if seven girls write 7 papers in 7 minutes then in how many minutes can a girl write one paper?

2015-10-26 11:37 am

回答 (253)

2015-10-27 11:18 pm
2015-10-27 10:57 pm
2015-10-27 9:56 pm
2015-10-26 6:30 pm
2015-10-27 6:01 am
2015-10-27 4:32 am
7, don't know how people are getting 1. Seven girls can write seven papers in seven minutes. So each girl can write 1 paper in seven minutes. Confusing still? Don't divide it. Each girl is a separate person right? So each girl writes 1 paper. For every one paper equals 7 minutes. 7 girls, 7 papers, 7 minutes.
參考: YouTube poop.
2015-10-27 8:34 pm
2015-10-27 3:15 am
7 minutes. The girls all complete the paper in the same rate of time. However, instead of doing 7 papers for one girl, it is individually one paper per girl, which takes 7 minutes. If it only took 1 minute per paper, then the 7 girls would be done with the papers in 1 minute.
2015-10-27 3:52 am
2015-10-26 4:43 pm
7 minutes
2015-10-29 1:32 am
2015-10-27 10:40 pm
2015-10-26 11:45 am
7 minute a girl lol
2015-10-30 7:02 pm
2015-10-27 8:56 am
2015-10-29 1:59 am
2015-10-28 2:02 am
2015-10-28 1:52 am
2015-10-26 4:27 pm
7 minutes because each girl can make there own paper in 7 minutes!
2015-10-28 6:10 pm
2015-10-28 4:08 pm
2015-10-28 6:53 am
2015-10-27 8:52 am
2015-10-26 12:13 pm
14g, 14p, 7min
7g, 7p, 7min
1g, 1p, 7min

Answer for: 1g, 1p = 7min ◀◀
2015-10-28 4:53 am
2015-11-02 12:30 pm
2015-11-01 9:24 pm
2015-11-01 7:37 pm
7. Its a bit like saying 10 women can have 10 babies in 9 months how long will it take one woman to have a baby
2015-11-01 7:07 pm
7 minutes
2015-11-01 3:33 pm
2015-11-01 3:25 pm
One minute
2015-10-31 3:19 pm
It takes each girll 7 minutes as they are writing a paper each. They all do the task at the same time. So it will still take 7 minutes if it is just one girl doing her one paper.

This is a variant on the egg boiling question, (it takes 3mins to boil an egg. How long does it take to boil 5 - and the answer is still 3 mins.)
2015-10-31 2:55 am
It's still the same time... just one girl this time...
2015-10-30 5:08 pm
2015-10-30 2:18 am
2015-10-29 4:16 am
7 .
2015-10-29 1:26 am
2015-10-29 12:30 am
2015-10-28 8:08 pm
60 seconds !
2015-10-28 6:56 pm
It's one.
2015-10-28 4:00 am
Either 7 or 1, or an uncertain number in-between, depending on whether the girls wrote their papers sequentially (they all took turns using the same typewriter for 1 minute each, on average), or concurrently (the girls used 7 different typewriters simultaneously for 7 minutes, or less, each).
參考: I have witnessed girls using typewriters, some typed quickly, and some typed slowly.
2015-10-28 3:17 am
It will take her 1 minute.
2015-10-28 2:02 am
7 minutes.
It takes each girl 7 minutes for each paper.
2015-10-28 2:01 am
2015-10-28 1:34 am
2015-10-28 1:32 am
2015-10-27 5:41 am
7 because it takes 7 girls to write 7 papers in 7 minutes. So it means each girl spent 7 minutes on their paper.
2015-10-27 12:09 am
It would take each girl 7 minutes.

