Why are people still feminists in the Western world?

2015-10-25 8:41 pm
I can understand in places like the Middle East but why is it needed in the western world?

回答 (6)

2015-10-25 8:45 pm
2015-10-25 8:42 pm
No matter how many entailments a special interest like feminism wins, they can always win more. It also takes a lot of work to maintain the entitlements they've won.
2015-10-25 8:51 pm
Videogame women are being victimized and forced to dress in skimpy clothes. It's so gross and wrong. We gotta help them. (and ensure we get lots of pretty men to drool over like in that game Final Fantasy XV...but that Cindy character needs to be made a shirtless male or covered up...its not right for guys to get eye candy)
參考: Feminist Gamer-its only ok when we're the ones getting our way
2015-10-25 9:47 pm
The boldest bullies are the ones with the least opposition. Ever notice how multiple-shooting gunmen pick places least likely to have armed patrons?? Well, it was only natural that feminists would start out in the least patriarchal societies, and it's only natural that they continue to boldly press their agenda in the places where they're the least threatened, and also the least-needed.

Path of least resistance... Human nature... Nature itself.
2015-10-26 1:08 am
So people in the west cant fight for women's rights around the world?
2015-10-25 9:04 pm
Because men are still sexist and rape is a widespread issue? I'm not so much feeling the whole wage gap myth, but I'd be a liar if I said that men treated women equally. Just because we are not forced to live at home and hide our faces like those in the Middle East, doesn't mean that we go through sexism.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:45:18
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