Why do us humans exist?

2015-10-20 3:18 pm
I mean what is our purpose? We are like this ant hill with workers and people "at the top" and trying to get by, but like what is the point of everything? Why did we have to exist in the first place? I would rather be a part of nothingness then live out a life that's pointless and that ends soon. And don't say anything about God! He doesn't exist.

回答 (248)

2015-10-21 2:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well... multiple reasons in theory.

Some think we exist, because of random chance that lead to the lucky development of the human race.
Some think an outside source like aliens or god may be the reason to why we exist.
Some think we exist with a reason we have yet to find out until the future.

I, for one, don't have an answer, but rather just exist, because I exist. But just because we don't have an answer, doesn't mean it should scare us. I say, if the question scares you, create your own logical reason to exist, whether, because your own ambitions/goals demand it or you want to use your skills to benefit others. As long as you don't try to negatively affect other people with certain ideologies, then it's fine.
2015-10-20 11:59 pm
If you know god doesn't exist, then you know a sight more than us. You tell us what it's all about. Personally, I think this is a school. Nature gives you nothing for nothing. You won't get two noses if one does. I can't imagine that we have a brain designed to work things out and store the answers. A brain that is capable of learning and storing, even up to seconds before death, for that brain to die and lose the lot. I can't see nature giving us that. Nobody keeps filling a hard drive on a computer when they know it is getting thrown in the bin in a moment. We must take that knowledge with us for some reason, when our spacesuit dies, as that is all the body is in my mind.
2015-10-20 3:23 pm
I smell a goddidit question and godmustadoneit answers
Oh, God of the gaps....Save us from going to school....
2015-10-20 3:20 pm
Giant smurths....everything is because of giant smurths.
2015-10-20 3:25 pm
Only the Clergy answers the "why". They will also give you the "how"!
2015-10-20 3:22 pm
Why do us humans exist?

---- The essence of existence is suffering. Insofar as something exists, that thing must suffer.

That is as close to a purpose as you're gonna get.

Most religions preach a way to end suffering. Only Buddhism saw that an end to suffering is also an end to existing.
2015-10-22 2:56 pm
First off, it's "Why do "we" humans exist?", not why do us. Secondly, there is no reason we exist. We just are, just like everything is. There is no purpose, no divine plan, no logic. The universe is so vastly expansive and never ending that our lives are but mere particles on the *** of creation. Humans, earth, what we think, feel, experience are meaningless.

Nothing matters. We're here because a chain of events occurred that resulted in certain proteins in a pool of genetic ooze chaining together to form the first life on this god forsaken rock we now inhabit resulted in humans. The best thing you can do is not think about it. Put it out of your mind and don't try to comprehend it because there is nothing to comprehend. **** is how it is. It's that simple.
2015-10-20 10:51 pm
I wonder the same question. I believe the purpose of living from the religious view point is to test how we are based on how we do in life. I don't get why we do exist since we are destroying our planet and nothing we are doing is benefiting the world. I don't even think the smartest scientist knows why. There is theories about the human creation.
2015-10-21 2:15 am
If God doesn't exist, you don't exis either. God is a living entity and you are also a living entity. The human form of life is to find out the Absolute Truth. Cats, dogs, hogs can't do.
2015-10-21 1:36 pm
I'm completely sure you will get here many different answers because everyone has their own opinion based on their experience, culture, social pressure and education system. Scientists have created quite a lot completely different theories of life on the earth which some of them answer the question why do we exist!
But the most popular are these 3:

evolution - over Millions of years life has created and evolved to us humans, this theory basically says that there is no reason why we exist, it was a tiny mathematical Probability and by "accident" we are here!

creation - God created the world and us humans with laws with moral in us, this basically says that God created the earth and humans so we can command over the earth and all live creatures and live by laws of moral

We were brought here - This says that there was no evolution but we were brought to the earth by someone, and we don't know the reason why we exist.(there are lot of subtheories)

Personally I believe creation because for me it seems the most logical, basically the mathematical impossibility of evolution just says that it is not possible that life created from nothing (over the years that scientists claim) even for all the best circumstances for evolution. It is a lot easier for me to believe creation than evolution!

But the truth is that no one really can prove any of these theories, it is just not possible. I can't prove that God exits nor anyone else can prove evolution. But we want the asnwers and the truth. But to believe any of these theories it requires faith.

And if no one really knows for 100% than I choose to believe something that's the most logical and beneficial for me. And as I know the tiny chance of evolution and if there is a little bigger chance that God created us I choose to believe that and even if not, I don't lose anything, Even opposite living by laws of God and by principles of Bible I can achieve a better quality of life!

I could keep writing and explaining more but I already wrote an essay! :D but from a viewpoint of christianity the question has a meaningful answer.
2015-10-21 8:20 pm
We exist as a part of life as a whole. We exist for the same reason all other animals, plants, and microscopic life forms exist. I have two theories as to why life exist, and believe both to be true. One is that we are part of a reincarnation system. We live as humans first, with no limitations, endless opportunities, as a test to see how we use our abilities. Then when this life ends we are brought back as either a higher or lower life form. I believe as the final form we are a tree. Unable to move, communicate, or do anything besides simply posses every possible piece of knowledge there is and observe life over many years and see how every other form you have ever been lives, through third person view. Two is, without existing we'd never obtain wisdom. We exist to discover. Endlessly
2015-10-21 10:56 pm
God wanted us here.
2015-10-21 8:57 pm
There's a philosopher (Richard Dawkins) who believes that humans have created purpose. All other animals do everything to survive: hunt, eat, find safe places away from predators, evolve to overcome predators. Plants do the same by grown where they have the best chance of surviving. Humans are the only thing in nature that feels the need to expand beyond ourselves and because of this we now feel like there should be a reason for everything. We have created this idea that there is a meaning to life. When in actual fact we are just like the animals and plants and the only thing we NEED to do is exist therefore we must survive. But because we have succeeded in expanding beyond ourselves we now start to question why. Because we have tried to create everything possible and are constantly inventing new things we know our boundaries. I believe that because we have used our freedom we know what we are and are not capable of and then we start to wonder why we (individually) are here. Where as (let's say a lion) doesn't know it's boundaries because all it knows is survival.