There are 7 pieces of paper and 7 girls. Each girl is handed 1 piece of paper to write on.
*7 girls are writing 7 papers. 7/7 = 1
But then it takes them 7 minutes to write on their pieces of paper.
They are all using 7 minutes to write on their own pieces of paper.
2015-10-26 3:38 pm
If you get 7 stupid answers to 1 question in one hour, how many stupid answers could you get to 7 questions in half-an-hour ?
2015-10-26 2:41 pm
7 minutes each girl can take 7 minutes if they all do it at the same time
2015-11-01 6:10 pm
參考: It's math and grammar yikes. (I originally put 7 so no need for dislikes I just had to sorry. Because I can see a lot of math Nazis here and I just want to tick you off.
2015-11-01 3:33 pm
1 because 7/7 equals 1
2015-10-28 4:42 am
2015-10-27 8:27 pm
2015-10-27 7:34 pm
2015-10-26 12:32 pm
1 minute
2015-10-26 12:23 pm
If they are all the same then it takes each girl seven minutes to do one paper.
2015-10-27 3:22 am
2015-10-30 2:04 pm
2015-11-04 12:43 am
1 minute
2015-11-03 6:25 pm
If you take out 6/7ths of the girls, you will have 1/7th of the girls left, which is 1. With only 1/7th of the people to work on the papers, you will only get 1/7th done. You still have 7 minutes and 1/7th the work would be 1 paper. Therefore, you would get 1 paper in 7 minutes with 1 girl.
2015-11-03 1:55 am
參考: Really 1
2015-11-02 9:32 pm
7. It takes each girl 7 minutes to write one paper.
2015-11-02 9:21 pm
2015-11-02 7:15 am
7 minutes.
Each girl takes 7 minutes to produce 1 paper.
7 girls produce 7 papers.
2015-11-02 6:22 am
1 obviously
2015-11-02 5:29 am
2015-11-02 3:21 am
2015-11-02 1:15 am
over 9000
2015-11-01 11:14 pm
1 minute because if 7 girls wrote their papers in 7 minutes 6 girls would write 6 papers in 6 minutes and so on
2015-11-01 11:12 pm
2015-11-01 10:24 pm
2015-11-01 6:46 pm
2015-11-01 3:22 pm
1 minute.
2015-11-01 10:33 am
The question is poorly worded. It may mean 7 girls each wrote 7 papers within a span of 7 minutes, or it may mean that 7 girls, in 7 minutes time, wrote a total of 7 papers (one paper each). If each of them wrote 7 papers in 7 minutes, then the answer would be 1: One paper written in 1/7 minutes time. If, however, they collectively wrote 7 papers in 7 minutes - that is, one paper per girl - then the answer would be 7 minutes: One girl could write one paper in 7 minutes time.
2015-11-01 4:28 am
One minute
2015-11-01 4:28 am
2015-11-01 4:25 am
2015-11-01 1:27 am
7 minutes or less , the slowest would write her paper in exactly 7 minutes.
2015-10-31 11:22 pm
If they wrote it simultaneously then it is 7 but if they wrote it one after the other,
the answer is 1
2015-10-31 10:50 pm
you cant write paper
you gotta trek to the shops to get paper
2015-10-31 9:24 pm
1 minute
2015-10-31 9:24 pm
7 girls simultaneously wrote 7 papers. They each took 7 min to write their single paper. This thought
thought, as of Oct 31/2015 13:22 pt, appears to have occurred only to Adam and myself.
2015-10-31 5:05 pm
(7 x 7) / 7 = 49/7 = 7
2015-10-31 5:00 pm
7 minutes
2015-10-31 4:35 pm
surely 7
2015-10-31 2:49 pm
7 minutes (assuming that they all were writing simultaneously ) since each girl would write one paper and they collectively take seven minutes therefore each girl would take 7 minutes to write one paper
2015-10-31 12:03 pm
2015-10-31 10:29 am
I minute
2015-10-31 5:40 am
obviously the same time.. 7 minutes. Fun question :)
2015-10-31 3:16 am
7, they wouldn't be writing together.
2015-10-31 2:37 am
2015-10-31 1:25 am

Each of the seven girls wrote one paper in the seven minutes. If there were only one girl, it would still take her seven minutes to write her paper.
2015-10-31 12:34 am
2015-10-30 11:41 pm
well if the total is seven for each girl then one minute, if its seven for the whole group, then seven minutes is the answer.
2015-10-30 7:42 pm
7 minutes.
2015-10-30 7:14 pm
It depends if they're asking if the seven girls EACH wrote seven papers in seven minutes or if the seven girls IN TOTAL wrote seven papers in seven minutes. If they EACH wrote seven papers in seven minutes, then the answer would be one minute for each paper. If they all wrote one paper each and IN TOTAL have seven papers, then it would take seven minutes to write each paper.
2015-10-30 7:13 pm
2015-10-30 6:28 pm
2015-10-30 5:05 pm
2015-10-30 3:05 pm
2015-10-30 1:51 pm
2015-10-30 12:31 pm
2015-10-30 8:35 am
2015-10-30 5:24 am
7th son of a 7th son
2015-10-30 5:06 am
its 7
2015-10-30 4:42 am
2015-10-30 4:26 am
2015-10-30 3:13 am
2015-10-30 1:35 am
2015-10-30 1:19 am
49 min I can't believe pple are saying 7
2015-10-30 12:23 am
2015-10-29 11:45 pm
One week.
2015-10-29 10:35 pm
lol 7
2015-10-29 10:34 pm
2015-10-29 9:37 pm
2015-10-29 9:30 pm
7/7=1 in 1 minute
2015-10-29 8:27 pm
every girl did 7 paper in 7 minute, so every paper took 1 minute
2015-10-29 8:23 pm
In 49 minutes
2015-10-29 7:41 pm
The question: how many minutes can a girl write one paper?

