Worried about being un-attractive.?

2015-10-20 8:54 pm
So personally i dont really think that im that ugly, but its the fact the a have a distinct physical feature about myself, *which cannot be changed - and im not gonna share as it makes me uncomfortable* and it makes me feel especially bad about myself - mostly because some people constantly point it out. I mean im 14 and havent ever had a girlfriend, and now its really bothering me and im starting to think deeper, im thinking stupid things like how long will i be alone. i mean the fact that I haven t had a girlfriend yet, is starting to make me really feel insecure, can anyone help? (i know it s not really a question, but if you can say anything that will make me feel more secure please help)

回答 (3)

2015-10-20 9:10 pm
I have a 5" long scar on my cheek. It's always there, new people always ask "what happened?" And up until quite recently I always worried about whether I could have it and look pretty. But it's just one of those things that makes you who you are. You can be a beautiful (and downright sexy as I've been told) person without looking perfect. It's not just you're body that makes attractive, but what you you do with it, and also what you say that matters.

So don't get down on yourself, instead let your doubts and fears give you the fire you need to better yourself in all areas, strive to be as strong and healthy, and as intelligent and well spoken as possible do this and your excellence will make women horny. I should know
參考: Woman
2015-10-20 8:59 pm
14 is not too old not to have a gf. It's ok not to be beautiful as long as you are well groomed, eat well and work out.

Health and fitness are attractive.They tell the person that's looking at you, you look after yourself, you eat well and you have healthy hobbies.

Don't worry about things you can't change, your responsibility is to shape things about you, that you can so you are pleased with them.

When you start dating, remember that the pill (for the girl) and a condom for you are best ways to have safe sex.

Don't be in a rush to date, 14 is still very young.

Also don't be shy to ask girls out.

CB is right personality trumps looks every time...
2015-10-20 8:59 pm
I didn't have a girlfriend until I was about 25 - and I am not a bad looking guy overall. Been married twice since (second times a charm). 14 yrs old you shouldn't be worried - besides personality overshadows any physical 'features' so start developing a personality now and when you are at an age (and the girls are at an age) where looks are far less important - you will have no problem finding a nice lady. Ever watch the movie Roxanne? There you go....

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