So in summary purpose and meaning to life is just another thing we as humans have created. Our freedom of thought allows us to question our existence because we know there is more than just surviving.
2015-10-21 2:23 pm
People like yourself that believe there is no higher power will always struggle with this question. Believe what you want, but it doesn't seem to be working out so well for you from what I can tell. To me, my point in life is to be the best person I can be and hope there is a reward for it. You can call it religion, you can call it karma, or call it anything you want to. If there is a reward I'll be ready, if there isn't then there's nothing I can do about that.
2015-10-21 1:23 pm
You could also ask why the Universe exists. Fact is, we don't decide, we are being "thrown" on this world regardles of our will ( which by the way is something that developes when our mind develops to the point where we are aware of our existance). Life is just like every other thing in this world: you either like it or not. If you don't cherish your life, you usually don't cherish other humans life as well, you become destructive and impertinent, your world becomes intoxicated with eternal hatred, it doesn't pay to be like that, you better start liking life !
2015-10-20 8:59 pm
I know you do not know me, my friend, but asked why we exist Like We are here to worship the God who created us and because we want to see and unbelievable to those who say that there is no god Many of evidence And skeptics are the category that you do not want us good I hope you understand what I want to you brought him Thank you and I'm sorry because my English is weak so used Google translation
2015-10-20 3:31 pm
To please Hashem.
2015-10-20 3:23 pm
Humans were created by God in order to love and serve Him. A person can do this better by reciting each day with care the angelic psalter of the Virgin Mary.
2015-10-20 3:28 pm
We souls incarnate as humans in order to learn.

“Earth is a SCHOOL for learning duality and understanding “opposites,” which helps you fast track your spiritual growth. Reincarnation and freewill are the tools for this spiritual growth. For every fantastic lifetime of love, joy, and happiness, there has been an equally strong and negative emotional experience of devastation, hardship, pain, and suffering.

There are no such things as hell, the devil or satan; these are false manmade beliefs, which were created for explaining the unloving attributes of pain, suffering, chaos, and destruction created by early civilizations (infant souls). As souls, each one of you has had many different lifetimes on Earth. Before each incarnational cycle, you decide what lessons you want to learn, the basic requirements for your life and the type of polarized experiences you want to explore on Earth.

Reincarnation helps you master your lessons in duality. You have killed and been killed by others; you have been male and female, including mother, father, son, uncle, grandmother etc. You have been a soldier, warrior, villain, farmer, and artist. You have experienced suffering, disease, illness, poverty, pain, joy, love, freedom, and fear. To learn from all the possible lessons of duality that has been possible on Earth, you have experienced every different human aspect available on the planet. Today, many souls have now come to the end of their study of duality. Many of you have nothing more left to learn on Earth.

The major purpose of reincarnation is learning and also clearing “uncompleted” life lessons from previous lifetimes. After you master your lessons, you do not need to repeat them again. The number of experiences or reincarnated lives is completely a matter of choice for each soul. Some souls may experience hundreds of incarnations while others may master the same lesson in five incarnations.

Before you incarnate from the spirit world, a group of spiritual advisors helps you decide the lessons you need to experience in this lifetime. Between incarnations, all souls return to the “Spirit World”. Your spiritual advisors are known as your “Council of Elders”. The Council review and refine your spiritual lessons for your incarnation. This is known as your “Incarnational Contract,” which serves the purpose for each incarnation. Your contract also includes the need to teach and/or learn from other individual/s or groups of souls, thus you establish mutual contracts with others.

Situations and events are created to bring souls together to learn these lessons. Once the soul contract is finalized, you then select the secondary aspects such as the time and place of your birth, your parents, siblings, sexuality, health status, pets etc and then you finally incarnate into the body during gestation to begin a new incarnation. When you are born, you have amnesia (known as the Veil of Forgetfulness). You start your new life without any recollection of previous incarnations or lessons you have to master in this lifetime.

Each spiritual being has a different spiritual path. There is no right or wrong. Every good and bad experience gets you one step closer to perfection. Compassion means that no person has the right to judge another person’s decisions, choices, and wrongdoings, because you do not know what the spiritual lessons and/or karma those souls are here to experience.

Your spiritual development is dependent on your ability to consciously evaluate each human experience, understand lessons, accept the consequences of your actions and overcome your weaknesses, until you perfect your lessons. Else you will have to repeat the same script in your next lifetime.”

2015-10-20 3:21 pm
We exist to bring glory to Jesus.

To know and enjoy Him for eternity.
2015-10-21 9:08 pm
Best assessment of 72 year old: This will be past history by 2040. Thank God, you will see. More help for the diligent in my other answers.

Until then "All things will alter" [Enoch]. Seas will be roaring [climate change from global heating] and the people with solution of killing others (governments too) will run rampant. Multiply refugees by 25 at least.

Men's hearts will be failing them.

But God has eminent domain here, you will certainly see...

I answered your "Why do men exist" Q within last five questions I have answered.

Try "we humans" next time. You are likely to remain standing if you really are one and pay heed to this answer and wherever it leads. If you know how to click on bear avatar. And go to Answers.

You may want to see Joel in Old Testament too. There is endless more for the worthy. Humility required.

Humble to ask, humble to receive, see?

God is unimaginably far higher than you think. Even Christ is truly quite humble before Him.

The arrogant and wicked cannot learn and will perish in the judgment appearing soon.

It will be like a Great Weight has been lifted from us, with light replacing the darkness.

Even a new heaven and a new earth.
2015-10-21 8:58 am
By answering this is same as fooling my self. But I think though we are blessed with a magical organ, Brain which can think talk listen work and more we must not that there are people called WE or I, because all are the results of some activities of nature. Since there is No particular reason to be existed, human beings have created there own frames called GOALS or ACHIEVEMENTS, by using there magical oragan indirectly or directly. But the side effect of it is the Brain fools when that particular body is far away from the frame or that body fulfills exploring that frame. Then the brain becomes thinking the reality or truth or the cause of all since it is not given instructions by a new frame. It s something like what we are now.
Finally we should obey the rule of nature which orders to exist, and for that it s your own responsibility to create frames from time to time.
2015-10-24 10:10 am
Many people think that the only thing that can give life meaning is a belief in a higher power. Strangely enough, the phrasing of your question seems to indicate that life without "God" is a practice in futility. To ask "Why are we here?" is to miss the point of your perfect individuality altogether. The only question that matters is "Why am I here?" and the only answer that matters... can not be found on YAHOO! ANSWERS.
2015-10-24 2:46 am
God does exist. Maybe you're unhappy because you don't acknowledge that.
So if you're a spiritual person then you'd probably say we exist because God made us, he wanted us to enjoy his benefits.

