What is the best English speaking country to live in, when it comes to social security, nice people and beautiful landscapes?

2015-10-19 2:21 pm

Update: I currently live in the Netherlands, but social security is being torn down systematically, people are slowly turning into intolerant ******* and the landscape is, well... unexistent. I want to move somewhere nice together with my wife, who basically only speaks English and a little Dutch.

回答 (5)

2015-10-19 9:34 pm
Canada, New Zealand, or Australia. I'm in Canada, so I'm biased for it. There are even some people who speak Dutch here.
2015-10-19 3:06 pm
New Zealand.
2015-10-19 2:35 pm
If you speak English, it's an English speaking country (all you have to do is teach one person).

Pick one ... USA isn't necessarily it.
2015-10-19 2:26 pm
The United States is good enough for me.
2015-10-19 2:23 pm
Coasta Rica.

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