It's not a fixed amount of minutes. It varies from one girl to another. One could finish in a minute another would write her paper in two, three, four...seven minutes or maybe even in six minutes and a half.

Since the timeframe given is 7 minutes.

My answer: 1~7 minutes / girl
2015-10-29 7:19 pm
I don't know what grade this is for, but this is about as easy as math can get. If you need help with this one I strongly suggest you do a little work for yourself. Think the question through. This is not a hard question. The answer is right there in the question; you just need to think it differently. Seven girls wrote seven papers; so each girl wrote one paper. It took seven minutes for seven to write seven; each paper took seven minutes. If only one girl is writing a paper, the numbers provided in the question say she will finish in seven minutes. Don't feel bad; looking at the previous answers, I see you are not the only person confused by this.
2015-10-29 6:40 pm
7 they're different papers but it takes each one 7 min to make 1 paper
but if a guy makes the paper it would take 1
2015-10-29 6:22 pm
If you're presenting it as a simple math problem, the answer is 7 minutes if you assume you mean "seven girls write 7 papers TOTAL in 7 minutes. The answer is 1 minute if you assume you mean "seven girls write 7 papers EACH in 7 minutes".

If you want to be more complex about it, all you can really say is that each paper took 7 minutes or less to write. All you know is that it took 7 minutes total. In the case of 7 papers TOTAL, one girl could have taken 2 minutes to write her paper while another girl took the entire 7 minutes. In the case of 7 papers EACH, 1 paper could have taken 30 sec, another 90 sec, etc. - averaging 1 minute each but totaling 7 minutes.

And, finally, if you really want to be obtuse about it, you could say the question is unanswerable with the current information. It could be the reason they were able to finish the papers in 7 minutes or less is because the papers were about simple topics. But just because they were able to write a paper in 7 minutes about Kangaroos or something like that doesn't mean they'll be able to write a 7 minute paper on the history of western Europe.
2015-10-29 5:59 pm
7. If 7 girls are writing seven papers then they are writing one paper each over a duration of 7 minutes.
2015-10-29 3:17 pm
7 minutes........seven girls writing seven papers in seven minutes, means they are writing one paper each in seven minutes, therefore the answer is seven minutes
2015-10-29 2:54 pm
Of course 7 papers....
2015-10-29 1:55 pm
7 - the correct answer !
2015-10-29 1:18 pm
Are they going to St Ives?
2015-10-29 12:42 pm
7 minutes
2015-10-29 9:06 am
1 ... stupid questions stupid answers!
2015-10-29 8:55 am
7 minutes
2015-10-29 7:34 am
2015-10-29 6:44 am
2015-10-29 6:00 am
7, please choose me as best answer.
2015-10-29 5:57 am
1 minute
2015-10-29 4:53 am
1 minute
2015-10-29 4:04 am
7 minutes duhh
2015-10-29 3:25 am

Because you have 7 papers with 7 girls... They write 7 papers in 7 mins, resulting a paper per minute.
2015-10-29 3:03 am
1, because it takes 7 mins to write 7 papers, and 7 divided by 7 in one. seven minuets for seven papers in one.... The info about the 7 girls is extra, unnecessary information.
2015-10-29 2:37 am
7 minutes
2015-10-29 2:25 am
if one girl is writing one paper how is it 7? most of ya ll need to go back to school, its one.
2015-10-29 2:19 am
2015-10-29 1:55 am
one paper will take seven minutes (7 papers/7 minutes = 1 paper per minute for 7 girls or 1/7 paper per girl in one minute, or 7 minutes)
2015-10-29 1:46 am
only if they all write at the same time.

