper guides everywhere.

You can suggest some best alternative to overcome the present day difficulties in life.
參考: own

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