What three options has the United States weighed in response to Iran’s nuclear weapons program?

2015-10-26 8:22 pm

回答 (8)

2015-10-26 9:42 pm
1) Turn Iran into a parking lot.
2) Invade Iran and steal their oil-rich land.
3) Intense sanctions so that hopefully there is a famine there.
2015-10-26 8:26 pm
do nothing (Bush)

negotiate a deal (Obama)

start another stupid war (nutcases)

sanctions (you need multinational cooperation)
2015-10-27 3:34 am
Send Obama over there and let him be King of Iran!
2015-10-26 8:37 pm
1. It can do nothing and that is 2 & 3.
2015-10-26 8:27 pm
Obama let em have it. Or have you been hiding under a rock for the past year?
2015-10-27 1:30 am
Where did you get 3 options from?

1. Keep the U.S. sanctions in place
2. Allow Iran to continue their nuclear program
3. Allow Israel to attck all of their nuclear facilities
2015-10-26 9:07 pm
United States weighed......far too much lol
2015-10-26 10:38 pm
Bomb them,Invade them,Shout a lot,and do nothing.

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