Am I mature or immature?

2015-10-19 4:01 am
So all of my friends in this situation are 15. Two of my friends are sexually active. One is doing it just so they won't be a virgin and the other is doing it to please her boyfriend. I scold them both but they tell me to grow up. I dislike that they're potentially forming habits at such a young age. Do I just need to get over myself? Also another friend of mine is popping extra strong pain medication to feel a high. I scolded them and warned them how overdosing can damage your liver but they told me to calm down since they're out of pills. They can clearly get more but this seems to be their excuse. Am I just immature about and not facing the fact that things like these are becoming a norm? I seem like the annoying one always nagging them to do better but I'm never listened to. I've watched some people's lives end or go down the drain because of bad habits so I don't want their outcomes to be the same. Please tell me what you think.

回答 (221)

2015-10-19 1:47 pm
You sound extremely mature to me and also like a great friend. At your age many people would just let them do it but you are looking out for them. You are doing the right thing by warning them because what you are saying is the truth. Do not let them make you feel immature, I wish I would have had a few friends like you when I was that age.
2015-10-20 6:28 am
Your immature for scolding someone on their sex-life and yes you have a good heart but you need to take different actions . If your one friend doesn't want to be a virgin anymore that is up to her to decide. If you have concerns that your other friend is having sex to please her boyfriend than as a friend you should approach her as a friend, not a parent, and tell her those concerns. When it comes to the pill popping you need to report it. Addiction isn't something you can cure by telling them the negative effects. Look at some of those cigarette advertisements. They have many different warnings, labels, pictures, stories and people just keep smoking away their years. They just don't care hun.
You have to understand that you can't shelter people, you can't tell them what to do or how to act and most situations are not black and white, right or wrong. A lot of people are telling you that you are more mature than your friends but honestly I think you just have a different kind of self-respect and an idealistic perspective. This doesn't exactly make you immature or mature. So why do I think your immature? Your asking a bunch of random yahoo users if your more mature cause you keep on the straight and narrow while your friends are falling towards to depth of social scandals. Some have drug problems but to you, you don't really care how to communicate in a way that will give you a positive outcome in your friendships. It is obvious that whatever you are doing is not working but instead of figuring out different communication skills you keep doing the same thing, getting the same results. You just keep nagging at them instead of figuring out how to really help them or get help for them. But your on yahoo, writing from your high horse asking if your more mature? Painting a picture of your friends and acting like your better cause you made different choices. in what world is that mature?
2015-10-19 4:54 pm
If you are the same age as your 15 yrs old friends, you are more mature than your age. So yes. You are mature, which isn't a bad thing. I could go on and on about something. But you initially just want to know if you are mature or immature and you are mature.
2015-10-19 4:10 am
You're not immature. If anything, you are more mature than they are. It is dumb to pop pills to feel a high. Also being the annoying one is better than being the one to do it. You may not know it now, but you will soon realise this. Kids in general start to be sexually active at younger ages and it is happening more frequently now than ever. I personally think that sex before 18 is inappropriate, but you can't tell that to one that is doing it because they just won't get it. My opinion about this matter is that you are in the right and they are in the wrong. They are either going with the crowd and are feeling peer pressure. They might think the sex is great now, but i bet they will regret it in some way later in their lives. You're good!
2015-10-21 4:04 pm
2015-10-20 1:08 pm
2015-10-20 5:27 pm
I'm only 19 and i think you are mature with an immature tendency. You are mature because you aren't following the crowd in which that can be hard to do. On the other hand your never gonna be able to convince your friends what they are doing is wrong. If you are getting tired of watching your friends make the same mistakes then you need to report the one who is addicted to pills, and make new friends. Based on society you are who you hang out with, so when you hang out with people who do habits that you don't like the possibilities of you following those habits are greater because eventually you are gonna feel left out and wanna try and fit back in and that is where your gonna lower your standards and follow the crowd.

I give you props though because i know how hard it is to watch people you care about go down a different path than you are, but its okay to let old friends go and make new ones.
2015-10-23 2:56 am
2015-10-21 8:56 am
2015-10-21 2:49 am
Very mature. I'm 17 and pleased that someone else in High School has a brain. The fact that they even THINK you are immature for caring about them makes them immature and not very bright friends.
2015-10-20 12:04 pm
You seem to be both.....

