Why she did that?

2015-10-24 5:42 am
I like a girl where I work a year ago and now she is going back to her country, the thing is when I met her, I got to know her,she would glance at me all the time and get jealous from other girls. When I asked her out, she told me she was busy, I back off and a few weeks later I asked again and she told me the whole I don't want to date, I'm not ready for a relationship thing so I stop pursuing her and I just say hi and that's it but she still glances at me and everything, now on her last day at work, she completely ignored me and started talking to this guy a few feet away from me and talk really loud, then hugged him and said a hmmm really loud, I got pissed from seeing that I just continue going where I was heading to. What gives?. And know I can't stop thinking about it and still hurts me that I will not see her again even though she didn't wanted to go out with me.

回答 (1)

2015-10-24 5:48 am
When someone says they arent ready for a relationship you get on with your life.You move on.

Start looking for girls who look at you and they smile at you,those girls are attracted to you,they are interested in you and they would like to get to know you.Make your move on them.

You might want to read a few books on how to pick up girls:

1)"Secrets Of The A-Game". By Logan Edwards.

2)"A Man's Guide From Frog To Prince:a woman reveals dating secrets
every an should know. By Susan Young.

3)"Changing Your Game". By Christie Hartman.

4)"The Art Of The Approach". By Logan Edwards.

5)"Booby Trapped.Men Beware.The Dirty Seven Sisters". By June Marshall.

6)"Undercover Sex Signals." By Leil Lowndes.

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