Please help me, I want to get better!?

2015-10-27 1:13 am
Deep down I feel hopeless. I am lazy and very unenthusiastic about life as of late. The reality is that I am scared. I am only 25 and my life is just beginning. I recently graduated this May with a Bachelors of Science in Biology.

A happy life feels like an impossible reality. I do not know what is wrong with me exactly. I mean I have a loving family, parents and two brothers who care about and support me.

Am I lazy because my parents are enabling me? Or am I lazy because I fail to see life’s beauty? Possibly my parents are enabling me by not requiring of me to have a job or help them out with the bills. They simply only wish for me to be happy. Although, if I do get a job, their support is readily available.

The idea of work makes me depressed because I imagine the work to feel lifeless. What is wrong? Maybe I am immature. I hate the feeling; it is uncomfortable to think of myself as remaining ‘unaccomplised’. Yet, I lack the motivation and will to do better.

I want my life to be so much more, but do not know how to start. I am turning 26 at the beginning of next year and am dreading getting older. More so, I am afraid of my life remaining stagnant and the same. I think I appreciate what I have, but something just isn’t right.

Is it possible that life is not about one’s own personal satisfaction? It is as if there’s a selfishness where I am not willing to give of myself to benefit others, bring happiness to another. I am mostly concerned with the question: what is life really about? I should mention that I am quiet-natured and have slight cognitive struggles. This has cause to doubt myself. Please help give me insight. Be honest. Thanks :) I really want to get better but am at a lost.

回答 (11)

2015-10-27 9:13 pm
You may enjoy a job and feel good about being part of a team. My friend was 50 when she stopped work and then volunteered for a charity job. She is still there 6 years on.

People feel better for doing things and you won't have all that time available to think about how unenthusiastic you feel.
2015-10-27 1:23 am
Life is about what YOU make it to be about.

In life there is no guarantee of satisfaction, happiness nor success. It IS pretty rife with tragedy, unfairness and cruelty. Life is about SURVIVING the cruelty et. al..

One generally starts something at the beginning. Life is not a book you can cheat by skipping pages or ahead to the end.

You want change? You MAKE change.

I'm not implying you are a vending machine.
2015-10-31 5:42 pm
You can change. There is always hope, remember that.
Look for the positive side of life. Giving positive emotion is a good start, because it will lead to good things.
Hold on to hope, never say never, accept life s challenges and continue your daily task.
Soon you will be victorious. The result will be good when you put your heart into things.
What you give is what you receive. Choose, according to your heart, which option you like best.
Life is so much more then you imagine! Use the power of love. It all comes from within.
Act, according to your heart. Deep concentration will help you to succeed.
2015-10-28 10:01 pm
Hey, I know understand what you mean. The truth is, in the beginning we have to start from the bottom. That means, we have to get a regular job and get some income, start learning to work on our responsabilities, getting independent and all that... It has to start like that, unless you're filthy rich. In my case, I live in a country where getting a job is a real problem, specially for young adults. I haven't been able to get a job yet, never had one, so this is really depressing. I have friends from other countries where they can get a job without a problem. Shitty luck for me. But if I could, I'd have a regular job, not because it's my dream lool But you just have to, you know?...That's how adult life begins. So in your case, is it a problem to get a job in your area in general? If it isn't, I think you should really go for it. And start organizing your life. It will take a while at first, but every step at a time. Because after those first years working on a regular job, you just might start getting a better life, a better job, more money, gain more freedom, get your own house, a car, get married... And so forth. Actually, working a regular job doesn't have necessarly to be that bad, because outside of work you can do your own thing... So it's not that terrible. Specially considering you have family support and all that... Anyways, hope everything goes well, good luck.
2015-10-28 6:53 am
Hi Tiffany,

I think you might be slightly very unhappy.

First port of call is the Doctors & ask Doc about

you doing some Moodgym ANU

It's free and from Australian National University.

It takes about four months to complete

but leaves very positive changes.

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission.

Source:) Used the program before, and

was recently on Channel 7 online''

as well, ps it's also free!
2015-10-27 8:16 pm
If you are not already, consider seeing a Mental Health Professional, such as a Psychiatrist and/or Psychologist, who can help you better understand and deal with the feelings of hopelessness you are experiencing. If you would like to discuss this further reach out to a Crisis Hotline in your area and speak with a trained counselor anytime.

Hang in there and know that help is available.

Take care,
Counselor AH
參考: Call the Boys Town National Hotline, at 1-800-448-3000, anytime 24/7.
2015-10-27 6:36 am
Get a job. Most people feel better when they are productive.
2015-10-27 1:21 am
are you a guy or a girl?
what are your priorities in life?
your goals should be based on your priorities
for e.g. , for me my prioirities are wealth , fame ,likeability , status , women
this means my interests should blend with my priorities
like i should pursue business ventures and money
i should learn more about women
i should improve my social communication skills etc.

what you are going through is something many people experience in their life
i am 27 and i have had all the feelings you have
even when you have goals , they don't get reached immediately most of the time
that keeps you stuck in another rut
i am close to achieving my goals , but i started working towards them at the age of 19

what i can advise you is to find some role models
this is the best way to go about it
find someone you can identify with
maybe a celebrity , multimillionaire , or any famous person who has achieved what you want in life
then try to copy them though not exactly
but try to emulate them and even exceed or become better than them

you haven't given information on what your goals are in life , so it is difficult for me to advise , but i assume that you do not have goals which is why my answer is framed in such a way on the premise that you don't have any concrete goals in life
the internet is a gold mine of information
you can learn anything you are passionate about very quickly
2015-10-27 1:21 am
I actually think its a mixture of immaturity, lack of desire to grow in life, and lack of expectations from your parents. I'm currently 20 and I'll be graduating college late when im 23-24. This is enough to depress me because I actually want to grow and live out my 20s with freedom without my parents. I don't want to spend all my 20s being single and living with my parents like I'm still 17. I want to live all my years to the fullest.

I think it has to do with an individual's personal zest and passion for life. Every person has different level of passion for life. Ive met some people like you before who are totally unmotivated. I've had a friend who had a life long dream to become a cop. When he took the hiring test, he scored extremely low on it because he didnt study at all. Now his chances of getting hired is a lot lower. You need passion for life if you want to succeed.

I think your first step right now would be to find a job and get some income.
2015-10-27 1:20 am
hopefully I can give you some encouragement. I went through several years of depression. mine was brought on by physical conditions. I'd first encourage you to go see your doctor and rule out any physiological issues that could be causing your depression. also, you probably should get some good counseling. At 28 I felt completely lost, like life was intolerable, too painful to bear living. At 51 I am the happiest I have ever been. It can get better

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