Have you ever ate the whole pack of cookies by yourself? How guilty did you feel after, if so?
回答 (9)
Not guilty, more like a fatty.
Yeah sure...........they make those Special Edition Oreo packs so SMALL these days .
Hell ....I could finish off one of those with just one cup of tea.
why would I feel guilty? I paid for them and bought them, because I wanted them .
You're suppose to eat them . That's the idea.
yes. I've also eaten a whole container of cake icing. the best thing to do is to just not buy them
I've eaten almost a whole pack of cookies. I didn't really feel guilty. I never had a big enough appetite for that much food.
yes. i feel fat and sick and drowsy more than guilty.
Yes. I was young so I didn't feel guilty. Now I would feel horrible
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:42:44
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