You've totally missed the point if all you can think about are the struggles. God made us to know, love and serve him and to love our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God.
So it's all positive. But if you want to think negative then we can't help you. We can give you answers but we can't make you understand them or acknowledge them, that's up to you to do. A conversation has two people in a give and take situation. An answer is just a response.
2015-10-23 11:01 am
Cause God has a sense of black humour and sarcasm. No joke.
2015-10-23 10:36 am
The answer is in the Qur'an (76:1,2,3): "Has there not been a long period of existence when man was NOT there?" "We created him... [biologically], in order to try him. So we gave him a hearing and sight"

"Then We showed him the Way: whether he be grateful (recognizing his Creator) or ungrateful (denying Him)"

67:1,2 -- " Blessed be He on whose hands is the Dominion and has power over all things;" "He who created Death and Life so that He may try which of you is best in deed, and He is most exalted in might, oft-forgiving."

16:38,39-- "they swear ( theorize) that God will not be able to raise back the dead; nay He will. It is a promise He made (binding on Him in truth): but most among mankind realize it not;" " (they must be raised up) so that He may manifest to them the Truth concerning their conflicting differences (views/beliefs/deeds) and that the rejecters of the Truth may realize that they indeed had clearly fell for falsehood. "
2015-10-23 5:41 am
God does exist. And if you give him a chance, I promise you will not regret it. I've been in the same place you are. The bible tells us that the fool says in his heart " there is no God." People don't want to believe there is a Higher power because that would mean there would is a right/wrong. And if there is a right/wrong they would be have to answer or be accountable for there actions.
2015-10-23 1:44 am
I've thought of this many, many times. I've asked myself why do we exist? Do we actually exist? What is out there? Is there actually a bigger, scarier version of this universe out there somewhere and are we just a fictional story to them? Is our " advanced " technology actually the filthiest conditions to them? Is a sparkle a shine or a shine is a sparkle? What is life? Maybe it's just gibberish to them. Maybe there is more colors or we've been using a very limited mathematical system or there is no troubles or we're wild or it's not even us up there in that bigger universe. Maybe nothing has ever existed and we are really just nothing and atoms and this kindergarten math is actually way simpler than it is like 2 + 2 maybe IS actually 5 and we don't have the right numbers or something ,but honestly I really don't think there is an answer to that without it being to complicated for us to understand. In simpler terms, I don't exactly know.
2015-10-22 4:57 am
IF, as you say, God does not exist, how do you explain that one cell from your mother and one cell from your father created the person you are today ????? It is GOD'S will that we humans exist.
2015-10-21 10:42 pm
We exist because we have evolved from a tiny bacterium to a whole range of organisms. So if you think about it we exist because we have evolved to survive and that goes for every other organism on earth. Some people think that humans are special because we are more intelligent but really all living things are equal and we are merely animals in the circle of life trying to survive.
2015-10-21 10:16 pm
I live to protect. There are others who live out of fear, and the rest, who don't live atall.
If you find the will to protect somthing under any circumstances, you will find purpose.
If not, you will die, unless you are truly weak, then you will become a slave to fear.
I think that just the pride and honour produced from protecting that thing is reason anuff for humans to exist.
Advise: Start with protecting somthing simple and work your way up, it can be as simple as a lucky pen even.
(Who belieaves a 15 year old came up with this?)
2015-10-21 9:54 pm
We are part of a process that builds on ideas and adds value that is universally beneficial to the continuance of the transfer of information

Humans evolve technological progress
2015-10-21 9:50 pm
Love requires a reciprocating being, a being who is intelligent and responsive. That is why a higher intelligence brought us into existence. Unfortunately it didn't work, we wanted to: "be as gods". Fortunately, however, there was salvation plan, if another being identical to us, would obey the supreme being to the similar extent as he had been disobeyed, then, redemption was possible.
2015-10-21 8:52 pm
I believe there are two possibilities to your question. One we for some reason are placed here for a purpose, which is nice to think. Or two, we are the result of accidents, a piece in a chain reaction, which is pointless. But I believe we shall find out in death.
2015-10-21 7:23 pm
If there no doggone God who do you think made us. Don't say by mistake or evolution that just plain dumb.
2015-10-21 7:20 pm
Believe me God DOES exist. believe in God! :-)
2015-10-21 6:32 pm
Into this world we're thrown
2015-10-21 5:52 pm
The secret behind human life is too complicated.

I believe we all are here for a purpose.
May be for a good reason or even for a bad reason.
May be our presence in others life may bring good to someone others or even bad or end to other life..
May be our presence may be inspirational to others, or even it may be in negative way..

