If I bought something with my own money could my parents legally take it away?

2015-10-21 5:06 am
OK so since I am financially supported by my parents as a minor, is it legal if they took something of mine (broke it or sold it) if I bought it with income that was not accumulated from them?

回答 (7)

2015-10-21 8:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Minors own nothing. It is perfectly legal. Your parents have the right to mold you - decide what you will have and what you will not have and they have the right to discipline you as they see fit, short of beating the crap out of you.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2015-10-21 5:12 am
Breaking it or selling it might be viewed as abuse. But generally speaking, they can confiscate items, especially if they can justify it as in your best interests, or those of the family.

If it makes you feel any better about the source of income, if they weren't obligated to feed and house you, you wouldn't earn anything yourself in the first place.
2015-10-21 5:15 am
Of course it's legal for them to take it
2015-10-21 11:20 am
Yes if you are a minor.
2015-10-21 6:10 am
Both, therefore neither. Bush was in charge it happened on his watch, The Buck Stops There. But, could he have done anything to prevent it? who knows.
2015-10-21 5:08 am
Yeah, what are you going to do about it?
2015-10-21 5:07 am
Yes if you are a minor living in their house

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