Is it possible to fall back in love with someone you dated when you were a teenager?

2015-10-20 1:12 am

回答 (2)

2015-10-20 1:17 am
It's rare but occasionally it works out. It seems to me that it only really works when the reason the relationship broke up was because they were both too young for the commitment. It's important to realise you both will have changed- you can fall in love with the adult person but you it's an issue if you expect them to tbe their 16-year-old self! They're not - get to know one nother and see if the spark is still there.
2015-10-20 1:15 am
if you loved them then you would not have stopped loving them ---- you would accept there is nothing between you ---- i very much doubt you would because you will have both changed a lot

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