Some people can easily find out their purpose of life.
I believe go behind our passion. Be happy in what you are doing. We need to find out passion of our life. May be it can give us a better solution for this question.Set your own right and wrong.. Don't ever follow others life..if possible love and help others...
2015-10-21 3:04 pm
Homo Sapiens is a hostile virus evidenced by being the only living creature on earth who is not part of the natural system. We are death.
2015-10-21 2:55 pm
Because God, who brought you to life ( Adam and Eve firstly) wants you and all of us to build it "the world". To work hard, achieve and succeed.
2015-10-21 2:24 pm
Read the Bible- We exist cause of God
2015-10-21 1:20 pm
Pursuing a Meaningful Purpose in Life
“Every breathing thing—let it praise Jah.”—PSALM 150:6.
“I STUDIED medicine because I wanted to use my life to help people. I also felt that the prestige and financial rewards of being a doctor would make me happy,” recalls Seung Jin, who grew up in Korea. “As I came to realize how little a doctor can really do to help, I became disillusioned. I then pursued art, but my artistic creations did little good for others, and I felt selfish. I turned to teaching and soon found that I could only pass on facts but not guidance that could lead to real happiness.” Like many, Seung Jin was searching for a meaningful purpose in life.
To have true purpose in life is to have a reason for living, a clear objective, and a focal point for our efforts. Can humans really have such a purpose? Yes! The fact that we are endowed with intelligence, conscience, and the ability to reason implies that the Creator had a good purpose in putting us here. Logically, therefore, we can find and fulfill our true purpose only by living in harmony with the Creator’s purpose.
The Bible reveals that God’s purpose for us involves many things. For example, the wonderful way in which we are made is truly an expression of unselfish love on God’s part. (Psalm 40:5; 139:14) Thus, living according to God’s purpose means loving others unselfishly as God does. (1 John 4:7-11) It also means observing God’s instructions, which help us to live in harmony with his loving purpose.—Ecclesiastes 12:13; 1 John 5:3.
God also purposed that humans live happily and peacefully with one another and with the rest of creation. (Genesis 1:26; 2:15) What, though, do we need to do to feel happy, secure, and at peace? Like a child who needs to sense the presence of his parents to feel happy and secure, we need a good relationship with our heavenly Father to find real meaning and purpose in life. (Hebrews 12:9) God makes such a relationship with him possible by allowing us to draw close to him and by hearing our prayers. (James 4:8; 1 John 5:14, 15) If we ‘walk with God’ in faith and become his friends, we can bring joy and praise to our heavenly Father. (Genesis 6:9; Proverbs 23:15, 16; James 2:23) That is the highest purpose anyone can pursue. The psalmist wrote: “Every breathing thing—let it praise Jah.”—Psalm 150:6.
Over eight million people including myself have found the purpose in life by pursuing it. You can too. Please go to the source below click on "Online Library search box." Also for free downloads, publications or read on line. You can read online the brochure "Good News From God" or any other publications, videos etc.
參考: www.jw.org
2015-10-21 12:57 pm
The answer is simple.. We were brought to this earth to worship one God by doing/performing what he asks us and avoiding what he told us to avoid.
2015-10-21 5:53 am
If you don't want to hear about God, then your question cannot be answered. God is the center or our existence, so if he didn't exist, then, yes, our lives would be meaningless. Thankfully, we don't have to worry about that.
2015-10-21 5:43 am
"And don't say anything about God! He doesn’t exist.” So you say. “The fool (moron) has said in his heart, ’There is no God’.” King David, the second King of Israel uttered these words. Look it up in the only good library which is truly Inspired.
2015-10-21 3:06 am
To enjoy a relationship with our Heavenly Father.
2015-10-21 12:48 am
We just do, we were made by evolution it just happened.
The same is why does anything exist there is no reason because in the end nothing matters.
Its sad but true.
2015-10-20 11:55 pm
it's because of cosmic a dice roll.
2015-10-20 8:54 pm
We exist because GOD brought us for a purpose.
2015-10-20 7:30 pm
What's the point of a tree?
2015-10-20 4:18 pm
There's a difference between not having a cosmic purpose and not finding meaning in life. You don't have to be the center of the universe in order to find value in existing. Enjoy life and help other people enjoy theirs, that life is finite is what makes it precious.
2015-10-20 3:21 pm
There is no particular reason.
2015-10-22 7:55 am
God does exist. Society, big business, and the government blind us to the fact. Everyone follows the lead of someone else. Powered by greed. Anymore, no one thinks for theirself. No one knows who God truly is. He's unlike anyone else. True religeon, in one's heart, can soley be found. Although there's good, and evil in this world, he's the better-good in humanity. We were only put on this earth so other's would be happy, not lonely, don't be blind. No matter what you believe, if you open your eyes wide, you'll see, what's been trying to hide from your sight this whole time. You better wake up, and realize, what is truth, and what is lies. Don't be fooled, and meet your demise. Trust me, human to human, whatever it may be, there is an afterlife. You better make up your mind before you die. Because there is a heaven, and there is a hell, and if you think one life sucks ***, wouldn't living four, or five more lives be even more bad? For the life of me, I cannot understand, how you do not know, that this is the land of the living, and the dead. Think about that tonight, before you go to bed.
2015-10-22 4:41 am
We exist for the joy of the Lord, to serve Him and to share Heaven with Him and others. The other reason is that God created the seen world, and Adam and Eve and told them "grow and multiply". Our ultimate purpose is to live a worthy life on Earth and to be able to replace the fallen angels (turned devils) which represent one third of all angels that God created. What happens with those who live an unworthy life? Well, they will share the Hell with the devils. God loves ALL that He created but cannot allow the good and the bad to mix, just like you won't allow someone with dirty boots to enter your clean house, or you would not allow to mix good apples with bad in your kitchen table basket. MAKES TOTAL SENSE! For those who doesn't make sense, or believe that God does NOT exist, well think of this: sooner or later we all die, and the same way we came into this world (naked and empty handed), the same way we leave it...empty handed. You can't take any money or jewelry or gold with you, sorry. And oh, Death does NOT come to chit-chat at your coffee table and sip some cappucino, She comes to take your soul to the throne of God for judgement. DODGE THAT! CAN YOU?
2015-10-22 3:04 am
In the absence of god, and yes - no god exists anywhere, our existence is a random fickle capricious unpredictable occurrence. Each of us, not just the existence of humans in general but, each person that has lived through the entire history of humanity. Each person is COMPLETELY singular. Even identical twins have genetic and character differences. YOU can not be duplicated. In a sense it is the fact that no two humans are the same that results in the uniformity of the human experience. It does not matter where you are from, how rich your parents are, what color your skin is, or what shape your body is. We all start completely vulnerable and with essentially unlimited potential.
Many people think that the only thing that can give life meaning is a belief in a higher power. Strangely enough, the phrasing of your question seems to indicate that life without "God" is a practice in futility. To ask "Why are we here?" is to miss the point of your perfect individuality altogether. The only question that matters is "Why am I here?" and the only answer that matters... can not be found on YAHOO! ANSWERS.
2015-10-20 9:27 pm
Humans, along with all other animals on earth, exist because they went through millions of years of genetic mutations, mate selections and adaptations (known as evolution). It began with our ape ancestor. humans are one of the great apes, the others are chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans, and neanderthals (which became extinct unfortunately). While our ape ancestor branched out into the other apes you see, it also gave rise to early humans. The first humans lived in Africa, and later on, several groups of humans began migrating north to Asia, the Americas, and Europe. In Europe and Asia their skin became lighter since they didn't have to block as many sun rays.

Our existence on this earth isn't because of some divine magic flying wizard, it's because we got lucky.
2015-10-20 3:25 pm
Why do people think that ANY of the forms of life on earth which have evolved here, especially humans, NEED to have a specific PURPOSE?

This is part of the mental pollution created by cultism.

