how do you say hello in english?

2015-10-20 8:05 pm
sorri for my bad english i am foreign

回答 (25)

2015-10-21 12:34 am
Not sure if you mean how to pronounce it or like ..what's the way you greet others.

What's up?
How are you doing?
Good morning (only when it's morning)

If you want to know how to pronounce it, go on YouTube or Google Translator and type it up and it will tell you how to say hello.
2015-10-20 8:38 pm
2015-10-20 8:11 pm
Hello ?
2015-10-21 10:15 am
My natural word, as an oldish middle-class southern Briton, is "Hello".

Nowadays many people in Britain say "Hi", as Americans have always said. In the widespread English-speaking world the natural word will vary by geography, age of speaker, and social class.
2015-10-20 8:07 pm
Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. The last three being the most polite form according to the time of day.
2015-10-20 8:21 pm
If you are looking for the pronunciation, search in YouTube: "pronunciation of hello".
2015-10-20 9:45 pm
If you meaning the pronunciation, it is sounded out as h-eh-low.

If you want other ways, here are a few:

Casual: Hey. What's up/going on? Hi.

Formal: Hello. Salutations. Greetings.
參考: I speaky da english
2015-10-20 8:19 pm
2015-10-20 8:09 pm
You can in English use "hello" too.

Or more informally :

- in the UK : "hallo", "hi", "hiya"

- in the US : "hallo", "hey", "hi"
2015-10-24 9:12 am
2015-10-23 10:27 am
2015-10-23 10:18 am
Bonjour !
2015-10-23 8:09 am
2015-10-23 2:43 am
Whatever @Kit said!...
參考: LAtina!...
2015-10-22 11:42 am
yo ma whats good
2015-10-22 4:35 am
You already wrote it hell-o
2015-10-22 1:00 am
Hello/hi/hey/suck my ***
2015-10-21 8:42 pm
As a middle-class Londoner, taught by a middle-class, southern English mother, it would normally be heh-low , said smoothly without a pause (similar to the way my American friends pronounce jello - a substance we know as jelly ) although the sight of something surprising could cause the second syllable to develop a rising inflexion and be followed by what have we here? (a favourite expression of all London police constables). Shaking hands is optional, but desirable.
參考: My mother s knee (where so many things were learnt)
2015-10-21 4:40 pm
In the north of England (Sheffield, Huddersfield) they often say "Ey up". In Glencolmcille west coast Ireland they say, "Dia ditch", which i think literally means god be with you :-)
2015-10-21 12:03 pm
Hello, hi, or hey.
2015-10-21 1:18 am
We say Hello,Hey.....
2015-10-20 8:06 pm
You just did
2015-10-20 8:05 pm
If you want to make it conversational, say "Hey, what's up?" or "Hey, how're you?"
2015-10-20 8:57 pm
Awright pal.
2015-10-20 8:28 pm
The friendliest expression we have is " Hi! My penis is huge!" Point to your crotch

and clap happily. Everyone will love you.

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