Did Merrill's Marauders use tanks when they fought in Burma?

2015-10-24 11:58 pm

回答 (5)

2015-10-25 12:36 am
China, Burma, and India it was strictly light fighting. They did use mules to move supplies and equipment.
2015-10-25 12:03 am
Tanks ? Nope, they were getting airdrops of small arms and ammo. No tanks.
2015-10-25 1:58 am
If they did they'd still be there trying to get out of the jungle. They used pack mules and were resupplied by air.
2015-10-25 1:50 pm
sure. they even operated a handful of captured PzVI tigersin the reputable burmese tank friendly mountain jungle enviroment
2015-10-25 4:58 am
I really doubt it. The biggest equipment they brought with them were jeeps, and even that was a chore.

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