Star Wars: Size of the Rebel and Imperial fleet?

2015-10-26 9:27 pm
So Disney is rewriting Star Wars history. According to their new canon at the Battle of Endor, the Imperial fleet lost a significant number of forces which caused the Rebels to scatter the Imperials to the far parts of the galaxy. So basically they are saying that the Rebels were on equal footing somewhat with the Empire.

I always thought that the Rebels fleet was much smaller than the Imperials, and at the Battle of Endor that was mostly their main for the Empire, i felt that was just a small fraction of the fleet.

Any can confirm that?

回答 (2)

2015-10-26 9:48 pm
At the end of Return of The Jedi the rebel fleet and a much larger imperial fleet are near the death star when it explodes. It's reasonable to assume that's most or all of the rebel fleet and a big piece of the imperial fleet, but that's not explicitly stated.

The movie doesn't say what happens after the star explodes, next thing we see is a party on the moon, which means the imperial fleet didn't take revenge and wipe out the rebel fleet. Beyond that we can only guess. The death of the emperor and Vader seems to have thrown all imperial command and control into immediate chaos, suggesting the empire was maintained by an ongoing effort of force-will by the emperor. So the imperial fleet near the death star may have scattered, or been destroyed by the smaller but cohesive rebel fleet. The Disney canon you describe suggests the latter.
2016-11-13 6:16 pm
Star Wars Imperial Fleet

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:45:48
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