10 year old wet himself at school?

2015-10-24 11:16 pm
my 10 year old we himself at school the other day. he last wet himself at the age of 6. What should I do. To make it worse he wore briefs when wet and left an outline. 1 or 2 people noticed apparently and made fun of him the next day for using briefs.
The kids are being dealt with.
What should I do???

回答 (13)

2015-10-24 11:28 pm
whats wrong with briefs?NOTHING! those kids are just kids i would say immature but they are still kids if i was your ten year old and that happened to me, i would do something about it if they kept making fun i would change the situation with the school worrying about me because your kid is taught better than those other kids they were probably taught something else so its probably parenting or influence so either notify your school to deal with it one way or let your kid deal with it another because your kid is being the better person right now and dont let that go
2015-10-26 2:58 am
The first thing I would address is WHY he wet himself at school. Did he have to "go" really bad and the teacher would not let him? Does he have an infection or bladder condition that made this happen? Did he realize that he was wetting himself when it happened? Definitely talk to you son -- and possibly his pediatrician -- and find out WHY this happened.

Whether he wears boxers, briefs, bikinis, or no underwear is NOT the issue here. The issue is WHY a 10-year old suddenly wet himself at school! Find the cause and correct it asap!
2015-10-28 9:15 pm
Just let the teacher(s) or principal deal with the kids at school. You should buy him some briefs etc. that won't make an outline if it is a problem. Have you asked your son whether there has been problems as school? Occasionally when there are issues going on at school, or through her personal life can cause problems like this.
2015-10-27 9:11 am
Tell him not to drink too much water and tell him to ask the teacher for using the washroom whenever he NEED to.
2015-10-25 7:11 am
so, he cant tell when he has to pee? I mean 0 I can understand when they are sleeping, but when they are awake? Maybe something medically wrong - if they cant tell when their bladder is full ,tis an issue
2015-10-25 6:45 am
Poor kiddo hes gonna catch hell at school. I would just tell him run to the pisser if its an emergency.
2015-10-24 11:45 pm
This does occasionally happen with 10 year old's or even older. We have at least one 7th grader and one 8th grader at our middle school who wear diapers. These our mainstreamed students too, not special ed.

Since this hasn't happened since he was 6, I wouldn't worry too much. It probably won't happen again. It does suck that kids made fun of him, but unfortunately that's how some children act at that age. My guess is your child will be in middle school next year and other kids will have forgotten about the incident.
2015-11-07 7:13 pm
This was an accident.

Send an extra outfit to school and don't make a big deal about it with him.

As for wearing briefs.... boys will generally wear the same style of under ware as Dad. So it might be time for Dad and son to go shopping without mom around. Allow your son to pick the underwear that he wants to try.
2015-11-03 9:00 am
Cut off his penis
2015-11-03 1:47 am
If it is a one off I would not worry, it sometimes happens to the best of kids.
2015-11-01 7:50 pm
The most important thing is dealing with the reason he wet himself.
Start by making an appointment with his pediatrician. Your son may have an infection that is interfering with controlling his bladder. If medical problems are ruled out, then focus on ways you can help your son manage his feelings about the kids making fun of him.

We help parents with any kind of parenting issue and would welcome a call from you!
Take care,
SM, Counselor
Boys Town National Hotline

what s your source?
2015-10-25 9:11 pm
Talk to him about it and assure that he recognizes that embarrassing things like this happen to all of us. Ask him if he didn't realize he had to go or if he didn't feel comfortable asking. If he didn't realize he had to go, maybe talk to your doctor. Make him feel okay talking to you about the kids picking on him and his situation, but try not to hover over it. Medical wise, it may not be a big deal if he only did it once.
2015-10-25 12:55 am

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