I saw my gf changing a tampon?

2015-10-25 4:39 am
I walked in because the door wasn't locked and out of shock I yelled what the ****. She started yelling at me to get out and she was so embarrassed she left, crying all red? She didn't answer my texts or calls and I want to tell her it's not gross bu she doesn't believe me and she's been crying so much. Help?

回答 (3)

2015-10-25 4:47 am
she needs to calm down it really is not a big deal ---- then go and see her talk to her face to face ---- show her its not a big deal ----- if she does not accept that just move on she is far too immature for you (which is kind of a first for me to say the lady is immature)
2015-10-25 4:42 am
Let her walk in on you when your masturbating to even it out. No But pretend that happened and try to find ways in yourself that you'd allow her to accept that if she saw you doing that. Just tell her its normal then maybe ease the pressure with some of your whatever the hell you do to make her feel better.
2015-10-25 4:41 am
lmfao out of all the girlfriends I've had that has never happen to me but make it into a joke not I'm sorry I'm sorry and she'll start laughing too

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