How to tell my girlfriend to put on her clothes even if there is only us??

2015-10-21 4:25 pm
We've been together for a month, but never had sex because I respect her. And I grew up in a very strict filipino tradition. Like it's ok to be tough, but always respect women and what she does is not respectable. I came here in america 11 years ago and I haven't had a girl friend because girls are seem soo flirty with me all the time. And I hate it, tell I met her. She is sort of a girl next door type.
I know lot of you wll disagree with me, but I just really don't think tht sex is the only thing that we can lve for..
Sometimes, I felt like I want to because of the temptation that had in mind, but I have to keep in mind that she is a girl that needs respect and caring.. And not for just a decoration.. And I want her to feel tht I care about her..

回答 (2)

2015-10-21 4:35 pm
Have a talk with her and explain how you feel. She can not read your mind, so you must talk if you want her to know how you feel. Let her know that you think she is beautiful and you feel good knowing she trust you, but it is best if she doesn't put temptation in your relationship.

It sounds like she Trust you A LOT if she will allow you to see her wearing just her basics because she knows you won't try to do anything. Feel privileged and loved, she won't allow other boys to see what you see.
2015-10-21 4:30 pm
Don't worry. and that's not actually a bad thing. Your a good person and be proud. Trust me Im planning on saving all of that stuff until marriage, because yeah it is disrespectful!
If she doesnt understand that you don't want to get into that stuff, then you should leave her. Because she cant change you or the fact that your a respectful person. She also needs to understand that your a human and have a say in your relationship too.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:42:55
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