Live your life. Treat others well. Have true compassion. learn and Grow. And stay away from all of the mind-polluting goddam cults - especially christianity.
2015-10-26 8:30 pm
Let me see.........I KNOW GOD had something to do with this question.
Than he decided to create all, and especially us. What we do with this existence is what is important in the end...........What are you contributing to this world God created.....? Think on it sometime. I'm glad he created all of you.........in my long years of his development with me, one thing he gave me is loving people and meeting no stranger.........Blessings
2015-10-26 9:17 am
I believe that we humans have the special 6th sense of "THINKING" which makes us dominate all other lives on earth, but the truth is that we are the sole protectors of our planet blessed with the 6th sense, its our duty to keep safe and improve life on earth.
2015-10-26 2:17 am
2015-10-26 1:55 am
when you name yourself and ask a question
2015-10-25 6:17 pm
2015-10-25 1:55 pm
2015-10-25 8:24 am
To ask "Why?" and "What if?"
2015-10-25 7:49 am
2015-10-25 5:25 am
We have no true purpose.
2015-10-25 12:53 am
Atheist: To make the most out of Life x 1.
Religious: To go to the afterlife and get rewarded with eternal life with the Creator.
Nihilist: **** that.
2015-10-24 9:29 pm
Because we do
2015-10-24 8:12 pm
We exist for the purpose of identifying who we are by our actions putting religion aside, God exists and science is just the basics of how his creation works but mixed with human limitations of thought process. We're to identify our destiny with our doings and aspirations. An example of this, the molecule collider CERN, has found Dark matter (unstable form of energy) to almost provide free energy, but it's darkness depicts the fact is link with the lost world (Dark world) which also brings with it supernatural negative vibes and affect people's thought process with negative thinking.
2015-10-24 8:06 pm
Psalm 37:29 "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it." This is God's promise and purpose for mankind.
參考: www.jw.org
2015-10-24 7:38 pm
Netflicks and chill duh!
2015-10-24 6:06 pm
to use the things created by the earth.
2015-10-24 4:55 pm
To prevent over-population; Humans are the only mammal, that "kill-off" huge numbers of their own species !
2015-10-24 2:34 pm
theres no point to be alive until you make it. that comes natural fortunately. you dont have to think about it. just be happy. theres no bigger plan.
2015-10-24 12:26 pm
for knowing god.i don't mean Jesus Christ .
2015-10-24 11:54 am
It is possible that humans exist in this galaxy because other humans may have placed us here.. Humans may exist to help save the Universe.
2015-10-24 8:38 am
The same reason wolves and ant sexist... evolution, we as humans just have the mental capacity to realize what we are, it is said that dolphins are smarter than us, and they probably are conscious too, they just cant do anything about it like we can.
2015-10-24 8:34 am
Cycle of life
2015-10-24 7:55 am
2015-10-24 6:02 am
Because our parents can't keep their private parts to themselves!
2015-10-24 4:12 am
God made us for his pleasure to serve him praise worship him we don't exist cuz of a monkey are dust we exist from are lord he created the world and us JOHN 3:16
2015-10-24 2:42 am
Personally I think life itself exists due to the fact that the universe needs something to actually knowledge it's existsnce. Without life and intelligence to comprehend where and what it is, would the universe exist? If a tree falls in the wood and there's nobody around to hear it, does it make a sound? I'm
not saying that's our main reason of being or the 'meaning of life' it's just a theory. On a different note, we're here to experience the wonders that life has to offer be that love, hate, anger, jealousy Etc. To feel these things and have them effect means you are embracing life. These emotions and concepts make up the human condition and what would life be like living without the ying and yang, the happy, the sad.
2015-10-24 1:20 am
2015-10-24 1:07 am
so we can ask stupid questions on the internet
2015-10-23 7:29 pm
Are we Gods project?
2015-10-23 7:04 pm
Because of the Lord's first creation of humanity; Adam & Eve.
2015-10-23 6:14 pm
The only truth you can be certain of, is that you exist simply because you wouldn't be able to acknowledge it if it weren't true... Descartes taught me that
2015-10-23 4:29 pm
We exist to make people happy, to spread love..
or its cuz cells create teeny weeny stuff and that turns into anymals..fish....dinosaurs......monkey...humans..
2015-10-23 4:20 pm
Because God created us.
2015-10-23 4:05 pm
We are created by a High IQ Allen and Greys. Other answer is fake. they do not know. Please trust me, I know a lot. you can go to Expo politics Hong Kong and check out.
2015-10-23 3:47 pm
so we can fart really loud
2015-10-23 3:33 pm
To exert direct control over the other humans.
2015-10-23 3:17 pm
God created us obviously. We didnt come from apes, or a big bang, or nothing (because thats imossible) GOD created us. Thats what everyone should believe.
2015-10-23 1:43 pm
Pepe...do not question
2015-10-23 9:36 am
No reason.. Result of evolutionary randomness
2015-10-23 8:19 am
So in summary purpose and meaning to life is just another thing we as humans have created. Our freedom of thought allows us to question our existence because we know there is more than just surviving.
2015-10-23 8:03 am
Because we are pretty swag
2015-10-23 7:06 am
We exist to admire the beauty and wonders of the universe.