People generally, regardless of age do not respond well to scolding, as adults we can ignore and walk away, youngsters / young adults invariably push back, human nature.

If you are saving yourself for the right time, then good on you, that's a very mature way to look at things.
Scolding your pals for not sharing your point of view or values will cause arguments and you could end up losing potential life long friends, your best friends.
Should these individuals wish to experiment etc then be there to support them with sound advice ie recommend contraceptive's etc.
True good friends are hard to come by, don't fall out over an issue that doesn't directly impact your life.

Be strong for your friends they may need someone to talk to and they wont come if they believe they will get a row.
2015-10-22 10:40 pm
2015-10-22 5:10 am
2015-10-22 3:14 am
2015-10-21 10:28 pm
2015-10-21 5:30 pm
2015-10-21 8:29 am
2015-10-21 7:53 pm
2015-10-19 7:15 pm
It is immature to keep forcing your beliefs and opinions on others when they clearly do not care about your opinion, nor do they want to hear it. It is sad what they are doing to themselves, but THEIR lives are not YOUR business, sorry to say.
2015-10-21 3:55 pm
2015-10-19 11:23 am
2015-10-19 5:36 am
It's pretty immature to scold and nag other people in an attempt to control them. It is also a waste of time and energy. What does scolding achieve? Do the people stop? No, they feel resentment and determination. Even when they know you're right, they're going to keep on doing what they're doing because they'll be damned if they let you think you're running their life. You said it yourself: they never listen to your scolds.

It sounds like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders. It sounds like you will be able to give good advice to your friends when they ask for it. But sad as it may be for you, sometimes people do idiot things and no amount of scolding will deter them. I am not sure these are the best friends for you, but it sounds like you are capable of judging this matter and deciding for yourself.
2015-10-22 5:41 pm
2015-10-22 3:23 pm
2015-10-22 6:46 am
Mature for sure. However, scolding someone at any age, to others that are also the same age is a bit odd. And maybe a little too much. You are right that too much Tylenol can damage your liver. However, you can not get a high from it. Advil taking 800 can give you a little buzz. But to take it longer then a week or two, you could develop an ulcer. As for sex, at 15, its usually too young, for all the responsibilities and consequences, that sex has. I made a booklet 15yrs ago talking about the 10 top issues facing having sex, at any age. Some are scary. Like 50% of boys and young men under 30 do not know how to use a condom correctly. Besides aids, there are many other STD's that can prevent you from having a baby later in life. Herpes is forever, once you got it, you have it for life. The 1st 2nd and possibly the 3rd time a woman has sex, it will hurt, and she will bleed. Giving correct info is better then yelling at someone, especially doing something you have no right to judge. I firmly believe most people are not mature enough to deal with sex, before 17yrs old, and for some not until they are 25. LOL. I do commend you for standing up for what you believe. Its just not in our country, personal issues how we want to live, are up to each of us. The problem is, there is more then 1 right way to do things in life. My view is as long as you take care yourself emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually however that maybe, as long as its not illegal, we get to choose our own way. One takes the road less traveled. However, I have found sometimes the road less traveled is not the right road, or the road to the right. You do seem more mature then most kids your age and 10yrs older. However, unless you had a physical or emotional trauma, you have an IQ of over 150, or your parents worked for the peace corps, and you seen things most teens have not, most kids start to evolve into the real world, around 13yrs old. when most of your cares and responsibilities are taken care of. And the interaction with different people both good and bad and experiences in 2yrs is usually not much. So as mature as you sound, there is a lot you still do not understand, and need to learn. Knowledge is only half of what makes us mature, what we do with it is the other half.
2015-10-22 1:14 am
2015-10-22 12:55 am
2015-10-21 5:28 am
2015-10-21 5:11 am
2015-10-20 10:42 pm
2015-10-20 12:23 pm
You are mature for your age and you ARE using your appropriate judgement. I've been in the same situation when I was your age. The majority of my girl friends were not virgins and I was constantly being picked on because I still had not lost my virginity. I was basically told the same thing to "grow up". Just because they've had sex does not make them a grown up, it just means they had sex. To me it seems like you're thinking of the bigger picture than just what is going on right now, which is great. That shows both maturity and sound judgement. Pushing your friends to do better is great because it shows that you are just looking out for them, but people are still gonna do what they want anyways. If I were you I would branch out to more than just the little circle of friends that you have. I know they are your girls, but you also need to have friends that are on the same page as you. You can still have them as friends, but I think that It'll be a little bit easier to also have friends that share your same goals in life.
2015-10-20 6:43 am
2015-10-21 9:42 pm
2015-10-21 8:37 pm
2015-10-20 3:02 am
You seem very mature •••
Things like sex and drugs at a young age are bound to happen these days. If you can't stop them from deciding what's wrong or right, then you need to instead. I understand they're your friends, but are they really good people to be around? Maybe if you threatened to end your friendship with them it would make them stop? By the way this is just a suggestion/advice, and it's your choice to do whatever you want.
2015-10-20 9:56 am
Utterly immature, lets look at the facts, you're 15. You basically don't have the right to judge another human being on their own decisions. We're all wired differently. Our brain chemicals all work in different ways. The reason why I said you're immature is because you're asking strangers on yahoo to decide if you're immature or not. IF you really wanted to find out, you should go ask someone you really know, who knows you. Us strangers on the internet can only assume things. Stop looking down on others because that's what you're doing right now, judging your friends based on their actions. You should judge yourself too. IF you were a friend, you should get them real help, not by yelling at them for what you think is wrong.

