whats the best monopoly strategies?

2015-10-28 1:25 am
in the wii game monopoly streets what is the best strategy in bull market (where all the properties get put up for auction in the beginning, we start with $2500) ? also what are the best overall strategies? thanks

回答 (3)

2015-10-28 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Statistically speaking.............it's been proven that owning the Oranges is one of the BEST Monopolies to have. The reason for this, is the Go to Jail space......and the two Go to Jail cards. So from Jail-.-----no matter how you get out of jail.......the most common rolls of the dice are 6,7, & 8 ......two of which are Orange properties .

From jail.........even if you choose to roll the dice for doubles........3+3 and 4+4 gets you out......but still lands you on the oranges.

So combined with statistical averages and their position on the boards......they are one of the most highly hit properties. They are also only half the cost to build up as the Greens and Dark blues....so you can build quicker.....and see results faster.....gaining an early important edge.

The other well known trick.....is to try and get all 4 railroads.......as a back up.

The Utilities , while nice.........are generally worthless and won't change the game.

But owning all 4 railroads.......is 4 chances at $200 a hit. and there are a NUMBER of cards, that direct the player to one of the railroads, and instruct the player to pay TWICE the amount owed.......so now you're talkng $400 a pop. That ain't hay. There's another advance to READING Railroad card..........so again.......owning all 4.....is a guaranteed source of income that can make or break another player......perhaps forcing them to cash in houses, to pay your damn rent.

I've won games like that.

Back to the Oranges......there's also the advance to GO cards......which means a player often gets to BY PASS the Yellows , Greens and Dark Blues. -----but it puts them back to GO---- 16 spaces until they hit Oranges *again* and again..........the most common roles, are 6,7, and 8........so it puts the oranges in good shape within two rolls. Let's say............9 and then a 7.......bam. Or a 10 and then an 8. Bam. or 8 and then another 8.........bam. There's the advance to St Charles card............which again, puts you smack dab in front of the Oranges.

I would gladly trade Broadwalk.........for an Orange. ------- because there's just a much higher likelyhood of you hitting an orange............repeatedly........... before I hit Broadwalk once.
Always try for the Oranges.........if not.....the REDS for sure.
2016-10-05 9:07 pm
Best Monopoly Strategies
2015-10-28 8:53 am
5 Strategies For Dominating Monopoly

I don't play three hour games of Monopoly. My average game lasts about a half hour -- that's all it takes to either win or lose massively. And I prefer it that way. Here I am just giving you top most popular tips and that might help you lot.

Push to make Free Parking as lucrative as possible.

Buy as much property as you can early on, even Baltic or Mediterranean.

Do not buy the utilities

Get out of jail as quickly as possible until a Monopoly has been made.

If you must buy railroads (I do not), plan to use them as trade bait.

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