What do think of this situation?

2015-10-22 2:25 am
I've been dating my boyfriend for a few months now, and to some people this may be weird but him and I never met in person. We met on a broadcasting website and we became great friends and Skyped each other a lot. After a few months, we decided to begin a relationship and we're very happy so far. Well the thing is, he lives in a different state than I do, so it would be hard to see him. He has asked me if I wanted to come up and stay with him, but I declined because I didn't rhink my mom would let me. Well I talked to my mom about it today, and she actually was okay with it surprisingly. She wants to talk to him on the phone about it but him and I would be dating for almost a year when we do this and I'll almost be 18.

Does this sound weird to you? And btw, this is all just a thought, none of this is for sure happening

回答 (1)

2015-10-22 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think if he cares about you he would come to you

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