Tax Question?

2015-10-24 4:32 pm
Susan is a single taxpayer, 26 years of age, with AGI of $28,000 and no tax exempt income. She did not have minimum essential coverage for 9 months in 2014.

What is her individual shared responsibility payment for 2014?

回答 (4)

2015-10-24 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
$134 or possibly less if the nine months were not the first nine months of the year or the last nine months of the year.

Her penalty is based on $28,000 - $10,150 = $17,850. Her penalty is 1% of that amount multiplied by the fraction of the year she was without coverage, or 9/12.

179*9/12 = 134
2015-10-25 8:24 am
Do your own homework,
2015-10-24 11:58 pm
sounds like homework
2015-10-24 4:57 pm
$0 - Susan was very clever, and made sure that she didn't have any taxes withheld.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:44:08
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