I feel as if i've been screwed over? My maths skills are terrible.?
Since primary all of my teachers in maths have been terrible. All they've done is given instructions on how to do something. There is no explanation. If you get something wrong they've just shouted at you. I feel as if they were any good at their job, I'd be much better at maths. I want to get better at maths but it feels like its too late now. Im in year ten. How could I improve. Ive always wanted to be a physicists but because they were **** at their jobs and didnt explain I got stuff wrong. And when you get shouted at for getting stuff wrong, you just dont put as much effort in because of the shouting but because you dont understand. How can I get better at maths quickly. Im willing to try anything. Even listening to maths will I sleep.
回答 (3)
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves..."
The first step to 'recovery' is in admitting that the problem is yours !!
Unfortunately there are no quick fixes, the best way to get good at math is to do more math.Try picking something you're interested in and find out what math is in it, there is math in everything, as a tip, avoid things that don't apparently have any relationship to mathmatics, as you usually find the math is horribly complex. Example: Flower arranging, no math right? Wrong, Aesthetic spatial distribution, particularly complex statistical distributuion.
If you are willing to put in the effort you can improve your skills in any area, however I would not expect a quick fix such as learning mathematics while you sleep.
Instead, I would suggest getting a tutor that will work with you one-on-one and help you through your current coursework. Depending on how well you managed to get the fundamentals, despite your learning in the past, you can hopefully build on that and get through the current material. But again, it may require extra time on your part with extra exercises and homework.
It's now on your shoulders.
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:43:38
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