Someone Used My Credit Card on!?

2015-10-27 7:56 pm
Okay so I recently checked my credit card statement online and it shows a purchase of 1,750 dollars was made yesterday. I did not make this purchase. What should i do!? I really need to get my money back!

回答 (4)

2015-10-27 7:58 pm
Immediately call the credit card company at the 800 number on the back of your card and explain what happened. They will put a hold on that charge, and will likely cancel your card and send you a new one with a new number.

Don't delay!
2015-10-28 4:13 pm

My name is BENJAMIN MOORE, and i want to tell all that (CHRYSLER FINANCE COMPANY) is not a loan scam company but a very legit and decent one, in the sense that i got my loan from them few months back. In sincerity i was shocked and naive at first but the assurance the MD gave me was something i used to alleviate my fears and i decided to trust them. I was looking to borrow $63,000 for some business expansion and i got my loan without delay within a seven(7) days period. I have decided to speak openly of this decent loan company in all the sites i know people have been ripped off by some fraudulent online loan scams. Visit them today via {[email protected]} and i promise you that you will come back to thank me later after you must have gotten your loan too. The icing on the cake is that, they offer all types of loans and at an affordable interest rate too. STAY BLESSED!!! The Holy Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge and today you have known the truth i pray you do not let this opportunity pass you buy and not perish but you are saved by the truth you have heard.
2015-10-27 10:13 pm
Call the credit card company NOW - number is probably on the back of your card
2015-10-27 8:13 pm
Report it to the institution that your card is drawn on. They will work with you on the theft. Many times you are not held responsible for any unauthorized charges.
2015-10-27 7:58 pm
Call the credit card company & report it as fraud.

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