Getting high these days are normal now. I've never purposely drugged myself to get high.

All I can tell you is that you should really get some help for you and your friends. You all need jesus...
I'm joking on that last part...but seriously you should either help your friends by getting them real help or leave them be. You can't fix the world's crisis, but you can fix yourself.

Best wishes, Brandon.
2015-10-23 9:42 pm
At their age the should only be sucking D
2015-10-23 2:56 am
honestly, this is what mature people go through everyday. Your friends are a perfect example of immature people and it's kind of normal to still be immature at that age. People mature at different ages, you're lucky you did earlier. Otherwise you would've probably done some unthinkable things. So yeah, you're mature. And you know you're mature, so it's kind of your job to keep them safe until they mature.
參考: my mature 15 year old mind (im like so mature I can brag about it)
2015-10-22 11:47 pm
You are the MOST MATURE out of all of them. Having sex or smoking weed is NOT cool OR mature. It's mentally and physically harming their bodies. You are doing the right thing and they didn't listen to you. That means you are the mature one. I suggest you leave them alone and find people who have a better influence on you. Or you can stay with them, just let them do what they want. You warned them so when they get hurt, you could say "I told you so" and let them realize THEY were the wrong and immature ones. You just keep being the good person you are and don't let them drag you into stuff. They will call you "annoying" and tell you it's "fine" to do those things, but don't let that drag you into a mess. You are VERY smart, from what I know. Good job :)
2015-10-22 11:12 pm
Your definatinly MATURE, but your friends are the one whos immature.
By all means your not annoying, your a helping friend, but because 2 of your friends are two busy having sex and one popping pills, they can't understand that your only trying help them.

