Do ghosts exists in reality?

2015-10-22 7:16 pm

回答 (14)

2015-10-22 7:25 pm
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If your definition of "reality" is what people subjectively experience within their mind's eye, then ghosts do "exist."

If your definition of "reality" is the objective physical realm, then ghosts do not "exist."

Time and again, spiritual questions depend on how "reality" is defined.
2015-10-22 9:58 pm
2015-10-22 7:22 pm
No, not at all. They exist only in the fantasy (and cinematic) world.
2015-10-22 7:16 pm
No. Just like gods, they are imaginary.
2015-10-22 7:20 pm
Ghosts are imaginary. Shows on the Syfy channel and the Hoaxstory channel are staged. Houses make weird noises and people suffer from pareidolia. And forget they have cats. etc.
2015-10-22 7:19 pm
There is no credible evidence that ghosts exist
2015-10-22 7:22 pm
2015-10-23 12:13 am
2015-10-22 10:22 pm
Yes but not as you think, what is understood as ghosts are nothing to do with dead people.
2015-10-22 7:23 pm
you are look ing at something visually speaking
2015-10-22 8:25 pm
no not proven
2015-10-22 8:01 pm
Nope. It's all mumbo jumbo.
2015-10-22 7:30 pm
No. Besides, we cannot see the spiritual realm, anyway.
2015-10-22 7:19 pm
No, but there are wicked invisible spirits lurking. (Ephesians 6:12; Revelation 12:9)

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