How do I show I'm goth in school?

2015-10-20 7:21 pm
I'm goth and I really want people to believe me cause I had this gf and she told everyone then broke up I mean I need other goths to answer this because in school we have to wear a uniform and it's no makeup ect. So it's hard (IM A BOY) and I really would appreciate it if u can tell me how to show people I am cause we goths hide in the shadows and hide ourselves but because they don't believe me I can't pls help thx bye

回答 (7)

2015-10-20 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
One way to really convince people you're a Goth is to become fluent in the Gothic language. Here's a good place to start:
2015-10-21 7:16 pm
If you have to ask how to "prove" to people that you're goth, you're not goth.
2015-10-20 7:39 pm
In a school uniform, all you have to work with is your hair. So dye it black and wear it straight and below the ears but not too long with a side bang. That's honestly all you can do unless they'd let you wear a simple goth necklace on a black leather cord.
2015-10-20 8:00 pm
Reading this... it sounds like you're doing it for the wrong reasons and you don't really know what you're talking about. But I don't want to make that assumption so maybe if you prove you know that you, I'll answer your question?
2016-02-22 5:32 pm
You don't, school uniforms are there for a reason.
Goth isn't about the fashion, it's about the music. You don't need to prove that you're goth to anyone. It sounds like you're doing it for attention, and that's not the right way to go about it.
2015-10-21 7:18 pm
Robyn that's not true a rumour went round and I want to go back to hiding in the shadows as usual so i have to prove to go back to that
2015-10-20 7:23 pm
Grow up... honestly.... grow up.

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