If i was you, I'd leave them too it, I know they are your friends, but at the end of you need to put your self first and just leave them too it, Your not being a bad friend if you leave them too it, because one day when they **** up, they will come to you and tell you they are sorry they didn't listen! Don't let this get to you:) Your only 15 and more mature than more people out there!
2015-10-22 6:02 pm
SEX is good and wonderful......out of this world orgasms !!!!!!!!!!!
2015-10-22 11:32 am
Hello my friend, You are mature and leme prove it.
Great American writer J. Liebman in his book "Peace of Mind" defines maturity as;
Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values. So as per his concise definition momentary pleasure at the cost of damage of future is immaturity. Live wisely, eat healthy, chill life & love life and dont be panic and obsessed. Everyone is responsible of his/her acts. In a nuttshell leme conclude, As you sow so shall you reap. Now smile please :)
2015-10-22 2:48 am
uh, mostly mature, but.....
You have the mature idea. All of your nagging to them are mature words that are absolutely right. But, you can't shape their life for them. Yea, you should definitely give them words of warning, but constantly scolding them is not going to do a whole lot of good. If you really don't want to see these people having their lives flushed down a toilet, make some new friends.
No offense, but personally, if i were friends with you, it would drive me nuts. I know that sounds pretty shallow, but still. I'm just like that, which yes, is pretty immature. But that's just me.
I know there are probably at least 1 or 2 friends of yours who get scolded by you and feel how I would feel. So just drop the act. Or find new friends.
2015-10-22 12:09 am
Very Mature
2015-10-21 11:49 pm
I think it's important to know that everyone has their own preferences, and that everyone is different. If you don't think that that is right, then don't do it. I think you're mature, not because you don't do these things, but because you stood up for what you believed in.
2015-10-21 7:49 pm
You're very mature but your friends aren't. You have morals and a strong wisdom of what drugs can do to a persons body Caring about your friends deeply isn't immature nor arrogant. Especially because they're walking a fine line you know is dangerous and possibly something they'll come to regret later on in life. So, feel good you're a caring person and good luck. P.S. These people should be honored to have a friend like you. And when they MATURE, I'm sure they will!
2015-10-21 12:48 pm
I'm only 19 and i think you are mature with an immature tendency. You are mature because you aren't following the crowd in which that can be hard to do. On the other hand your never gonna be able to convince your friends what they are doing is wrong. If you are getting tired of watching your friends make the same mistakes then you need to report the one who is addicted to pills, and make new friends. Based on society you are who you hang out with, so when you hang out with people who do habits that you don't like the possibilities of you following those habits are greater because eventually you are gonna feel left out and wanna try and fit back in and that is where your gonna lower your standards and follow the crowd.

I give you props though because i know how hard it is to watch people you care about go down a different path than you are, but its okay to let old friends go and make new ones.
2015-10-21 7:53 am
2015-10-20 11:56 pm
2015-10-20 1:58 am
You are very mature and smart
2015-10-19 8:24 pm
Tom Cruise OD. I have inference.

