I'm 21, but I can't afford an engagement ring, I have $250 and I was thinking about getting my girlfriend a promise ring, dumb idea?

2015-10-26 3:42 am

回答 (11)

2015-10-26 4:34 pm
Wouldn't it make FAR more sense to SAVE the money towards an engagement ring, rather than blowing it on a promise ring now then getting her ANOTHER ring in a year or two?
2015-10-27 1:34 am
If all you have is $250, then you are nowhere near ready to be married.
If this is a girl you want to keep, you could get her a promise ring - but save the proposal for when you are really ready, and have some real money saved up.

Being "engaged" means you are actively booking a wedding, not intending to marry each other. And not having any money sets you up for failure.

Find her a nice little birthstone ring- nothing that looks remotely like an engagement ring, nod God forbid anything fake that other people will mistake for a real one. Be honest. You have *years* to go before you will be able to provide for a wife and perhaps a family - so keep it appropriate to your real current state. You should be able to find a nice little gold ring with a gemstone in it at a pawn shop for under $100.
2015-10-26 11:25 pm
Yes, dumb idea. I've never liked the idea of promise rings. Why buy a $250 promise ring and then buy another engagement ring a year from now? What would be the point of that?
2015-10-26 4:23 pm
yes that is a dumb idea. get her an engagement ring with it. you can get them at walmart, kmart or target for that amount. or use it as a down payment for a layaway or credit purchase of a more expensive ring.

promise rings are useless.
2015-10-26 4:15 am
It's the thought that counts. I am sure she will love it all the same.
2015-10-30 3:35 pm
My engagement ring costs around 350. I personally wanted to be much cheaper and spend more towards our wedding and future, but he wanted to spend at least 500, but I got him to agree happily to that. If he had given me a wire wrapped around a stone, I would have loved it. It's not about material things. It's about the love you two should share. If you want to spend more, save your money. But I don't think there's a right or wrong price for an engagement ring. Oh and with 350 I was able to get the ring of dreams. Pure white gold setting and I never really was one for diamonds, so I got his birthstone as the main stone and two cubic zirconias on either side. Custom made.
2015-10-30 2:07 pm
yes it is a dumb idea.
2015-10-28 11:12 pm
Yea, just save your money and save until you can get a good ring
2015-10-27 5:16 am
I think if you really feel this girl is the one and you wanna show her and want to buy her a promise ring then do it!! I think it's sweet and cute. It shows her that you do care and you wanna work towards engagement!! Don't go buying a very expensive one. just one that's 50 to 100 dollars. My friend got one and it is big and now they aren't even together anymore. But it just depends on your style and hers too. Don't forget that! :)
2015-10-26 2:23 pm
No girl wants a promise ring instead of an engagement ring. sorry but 250 is awful cheap of you no matter what you situation. If this is the best you can do you are far far from ready to get married
2015-10-26 10:41 am
That amount of money is plenty enough to buy an engagement ring of gold with a diamond, you just need to look around. Something which a store calls a promise ring, can still be an engagement ring.
However, there is much more money required to come - how will the two of you pay for your wedding? Good luck.
2015-10-26 3:43 am
Ask her to marry you with a fake ring (a cheapo one) and save up for a real one.

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