Police took my gun for safekeeping and won't give it back without a court order. This was 6 years ago. What am I to do?

2015-10-26 11:10 pm

回答 (5)

2015-10-26 11:12 pm
talk to a judge
2015-10-26 11:33 pm
its long been crushed ...
2015-10-27 11:39 am
You lose: like most confiscated or recovered goods, some goes to police auctions to buy them more toys and donuts.......and most goes to their homes. Pigs.
2015-10-27 7:23 am
The weapon 🔫 is likely to be in the past by now however you could seek advice from a lawyer if you had a legitimate reason to have a firearm in the first place. However if you didn't have a licence for the firearm I don't think you'll stand much of a chance
2015-10-27 2:18 am
You START by telling an attorney WHY they took the gun 'for safekeeping'.

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