Question about my boyfriend?

2015-10-26 12:12 am
My boyfriend and I have been dating for a few months, and every thing is going good. But there's just one thing that I've been thinking about lately.
So sometimes guys will flirt with me when I'm at school, stores, etc. And when I tell my boyfriend, he doesn't care and he actually said "No I like it when guys flirt with you because it shows that you chose me over other guys."
Another thing is that there was a guy in my class that had a huge crush on me last year, but I didn't like him like that. He messaged me last night and was calling me beautiful. I was on the phone with my boyfriend when this happened, so I told my boyfriend about it. All he says when stuff like this happens is "Oh that's so weird "
But it doesn't make him upset or anything.
I remember once when a guy was flirting with me when my boyfriend was around, and once my boyfriend came over he said "I'm sorry bro" and my boyfriend said "Nah it's okay, I don't get mad when something like that happens. The only time I get mad is when someone hurts me or my family."

Would this make you upset? I don't know but it's new to me because I never dated a guy like that before

回答 (1)

2015-10-26 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
why would you be worried that he trusts you??? jealousy in a romantic relationship is the worst thing that can happen it means its over ---- why not accept he cares and he trusts you

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:46:55
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