Pretty sad for the universe if there's no one who can appreciate the beauty in it.
2015-10-23 6:09 am
there is no reason.
2015-10-23 4:52 am
To perfect yourself, treat others fairly, no negativity, no hate..... GOD IS #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-10-23 4:43 am
No one knows the answer really.
2015-10-23 4:10 am
2015-10-23 3:32 am
To **** up things that we encounter and so Earth can become a hell hole. Oh! Don't forget spreading ourselves to other planets and **** that up as well.
2015-10-23 3:22 am
2015-10-23 2:58 am
We keep reproducing.
2015-10-23 2:02 am
we are life manifesting itself, there is no reality hidden behind this one, nor is there a supernatural, otherworldly cause of life like an ephemeral projection from some other reality. it is cause and effect as we go through a cycle of birth and death, we made these causes to appear in this life as we do.
2015-10-23 1:58 am
bcuz we do
2015-10-23 1:49 am
Honestly I believe that humans exist to take care of the planet and species in which inhabit it. If that be the case than were doing a really shitty job. But honestly the fundamental basis of existence is procreation for the betterment of our species. Which we are also doing a shitty job on account of a majority of the population that does procreate does so accidentally And have iQs lower than chimpanzees.
2015-10-23 1:46 am
to reproduce and kill basically like animals do
2015-10-23 1:31 am
To reproduce
2015-10-23 12:17 am
Just live in the moment
2015-10-22 10:45 pm
Our purpose lies in the spiritual element
2015-10-22 10:08 pm
I wish I knew, then I would tell you. I thought just because god made us, but I guess I could be wrong.
2015-10-22 10:06 pm
Because were supposed to have a life so earth can be a real planet.
2015-10-22 9:48 pm
2015-10-22 9:00 pm
We all exist because [insert answer here]. Next question.
2015-10-22 8:03 pm
I'll skip the religious opinion. We exist to live, love and breathe. Enjoy simple pleasures. Humans exist for what we are. The answer is here and now.
2015-10-22 7:45 pm
We exist because we have a purpose to move around and make our own choices on life. Every animal on earth has a purpose whether there aware of it or not. Herbavor animals exist to poop fresh nutrients for the ground. Carnavor exist to make it so the number of other herbavors numbers remain at a minimum. Then there is human beings. We exist just in the purposes of making energy through emotional responses, exercise and movements, and through thinking and creation as well as the actions we take in life. All of our energy is like a string of energy that does different things in the planet. I suppose our original purpose was to make good energy by positive interactions with one another through love, trust, relience, and human kindness that gave life energy to help plants grow.
2015-10-22 3:33 pm
Poor Breeding mistakes
2015-10-22 3:17 pm
simply to reform this world and othere species i guess
2015-10-22 3:05 pm
Cuz yo mama and daddy Alain got busy and poof out come humans lol
2015-10-22 1:36 pm
that is us
2015-10-22 1:27 pm
We, humans exist to surpass our highest desires. We must dream and work hard for it and make our personality, to me my heart is the childish dreamer and my brain is it's scientific worker. Love what one does every second, love the hard work to and make it worth while.
2015-10-22 12:42 pm
dont know
2015-10-22 12:01 pm
Because of the love we have for nature.
2015-10-22 11:29 am
Evolution and stuff
2015-10-22 10:45 am
on the surface it seems like an important question but to be honest it really doesn't matter. We make our own purpose; believing in destiny and all that stuff is all well and good but in the end we choose what we do with our lives and we make our own purpose, or that purpose finds us.
2015-10-22 10:15 am
God loves everyone
2015-10-22 10:06 am
I'm probably the only man who will say this...NO ONE KNOWS
2015-10-22 9:39 am
I need to poop!
2015-10-22 9:38 am
You say ignore God - I agree religions are messed up but none of them understand the Bible anyway - they take things literally when things were spoken differently back then - and the Bible that was written long ago does give us a clue - we were created to look after the plants and animals - like caretakers - nowhere does it say we should kill and eat animals or chop down trees or use animals as slaves to us - and if you imagine paradise is it not a place where people live in harmony with nature? Nature only got evil because of us.
Looking around us at the beauty and perfection of nature and seeing that the animals do not starve - gives you the biggest clue - we are here to look after nature. But we destroy it - and wonder why we are unhappy.
2015-10-22 7:07 am
I just wanted points
2015-10-22 6:29 am
2015-10-22 5:57 am
I'm not smart enough to answer this question but I do think the answer would be quite different from one of a Christian and that of an atheist or (non-believer) ....... I think the animals got Lonley and needed
Something to be over them if you think about it humans are of the Highest rank .....
2015-10-22 5:09 am
rule of nature which orders to exist ;who is that ? who gave him power to order anything

life has created and evolved to us humans, have you ever seen things happen by itself even writing a letter needs a writer

just happened by accident. I know what your thinking, "that's stupid". However, I think it just happened
but who made it from null to a matter ,and such complicated matter as a human brain is :
2015-10-22 4:37 am
2015-10-22 4:31 am
2015-10-22 3:05 am
Because our parents got horny one night
2015-10-22 2:57 am
Because we are alive and functioning in the world and can't be anywhere else other than that.
2015-10-22 2:04 am
We developed into the top perditor on the planet if not for that we would be gone or on the protected animal list.
2015-10-22 1:20 am
why not
2015-10-22 12:53 am
Love. Best feelings. As full as u can
2015-10-22 12:52 am
To try and find that purpose only to never find it.

JK I don't know; no one knows. But maybe I'm right.
2015-10-22 12:45 am
Well if god is real then you have purpose
of he aint
then your right
2015-10-22 12:40 am
2015-10-22 12:33 am
2015-10-22 12:31 am
God is dead
2015-10-22 12:18 am
2015-10-22 12:16 am
life may be meaningless, but atleast its here, so you should try to enjoy it as much as you can
2015-10-22 12:15 am
Jeemny Guys just read Sartre. There is no ultimate purpose, meaning, or point. The hard fact is, we just are without any embellishment. We are all existential beings, sorry to disappoint any feel good explanation. Just get over it as we all make our own pour pose and meaning but beyond that there is none.
2015-10-22 12:06 am
humans shouldnt exist
2015-10-22 12:04 am
The purpose of life is living. That comes from a botanist Robin Day. What it means is life creates life and along the way you take or make what you will.
2015-10-21 11:58 pm
Full text of "Dr Zakir Naik lecture transcripts" - https://archive.org/stream/DrZakirNaikLectureTranscripts/QuranAndModernScienceCompatibleOrIncompatible1_djvu.txt

