The guy I am dating gets mad because I date other guys but he doesn't want me to stop dating them. What does that mean?

2015-10-28 2:11 am
i asked him if he wants me to stop dating other guys and he says no. Then I said if you get mad when I date other guys then why do you want me to keep doing it? And he said "Ima let you decide that". Idk what that means? If it bothers him then that means he doesn't want me to date them right? Or does it mean that he wants me to keep dating so that I leave him ?

回答 (3)

2015-10-28 2:14 am
i suspect he wants you to stop dating other guys because its YOUR decision not because he made you ---- he wants you to decide that you only want him or probably break up if you dont want him ----- if it were me i would have broken up because you dont like me enough to want to be with me alone ---- i think you need to decide what or who you want and only date them
2015-10-28 2:22 am
your cheating on him publicly and think its okay... lol
2015-10-28 2:21 am
No guy wants to hear you are dating other guys unless he is truly in this for fun and no commitments. Is he seeing other people? I agree with Waterdragon, he does not like it but is mad at your not understanding his feelings.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 19:45:10
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