How do I ask my mom to buy me a vibrator?

2015-10-27 12:10 am
Okay so I'm 15 going to be 16 in December. I'm not really sexually active and I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend or anything, but I really like masturbating since it's relaxing and helps me become more comfortable with myself and my body because I have a lot of self-esteem issues. My mom works for our local sexual health centre so I guess she's used to this kind of thing in a way but I'm her daughter and I feel like it'd be awkward.

回答 (5)

2015-11-09 6:35 pm
look around your mom's bedroom to find hers. leave it on her bed. when she eventually asks you why it was out tell her you want one of your own.
2015-10-27 3:06 am
What I would do is buy your mother a card. On the inside of the card you write:

Your little girl is growing up. I would be really honored if you would buy me my first vibrator.
Thanks so much,
Your darling daughter

You could give the card to her at night after she get home from work or you could leave it on her pillow before she goes to work. After she has read it you could ask if she can show you the different choices available.
2015-10-27 12:16 am
just buy it youself...
2015-10-27 12:23 am
Buy a back massager works wayyyyy better! Just can be kinda loud. if you dont have money save your lunch money. But if your mom works for a sex center then why not just ask her? She prob has one too haha
2015-10-27 11:40 pm
I'm a guy so I have no experience in this area but maybe go to the store and buy vibrating tooth brushes instead? They're are plenty of things that vibrate.

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