Read the purpose of life
2015-10-21 11:38 pm
It really depends on the person. Some may be religious and think that God put us on this Earth. I personally think that we developed from old world monkeys. Some people have different opinions
2015-10-21 11:37 pm
2015-10-21 11:31 pm
God doesn't exsist but good try ;-)
2015-10-21 11:30 pm
its not about why?? its about how. sorry i also don t know
2015-10-21 11:29 pm
>Preparing Shield<
2015-10-21 11:03 pm
"Adam and Eve " bur you can't be sure . Everyone has their own beliefs
2015-10-21 10:50 pm
You exist to serve oprah.
2015-10-21 10:46 pm
life dawg
2015-10-21 10:39 pm
"Jesus replied,
“The most important commandment is this:
‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’
The second is equally important:
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
No other commandment is greater than these.”
(MARK 12:29-31)
I had no idea, just like you today, and I had to find it by myself (the heavy heartfull way...)
參考: Definition: Agape is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love, the highest of the four types of love in the Bible. By the ten Commendments, we have been asked TO LOVE! Or, the New Commendment by Jesus Christ, which is the same with the former ten into a unity is as stated above.
2015-10-21 9:15 pm
To bring life to the universe.
2015-10-21 8:59 pm
Your last sentence proves you want to remain willfully stupid.
2015-10-21 8:56 pm
To Enjoy and Have FUN!
2015-10-21 8:53 pm
Stop having a existential crisis.
2015-10-21 8:48 pm
Coz we do
2015-10-21 8:43 pm
where part of evolution there is no reason for us to exist we just do.
2015-10-21 7:58 pm
Because God wanted to create life.
2015-10-21 7:46 pm
bacteria and energy
2015-10-21 7:31 pm
to pray YY
just go to pray now
you will be fine
2015-10-21 7:08 pm
2015-10-21 6:40 pm
For the game.
2015-10-21 6:32 pm
To rock all the newest Jaw'dins
2015-10-21 6:19 pm
We are Energy and this is all just a V action, Relax and Enjoy it .
2015-10-21 5:54 pm
We are the conscience of the universe, we are the sun and all the galaxies and everything else, slowlybecoming aware of itself.
2015-10-21 5:51 pm
to have sex
2015-10-21 5:51 pm
Humans exist because accidents happen...
2015-10-21 5:25 pm
God got bored and thought he make humans and watch them suffer.
2015-10-21 5:05 pm
Genesis explained it all.
2015-10-21 5:00 pm
Depends on what you believe. Humans could be the design of a conscious being(s) or we could just be a sheer coincidence in the grand scheme of the universe
2015-10-21 4:53 pm
Everything/Everyone has an owner. As example a leaf, it's owner is a tree. I know that you don't believe in God but, he is our owner. We can't JUST pop out of nowhere. This world is like a test for everyone. Our owner wants to see if we fail or succes with our test. Heaven is for people who succeed this test, and Hell for the people who fail. We just have to follow the rules, we're being tested. I hope that you will believe in God in the future :D
2015-10-21 4:20 pm
U.S humans exist because there is a temperate land mass, there.
2015-10-21 4:19 pm
like ants to work for whatever is bigger than humans, and it works for whatever is bigger than it, and when you get to the top, that thing whatever it is--is still killing all of it.
2015-10-21 4:12 pm
We shall find out once we die
2015-10-21 3:38 pm
i think were like a parasite, just feeding off the universe, always trying to slate our hunger for destruction and power, but never actually succeeding, were a test for the universe to see if it can survive our wroth and hunger. maybe we were put here just as a simulation for survival, or maybe we were an accident, but all in all i think were just a parasite trying to dominate.
2015-10-21 3:22 pm
2015-10-21 2:20 pm
Just don't think about it we will Never no so just make your existence about what you whant to be about
2015-10-21 2:19 pm
From what I've heard (not sure if it's true), all life on Earth only exists because of the positioning of the planet. There is no real purpose for us to be here, we just are and we should make the most of it before our lives end.
2015-10-21 2:05 pm
Humans exist because of luck. Our planet had the chemical composition to build life. The very first form of life was bacteria in the deep ocean from the earth's heat. If the chemical composition in the big bang was different in Any small way we wouldn't be here. Furthermore mankind's greatest shield that protects our planet created from the earth's chemical composition as well. Our magnetic field that Is created by currents of iron within the earth crust. Is luck, the asteroid belt is luck, our distance from the sun is luck. There is over 100 different things scientists look for when looking for other planets that may support life.
2015-10-21 1:50 pm
2015-10-21 1:28 pm
To love God, the Creator, and keep his Commandments, Miles.
2015-10-21 1:24 pm
We humans exist for the same reason as other animals..Just because we do.

That s fine by me. I shall live my life as enjoyably and usefully as I can and then die.....

Mo University Lecturer Atheist Ma and Grandma
2015-10-21 1:01 pm
To be happy and reproduce. What else?
2015-10-21 12:23 pm
Read the book of Genesis!
2015-10-21 12:13 pm
MQ: No-one really knows for 100% sure. This is well established. ERGO pointless question.
2) Ditto. Rephrasing a question is repetition.
3) *sigh* 90% the same.
4) See MQ.
5) That's your choice. Hardly Q&A. YA is not your personal blog you know....
6) GOD GOD GOD GOD. Sorry, you do not get to ask a bloody unoriginal question, to random strangers in a public forum, and then hamstring the answers.

Your question has been asked many many times by many people. Why can't you check, THE WAY YOU AGREED TO WHEN YOU REGISTERED FOR YAHOO ANSWERS? I suppose guidelines and rules are for other people?
2015-10-21 12:08 pm
8' JUST A GAME , were all but RESPONDER not really the PLAYER LIKE WE USUALLY AND COMMONLY THOUGHT WE ARE BUT NOT.... ..... IN THIS GAME THERE IS NO WINNER BUT THE ALMIGHTY ONE ,THE MOST AND ULTIMATE MASTER PLAYER fopr HE JUST WANTS 2 B HAPPY THAT IS...HE is the COMMAND and we , the RESPONSIBLE as in the LAW of BALANCE we are the LEFT or right DEPENDING UPON HIS LIKE AS IF A puppet on the strings ....and like the chess, we are just a pawn to be REDEEMED IF or whenever HE JUST SO DESIRED what will be will be QUE SIRA,SIRA.... .....
2015-10-21 9:52 am
who do you think will use wi-fi then?
2015-10-21 9:42 am
Because all of those humans parents had sexual intercourse.
2015-10-21 8:59 am
2015-10-21 8:58 am
"I would rather be a part of nothingnes......."
For there to be nothing, there also needs to be something because everything needs an equal and opposite to co-exist.
So were are here technically by default, not necessarily with a purpose!
2015-10-21 7:58 am
to eat chicken nuggets
2015-10-21 7:50 am
Everything happen which is already written before
2015-10-21 7:32 am
to make meaning to everything
2015-10-21 7:22 am
I am here to watch the answers
2015-10-21 7:21 am
I wonder the same question. I believe the purpose of living from the religious view point is to test how we are based on how we do in life. I don't get why we do exist since we are destroying our planet and nothing we are doing is benefiting the world. I don't even think the smartest scientist knows why. There is theories about the human creation.
2015-10-21 7:13 am
simple....to know we did.
2015-10-21 6:48 am
Humans? Where? Let's get them!
2015-10-21 6:16 am
No one know ps the true reason that we are here
2015-10-21 5:56 am
To make the Earth a place of world peace !
2015-10-21 5:54 am
I had my own existential crisis a time or two or 3 a couple of times. You are lonely and this will pass.
2015-10-21 5:32 am
We dont it is all a dream
2015-10-21 4:43 am
to learn the very existent of life.. to learn love caring jealousy and everything thats the greatest gift God can make for us all :)
2015-10-21 4:36 am
To serve Satanic Illuminati globalists.
2015-10-21 4:05 am
To help each other
2015-10-21 3:58 am
Whats your evidence that theres no god.
2015-10-21 3:20 am
God wanted company. either that or an experiment from aliens. EITHER way, it was probably a test on how we resolved conflicts. We are hungry? We picked berries. We soon later realized that we need all of the vitamins, so we would need to hunt down food, milk cows, etc. People robbed each other? Look at where we are all today. We all live in different colonies, with laws, etc. to punish the bad people, while still punishing the nice people with taxes. :( Just kidding, but it s crazy just to put into perspective the amount of evolution we had, not just genetic, but for all we did. That was a "Keyboard Full." That wasn t a funny joke, but we made up jokes to amuse us when we were bored. In fact, this might make you laugh if I just really quickly insert something. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2015-10-21 3:00 am
To create McDonald's then eat McDonald's
參考: Jesus
2015-10-21 2:44 am
No one on the planet can give you that answer. They can't even get a fraction of a percent towards finding out.
The only thing you can do is muse about the possibilities.
The only advice I have, is don't listen to anyone on here. Not even me. I ain't got a clue.
2015-10-21 2:44 am
Nobody knows the reason. All of us know only to enjoy or suffer our life.

