Are miracles real?

2015-10-24 4:54 am

回答 (145)

2015-10-24 5:24 am
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Are miracles real?

~~~ Reality is ALL inclusive!
Everything is 'Real'!
What an ignorant superstitious tribesman, for instance, considers a 'miracle', is just a Bic lighter to me!
That is two different Perspectives of the same One Reality!
Both Perspectives provide a better picture of Reality than just one!

"The acceptance and understanding of other Perspectives furthers our acquaintance with Reality!"
2015-10-24 3:52 pm
Are Miracles "REAL" To answer the question one must FIRST ESTABLISH What the AGREED upon Definitions of the words in the question ACTUALLY are .

The Standard for Accepted definitions are a Dictionary . Here we go

. MIRACLES defined as An Extraordinary event "MANIFESTING " Divine intervention in Human affairs An Unusual or wonderful event that is Believe ( accepted as true ) to be CAUSED by the power of God

REAL defined as Actually Existing as a THING Or occurring in FACT ( that which is VERIFIED and indisputable ) Not Imagined or supposed . that is per Websters dictionary .

Now we need further definitions Divine Of like or from God

God defined as as "superhuman Being or Spirit Worshiped as having power over nature or Humans fortune a deity ..

....So without opinion but presenting definitions . are gods Verified and indisputable .are they Proven to exist No ,

then they are Claimed "supposed asserted .

.Then the term "manifested" means it is measurable , means it is testable . ability to be PROVEN .

Well If you have not proven god you can not prove a miracle and no one has EVER proved a god action and again manifest would mean you could "measure or detect

the god would then be Repeatedly detected or measured because according to some ( A claim asserted supposed) god Exist and is real It remains disputed so It fails to meet the definition

. answer it has not been established as a FACT verified and indisputable . Gods are DISPUTED every day not just by atheist , but by each religion themselves Christians dispute Hindu Muslims dispute and denominates dispute Some people want them to be real , but once you use the word REAL , your confronted by REALITY
2015-10-25 7:59 am
Yes, God does still work miracles. But so do devils (Revelation 13:14 and 16:14). So the only way you're going to know the difference is by living 2 Timothy 2:15 and Matthew 4:4 and Isaiah 8:20.
2015-10-27 7:51 pm
birth is a miracle, so yes miracles are real.

your question is like asking how many saints are there. A person is made a saint if they have 2 or more proven miracles to their credit. There is a whole detailed and long and drawn out process for the pope canonizing humans to be saints. And there's a whole long list of saints, so for sure many miracles have been performed (many received).
2015-10-27 1:18 am
If miracles are real, why don't amputees get healed?

Miracles are usually claimed during a disaster.
An earthquake, tornado, hurricane, tsunami, or a flood.

They find a animal, child, or a person and claim a miracle.
I consider this a misdirection. It makes people forget the hundreds or thousands that died,

I'll leave you with Peter popoff, the King of Miracles:
參考: Now, provide a deity. Send it over to my place for dinner so it can prove itself to me. Free Thinkers are here to answer your religious questions with intelligence, wit, and sarcasm to steer you on the path paved with logic and reason
2015-10-26 3:09 am
It would be better to define the question than to simply ask if miracles are real. That is too broad and general.

Famous poker player Doyle Brunson was diagnosed with terminal cancer and it was all over his body. He had months to live at most. His wife, a Christian who believed that miracles are real, called Christian radio stations around the country and contacted large churches and had huge numbers of believers pray for him. Then they went to do an operation to help him live a couple extra months so he could witness the birth of his daughter, and all the cancer was unexplainably gone. This is a well-documented incident and it is in the biography section of his first poker book.

Are miracles real? This story is one of only hundreds of thousands similar. Stuff like this happens more frequently than anyone supposes. Pastors of large churches see miracles so often it doesn't even phase them any more.

You want to see that miracles are real yourself? Join the prayer ministry at a large church like a Calvary Chapel and you will see them ...all ...the ...time.
2015-10-25 2:13 pm
It is an event that surpasses all known human and natural powers and is usually attributed to some sort of supernatural power.
If the Bible is what it claims to be—God’s Word of truth—then you have clear reason to believe in the miracles about which it speaks. The Bible is explicit in reporting that miracles occurred in bygone days—miraculous healings, resurrections, and the like—yet it is just as explicit in explaining that such miracles no longer take place. So does this mean that even those who accept the Bible as fact consider belief in modern-day miracles to be unfounded?
Various kinds of miracles are mentioned in the Bible. (Exodus 7:19-21; 1 Kings 17:1-7; 18:22-38; 2 Kings 5:1-14; Matthew 8:24-27; Luke 17:11-19; John 2:1-11; 9:1-7) Many of these miracles served to identify Jesus as the Messiah, and they proved that he had God’s backing. Jesus’ early followers displayed miraculous gifts, such as speaking in tongues and discernment of inspired utterances. (Acts 2:5-12; 1 Corinthians 12:28-31) Such miraculous gifts were useful for the Christian congregation during its infancy. How so?
Well, copies of the Scriptures were few. Usually, only the rich possessed scrolls or books of any sort. In pagan lands, there was no knowledge of the Bible or of its Author, Jehovah. Christian teaching had to be conveyed by word of mouth. The miraculous gifts were useful in showing that God was using the Christian congregation.
But Paul explained that these gifts would pass away once they were no longer needed. “Whether there are gifts of prophesying, they will be done away with; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with. For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with.”—1 Corinthians 13:8-10.
Today, people have access to Bibles, as well as concordances and encyclopedias. Over six million trained Christians are assisting others to gain divine knowledge based on the Bible. Thus, miracles are no longer necessary to attest to Jesus Christ as God’s appointed Deliverer or to provide proof that Jehovah is backing his servants.
For more information on this subject and others, please go to the source below click on "Online Library." Also for free downloads, publications or read online. You can read online or request the book " What does the bible really teach"
2015-10-26 3:42 am
A miracle is defined as something that is humanly impossible. Examples would be an amputee regrouping their lost limb(s), a child being born by painlessly popping out their mother's mouth, or a blind person's sight coming back without surgery. A person overcoming cancer is not a miracle, nor is a baby that had strokes growing it be a normal person without a single severe psychological or physiological disorder, as was the case for myself.
2015-10-25 9:48 am
No. We humans often exaggerate details of all the stories we retell. A happening that occurs seemingly contradictive to accepted believe may be called a miracle. Miracle as a word has many meanings. Religions rely on faith to explain or credit miracles.
2015-10-25 5:31 pm
I believe that miracles are real but are mysterious to us because we don't understand enough. There are two types of miracles that Jesus did. One type is very hard to understand but there is some evidence. We see at the fundamental level that there is no material matter as we perceive with our senses. It is more like packets of energy coming into and popping out of existence. If we knew more we might be able to understand the turning of water into wine and walking on water etc.
The other type is healing the sick. This type is easy to understand when you can appreciate the nature of disease.The body is purpose driven and not a machine. Ideas and beliefs bring about bodily reactivity. If you can influence/ change the ideas then you can change the state of the body and bodily activity.

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