Hi i need help. I am a Muslim who is starting to doubt my faith. I do pray 5 times a day, fast, etc. i feel Islam is the wrong religion.?

2015-10-23 11:22 pm
I need these questions asked:
Why is Islam the absolute right religion?
Why are we considered slaves to God and not his sons and daughters?
Why does Allah have these harsh expectations for muslims?
Why do i need to fear Allah? Its hard to fear and love him at the same time?
Why does Allah send non believers to hell who are good people? Shouldn't he send those who are evil, commit crime, non compassionate, no respect for others, murderers, rapists, etc
Why do muslims think they are better than non muslims? No one is better than another person just becasue of their faith.
Please answer these questions

回答 (9)

2015-10-23 11:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What makes you think there is a right religion? All religions claim to have the truth, but they ultimately use "faith" as their basis for those claims. People of mutually exclusive religions have qualitatively the same faith. They can't all be right, so that means that earnest faith doesn't mean a religion is valid.

If there are any gods, and they are just or merciful, then they wouldn't care about devotion, but welcome people based on how they treated one another. If there are gods, and they demand devotion on penalty of being tortured for eterntity, those gods are not worthy of worship. And if there are no gods and no afterlife (which I think is the least presumptuous possibility) then when someone dies, they are remembered by those who knew them, and if they made the world a better place, even if just a little. So it's good to enjoy life and help other people enjoy theirs, instead of obsessing over a fantasy second life that some self-proclaimed prophet is peddling, demanding all kinds of arbitrary piety.
2015-10-23 11:31 pm
Been there done that..I was born to an Arab strict family I was forced to read Qur'an ever since I was 6..but I never truly understood it until I became 20 years old..just a book written by an Arab in the deserts who wanted to fulfil his sexual desires ..it looked far from being a book of god..I made my decision and left islam as soon i smelled the air of Germany
2015-10-23 11:27 pm
"I am a Muslim who is starting to doubt my faith"

That tends to happen when you begin to use reason and logic.
2015-10-23 11:49 pm
Dear precious Muslim, The Bible says "Believe on" the Lord Jesus Christ and ye shall be saved." Every other belief system in the world requires the follower to do something (like good works), to work your way to maybe having eternal life when they die. If you accept Christ's free gift of salvation and put Him on, like a parachute to save you, He will come into your heart and save you. He is God's only Son and came to earth and lived among us for 33 years then died for our sins, in our place, on the cross, then was buried, then rose on the 3rd day and 40 days later resurrected into Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father and make intercession for us! And He is coming back soon to take all who love Him back with Him. Call upon His name and you will be saved and know that you have eternal life. You will feel His great love for you and His peace which this world cannot give you. It is a gift though, you can either accept it or reject it. If you choose Him, I can promise you will never regret it.
2015-10-23 11:26 pm
I think you're right, Islam IS the wrong religion, but if it makes you feel any better, many of us feel that ALL religions are wrong. Not just Islam, but also Christianity (which holds to many of the same contradictory viewpoints that Islam does), and all the other theistic religions as well. If you're looking for us to tell you that your doubting of your faith is somehow wrong, we can't help you. I think you're entirely right and sane to be doubting. Congratulations, but I would advise you not to tell any family or friends who still feel strongly religious.
2015-10-24 12:21 am
If you are thinking of leaving Islam, be wary, be careful. Do not tell your Muslim friends or family. The Qur'an commands your death for leaving Islam (4:89 calls for the murder of renegades from the faith), and Muhammad is explicit in a hadith: "If anyone changes his religion, kill him" (Bukhari). Many, many 'honor killings' have been committed for "crimes" that are in Islamic law considered far less serious than leaving Islam. Follow this link for help. http://freedomdefense.typepad.com/leave-islam/
2015-10-23 11:55 pm
If you are seeking a new and different explanation of the truth that makes

sense, search for TRUTH CONTEST in Google and click the 1st result, then click

on THE PRESENT and read what it says. This is truth you can check.
2015-10-23 11:41 pm
If you live in the western world changing your religion is easier. Saying that your family may reject you if they find out or worse.Your Prophet didnt write or read so the Quoran was written by many including a converted Jew and a converted Christian. The word Allah is not found in the Bible. God is called the God of Abraham, The Great I Am. Christians are classed as sons and daughters of God adopted through His Son Jesus Christ who took away the penalty for sin as a one off sacrifice of the death on a cross. Those who believe this shall go to heaven. God loved mankind so much He was willing to kill His only Son to take away the penalty for sin so mankind could be in union with God
2015-10-23 11:24 pm
If you desire Christian wingnuts to quote you inane Bible texts, you have come to the right place.

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