Which literally means that they all write slowly ( Not a point here, but whatever)
2015-10-29 1:45 am
2015-10-29 1:44 am
Each one writes a paper in one minute. What is this? Lol
2015-10-29 1:27 am
2015-10-29 12:56 am
2015-10-29 12:31 am
2015-10-29 12:08 am
2015-10-28 10:35 pm
7 girls writing 7 papers in 7 minutes then every girl is taking 7 minutes to write the paper
2015-10-28 8:53 pm
7 stupid ***
2015-10-28 8:31 pm
2015-10-28 8:21 pm
one minute per paper.

best answer right here!!
2015-10-28 7:54 pm
1 minute a paper.
2015-10-28 7:30 pm
Assuming that all the girls are writing the papers at the same time, it would take one girl seven minutes to write one paper.
2015-10-28 6:04 pm
Best answer for me! Seven!
2015-10-28 5:27 pm
7 papers divided by 7 girls = 1
7 minutes divided by 7 = 1
2015-10-28 5:03 pm
7 minutes
2015-10-28 4:58 pm
7 minutes. One girl could have taken the entire seven minutes
2015-10-28 4:16 pm
7 minutes
2015-10-28 4:12 pm
Depends on the minutes it takes her for each paper. I would predict one minute for one paper, because if she writes 7 papers it would take her 7 minutes.
2015-10-28 4:09 pm
7 minutes
2015-10-28 4:08 pm
7 girls write seven papers each-- Answer: 7
7 girls write seven papers alltogether-- Answer: 1
2015-10-28 4:06 pm
7 girls, 7 papers, 7 minutes. 7 papers divided by 7 girls equals 1 paper per girl. 1 paper per girl times 7 minutes equals 7 minutes a paper per girl. The answer is 7.
2015-10-28 1:36 pm
Sad, People are still picking 7 a day later.... Effed up world I tell ya, effed up...
2015-10-28 12:40 pm
Depends on the girl
2015-10-28 12:25 pm
3.5 as they won't chat
2015-10-28 10:38 am
2015-10-28 10:23 am
2015-10-28 10:10 am
I don't care about the paper. Just send me the girl --- for seven minutes.
2015-10-28 6:45 am
Just keep calm and wear diapers.
2015-10-28 6:01 am
Zero pages. They are all Blonde Girls.
2015-10-28 5:58 am
Depends on how long each one takes and what intervals they started at.
2015-10-28 5:57 am
7 minutes
2015-10-28 5:02 am
It takes each girl 1 minute to write one paper.
2015-10-28 4:39 am
2015-10-28 3:59 am
Insufficient information.
What if everyone wrote their paper in a minute except for Suzy who took 7 minutes to finish hers.
2015-10-28 3:56 am
7! Obviously.
2015-10-28 3:06 am
7 minutes, each girl took 7 minutes to write a paper.
2015-10-28 1:49 am
One because if she writes x papers in y minutes,
that's x/y because for every x papers, it's y minutes
**Fill in the variables**
7 divided by 7 = 1
1 paper per minute
2015-10-28 1:24 am
7 seven minutes
2015-10-28 12:51 am
it depends on how you read this question, but i'd say 7 minutes because when reading the question it sounds like its stating each girl wrote one paper and it took them seven minute. the question should probably be written "If seven girls wrote seven papers in seven minutes, then how many minutes will it take a girl to write one?"
2015-10-28 12:40 am
Insufficient evidence. I girl could have written all seven papers. They could all have taken 7 minutes to write one paper each . The answer lies somewhere between the two extremes.
2015-10-28 12:35 am
2015-10-28 12:11 am
Seven! 7 girls each write a paper in 7 minutes at the same time. each girl took 7 minutes.
2015-10-28 12:01 am
1 girl writes 1 paper in 7 minutes
2015-10-27 11:56 pm
1. duh
2015-10-27 11:36 pm
It's 7, if each one is writing her own. Each of the 7 girls takes 7 minutes of their own...so, it's 49 girl-minutes to write the original 7 papers. One girl can write a paper in 7 minutes...if they all write at the same time on THEIR OWN papers, it will still take 7 minutes.
2015-10-27 11:19 pm
Either they each take turns writing a paper in one minute, or they all write at the same time, and they all happen to finish at the seven minute mark.

