Sometimes you cant just let the pass go, no matter how bad you wish you could.....?

2015-10-25 9:22 am
So I need an opinion. What is considered cheating in a relationship?
I know this happened awhile ago, but I caught my boyfriend texting this girl that was supposedly a friend of ours and they were sending pictures to each other. And then after a few months I found out more information...not only were they sending each other pix, but they have been messaging each other for months! When ever I would bring it up he would say that he does not understand how that is considered cheating because it is not like they are having sexual intercourse.
Long story short, I just need some advice, how am I suppose to just forgive and forget...I think about it all the time.
He has changed a lot, but still....I am not the type that can just let things go. Especially if I give someone my all and revolve my whole life around them. IDK what to do.

回答 (3)

2015-10-25 11:52 am
Emotional cheating is cheating and therefore he was basically preparing himself to cheat. He was intentionally leading her onto a path to get her interested and had you not of seen it, he would have probably ended up with her at some point and don't be surprised if he isn't still finding ways to communicate with her and maybe many more women. You have to get out of this relationship, it's never going to work.
2015-10-25 9:30 am
Ok, that's definitely cheating hon. I wouldn't forgive and forget. Has he apologized? If he has and you forgave him then he has to EARN back your trust. Forgiveness is alright but it doesn't mean you have to trust them again. Don't let anyone do something like that to you, ok? You are an amazing and beautiful person and you deserve so much more than that. SO much more respect, you hear me? Don't be afraid to stand up and take care of yourself. Him saying it wasn't cheating absolute bs. If he didn't or won't take that back and apologize he doesn't sound worth it
2015-10-25 9:29 am
its emotional cheating ----- its saying you are not important to him that he has an emotional attachment to this other lady ---- he is making excuses

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