We can exist effortlessly. Even a lazy man can exist. Just like our earth is hanging on space without any support, we can also hang around hither or thither until our last day comes.
參考: own.
2015-10-21 2:25 am
To experience and have life!
2015-10-21 1:15 am
I believe it just happened by accident. I know what your thinking, "that's stupid". However, I think it just happened. Then maybe in a way we test each other to see what we can evolve to. Instead of just laying there doing nothing we can actually explore and make the world a better place. Yes, it is inevitable we will die. But we all have made an impact towards the other humans. For instance, a homeless man can bring Impact bc s/he have brought awareness because maybe s/he have died under poor conditions. This may not make sense. Hopefully this helped you.
2015-10-21 12:57 am
2015-10-21 12:52 am
According to Muslims, it is written in the Quran that God made humans so there can be knowledge on earth. The angels were sad about that because they knew about the killing that humans will do. But God wanted to test humans too. If they have bad deeds they will go to hell when the world will end. God also made signs of the world ending like one eyed dajjal coming who will claim to be god and jesus will return. The army of gog and magog will break out and attack us. Hope you find this helpful
2015-10-20 11:50 pm
2015-10-20 11:14 pm
well god made us
2015-10-20 10:49 pm
accident , i believe we should just live yo
2015-10-20 10:45 pm
to produce haha
2015-10-20 9:09 pm
'And don't say anything about God. He doesn't exist.'

You found the answer but you don't want to find it.
2015-10-20 8:38 pm
Think about it 6 billion years have passed why i was born in 1989 but not For example prehistóric maybe im too amarte For that era . Being wolf is horrible you whats to way something alivie eww or life of an animal is simple. Maybe there is something mágical but trapped in the physical.
2015-10-20 8:21 pm
You are going under the assumption that just because we are here that we have a purpose given to us by outside forces.

This is the curse of the Bicameral brain. Of being self aware.

Your ego makes you think that there is a point to all of this simply because you can ask what it is. It removes YOU fro the responsibility to find your own purpose in life.
2015-10-20 7:48 pm
2015-10-20 7:28 pm
Why are u thinking like this
2015-10-20 7:26 pm
We have no purpose, but we exist. So be it.
2015-10-20 6:14 pm
That's the million dollar question and it's for you to answer for yourself. Yes, no one knows what exists on the other side if there is one so make a choice and find out what happens. Very good question, though.
2015-10-20 5:32 pm
we`re here to consume. it`s y oppinion, and i`m sure of that
2015-10-20 4:26 pm
You ask a question, but don't want to hear the truth. No wonder you are without any hope of anything. Perhaps your life will begin to have new meaning if you ask Jesus to come into it and be the captain.
2015-10-20 4:23 pm
There is no cure for birth and deaths save to enjoy the interval. - George Santayana

Birth and death are minor events it is what you do between them that counts! - David G Manley

‘Tisn’t life that matters! ‘Tis the courage you bring to it. - Sir Huge Walpole

Why waste the one life you get in the vain hope of getting another to waste? - David G Manley

Be thankful that you have a life, and forsake your vain and presumptuous desire for a second one. - Richard Dawkins
2015-10-20 3:37 pm
Why decide we need a purpose?

We exist, and we keep pushing our technological and scientific abilities further and further.

There isn't a purpose, per se, other than survival.
2015-10-20 3:31 pm
Your life is what you make it. We have the luxury of choosing our purpose and motivation in life. There is no predetermined purpose to your life.
2015-10-20 3:23 pm
Nobody really knows, really. There's no praticular reason like somebody else said
2015-10-20 3:23 pm
The fact that you want there to be a purpose does not mean that there has to be one.
2015-10-20 3:22 pm
In order to have real experience. I think it's in order to learn to love other people without being judgmental (even if they make you angry, etc.), or fail in this.

Being mortal and suffering allows us to learn to appreciate and thus love diverse other people after the initial child-like love we naturally have in childhood. Why is that worth doing? Because if you imagined living 100,000 years for instance, you'd want to spend a good part of that time (96%? 99%?) with others, and that only works out well if you are loving and they are loving. Otherwise it would not work.
2015-10-23 5:33 am
So we can learn to say "Why do WE humans exist?"
2015-10-22 3:55 pm
They don't exist. Nothing exists. We're all shadows of reality. None of it is real.
2015-10-22 4:20 am
We evolved from apes supposedly
2015-10-21 8:40 pm
Humans exist to create more humans. And those humans exist to create still more humans. And on and on it goes. There is no big mystery to life. Life is all about creating more life and keeping it going for as long as possible.
2015-10-20 3:23 pm
The reason you feel that way is you reject GOD.
GOD made us to grow in love with himself,
& to learn to love one another, for eternity.
2015-10-20 8:43 pm
I'm sure religious people will dislike this comment because most of them don't question events our existence doesn't have purpose we came to earth when a meteor that contains our molecular structures and we are the next supreme being in the earth(primary being after dinosaurs) we are here to fill the place of dinosaurs and after next super disaster which will wipe us out there are gonna be new better or primal species that fill the place for us.
2015-10-21 12:47 pm
No God does not exist. We are who we are now because for thousands of years modern humans have hunted and lived a simple existence but now technology has advanced and with it a new way of living.

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