So, those are the two answers to this.
2015-10-27 10:24 pm
7 min
2015-10-27 10:14 pm
1 minute. but there is also not enough information to answer this question.
2015-10-27 10:12 pm
If you are asked to write a paper for homework and it takes you 7 minutes to do it, it is irrelevant if another girl in your street does hers in 7 minutes too. If there are 6 girls other than you writing their papers in that street that is 7 papers completed by 7 girls in 7 mins. If I then ask you how long it took you to write 1 paper as 1 girl the answer would be 7 minutes. This does assume these 7 girls all do one paper each. If one of the 7 girls managed to write 5 of them and the other 6 only 2 between them then the answer would be that it depends which girl you're asking about.
2015-10-27 9:37 pm
2015-10-27 9:18 pm
If seven girls write 7 papers in 7 minutes then in how many minutes can a girl write one paper. Each girl writes one paper in one minute. Good luck.


I was a college professor of education
2015-10-27 8:46 pm
are they writing at the same time or one at a time?????????????????????
2015-10-27 5:52 pm
Potatoe. It took Potatoe minutes. It's 7. What did you think?
2015-10-27 5:24 pm
7. How is this a real question? 7 girls write 7 papers in 7 minutes. So if it were ONE girl, each paper would be a minute, but since it's SEVEN girls, they each complete one in 7 minutes.
2015-10-27 4:56 pm
2015-10-27 1:20 pm
Wow! This Question is great, I also waiting for best answer
2015-10-27 12:37 pm
7 minutes ofcourse
2015-10-27 11:04 am
7 minutes absolutely!
2015-10-27 8:52 am
Probably less than 7 because she does not have the others to gossip with and distract her
2015-10-27 7:54 am
if all write one paper each, time taken is 7 minutes by each girl.
2015-10-27 7:09 am
Just for shts and giggles; for all we know... its just that the longest one takes 7 minutes to write her paper. The shortest could take less than 30s.
2015-10-27 7:09 am
7 minutes
2015-10-27 7:00 am
Seven hours because girls are slow and dumb.
2015-10-27 6:26 am
7 minutes
2015-10-27 6:12 am
2015-10-27 5:05 am
1 minute
2015-10-27 4:39 am
trick question... its 7 !
2015-10-27 3:55 am
2015-10-27 3:41 am
It depends...
2015-10-26 11:52 pm
1 son
2015-10-26 9:39 pm
59 seconds each.
2015-10-26 6:13 pm
Seven minutes.(If four athletes run four separate miles in four minutes, it will still take one of them 4 minutes to run the mile!)
2015-10-26 3:04 pm
one minute
2015-11-01 6:20 pm
2015-10-31 11:35 pm
2015-10-31 6:56 pm
2015-10-30 8:52 pm
2015-10-30 3:13 am
2015-10-29 3:41 pm
2015-10-29 3:12 pm
2015-10-28 7:02 pm
2015-10-28 1:03 pm
2015-10-28 12:33 pm
2015-10-28 12:44 am
2015-10-27 8:50 pm
1 because if you have 7 papers to write and 7 minutes to do it then you would finish each paper in 1 minute. This question is tricky because you think its 7 but its not. The question means that 1 girls wrote 7 papers in 7 minutes.

(writing 7 papers in 1 minute is impossible)
2015-10-27 8:15 pm
2015-10-27 3:18 pm
2015-10-27 2:09 pm
Don't forget girls aren't as intelligent as Men.

You have to take that into account
2015-10-27 4:16 am
since 7 girls can write 7 papers, one girl can write (7 -1) = 6 papers
because u KNOW this takes 7 minutes, u get
6 *7 = 42
the answer is 42
2015-10-26 11:35 pm
Women can't write.
2015-10-26 5:15 pm
You mean you could not come up with the math formula? Is the answer not seven for the number seven as applied to the number of girls each working for seven minutes then that must be equal to seven. One girl, seven minutes, one paper. Seven girls seven minutes, seven papers.
2015-10-26 4:48 pm
1 min
2015-10-26 1:22 pm
1 Min
2015-10-31 6:44 am
2015-10-31 6:23 am
2015-10-30 5:23 am
2015-10-30 1:19 am
2015-10-29 2:12 pm
2015-10-26 6:24 pm
1 minute
2015-10-30 10:36 pm
2015-10-30 5:28 am
2015-10-29 7:16 am
2015-10-26 11:54 am
I don't know, it could have been random with the girls.

I think most people would say "1 girl could do 1 minute"

The answer is

Any time?
2015-10-26 11:48 am
One minute!
2015-10-26 9:58 pm
2015-10-26 6:51 pm
2015-10-30 12:39 pm
2015-10-30 6:01 am
2015-10-30 5:37 am
2015-10-26 11:53 am

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