J**** told them "I am the Son of God", & "you are all gods."... Wasn't accepted.
J**** told them "I am as you call me" ... Wasn't accepted.
2015-10-19 3:32 pm
2015-10-20 1:41 am
You are a fairly mature person (we haven't gotten to take a look at your overall behavior, so I cannot judge), but for situations like these, you are mature. You have to face that teens will be stupid and ignorant, and it's going to get worse for each generation if humans keep ******* up the youth like we are now.
2015-10-20 1:39 am
Mature and imature in some ways
2015-10-19 11:00 pm
Your friends are morons. You are the mature smart one. 15 is way to young to be having sex. Plus that pain medication thing is dangerous. Not only because of overdosing, because they are physically addicting. When you get addicted you can actually die from withdrawals. I'm sorry but your friends sound like insecure losers.
You are a really smart kid.
2015-10-19 8:55 pm
Mature. Having sex doesn't make you a grown up. There are plenty of grown men that are successful and virgins. Your mature because you think the way you do and you care about them. Your not submissive. P.S. I think you are right on.
2015-10-19 4:05 pm
Truth be told, you sure are one mature individual. A mature person knows how to discern right from wrong. He or she fights for what is right, and not merely what feels right. Keep it up. And don't listen to them when they tell you otherwise.
2015-10-19 4:01 pm
I can't say you are immature but are starting to mature early which is good
2016-11-08 8:37 am
Am I Mature
2016-03-04 6:21 pm
2015-12-07 4:52 am
2015-11-06 3:46 am
Mature and responsible. Don't let others drag you down the drain.
2015-10-28 12:54 am
2015-10-25 7:18 pm
You're mature, you may wanna hang with more mature people it sounds like
2015-10-25 1:37 pm
2015-10-25 12:57 pm
I created this account to tell you: YOU'RE HELLA MATURE. What you're ALL friends doing is stupid. The one(s) with the pills are probably going to stop when they get an overdose. The problem of teenagers these days thinking they can get away with anything. The one with the boyfriend needs to learn how to love herself more than anyone and respect herself. If they guy is treating he'll break up with her if she doesn't do it. Then he's definetly not the right guy for her. The other one is just being stupid, she needs to learn how to not to give a **** about what other people think. No-one should have opinions towards someone being a virgin or not. What you can do is sit with your friends (one by one, in different moments) have an honest conversation and allow them to vent. Tell you'll be there to support tgem no matter what happens. If this doesn' t help I'm really sorry, but it's just beyond anything you could do. The world needs more people like you. With their head on the right place.
2015-10-25 10:21 am
mature people dont raise this type of questions
2015-10-25 2:35 am
No, honey, you are more mature than them, realizing the possible effects, and knowing when a woman really should be sexually active. I can tell from your word choice and decisions in your question that you are indeed a very mature and well 15 year old woman. You have nothing to worry about!
2015-10-25 1:58 am
2015-10-25 1:36 am
2015-10-24 10:51 pm
answer mien
2015-10-24 8:20 pm
2015-10-24 6:49 pm
2015-10-24 2:58 pm
2015-10-24 2:03 pm
Mature, but don't scold them. Just tell them that you don't think its a good idea to do those things because they could get hurt by it. But how you would normally talk to them or anyone else.
2015-10-24 7:08 am
how can they tell u to grow up? because they are the ones that need to be growing up. Mature and intellengent people take care of themselves, they do not let silly immature decisions to take away their lives. Someof them will be regretting they just slept with a guy to lose their virginity when they grow up..Honey, keep up with what ur doing now. Dont listen to their silly excuses
2015-10-24 6:36 am
Mature. You know it is not good for them to do so and I like that.
2015-10-24 4:57 am
2015-10-24 4:56 am
Your very mature and dare i say wise for being so young. It's hard watching people destroy their own lives but unfortunately there's not much even a friend can do except be there when they need you and encourage them to be better people.
2015-10-24 3:16 am
I think that you need some new friends. More mature ones.
2015-10-24 3:13 am
2015-10-24 3:00 am
There's nothing wrong with not following the crowd. I was actually the good one in the crew. Never smoke drink or did drugs. I nagged my friends every now and then but it was not all day every day. Just tell them when you chill with them can they need to chill with that stuff until you leave because you feel uncomfortable. If they are real friends they will still love you if don't do that bs. All squads need a sane person and one with a good head on there shoulders. Just try not to put them down about it all the time. If they want to ruin there life let them learn the hard way. But yes you are way more mature than them. It's a good thing.
2015-10-23 11:07 pm
You are very mature! I think ur doing the right thing and THEYRE the immature ones. Doing it at such an age and taking strong meds isn't right, and I know I would definitely scold them. In fact I would even stay away from them a bit; don't be influenced by them! ;)
2015-10-23 9:54 pm
2015-10-23 9:40 pm
You sound pretty mature, definitely compare to your friends.
2015-10-23 5:21 pm
You are mature in many ways, however you are also developing a negative habit of trying to control others. You may wish to examine that behavior. As to your friends. It may be time to look for people a little closer in maturity to yourself.
2015-10-23 3:46 pm
You are a combination of both(this is coming from someone who lost it a later age too) Its good that you are showing concern for your friends and that you know the consequences of their decisions) But you also shouldn't be nagging and criticizing your FRIENDS for making their own decisions that make them happy. Yes its okay to warn them and show them you care. But remember, you are a friend. Not a parent. And theyre are certain lines you cant cross as a friend. Trust me, I have a friend just like you, and his scolding doesn't make me want to do my stupid decisions any less, but actually make me want to do them either more.
2015-10-23 3:19 pm
2015-10-23 12:02 pm
With your words I feel that you.. Mature
2015-10-23 9:16 am
I say you mature and you happy become please fast hey!!!
2015-10-23 8:04 am
We probably have the same problem,i have friends that smoke weed and each time i advice them the call mr little or immature, but i simply bliv am discipled,so are you.people usually regard people that are not doing the'in' thing as immature,but trust me u as mature and sensible as an over experienced teacher
2015-10-23 7:18 am
As long as your friends understand consent, safe sex, and consequences of sex, then they are fine. As foe the pills, I would tell their parents, as that is a legitimate safety issue.
2015-10-23 5:43 am
2015-10-23 4:49 am
Mature in my book.
2015-10-23 2:53 am

2015-10-23 1:18 am
mature and correct
2015-10-23 12:44 am
Mature you cupcake.
2015-10-23 12:14 am
You are definitely mature. You are way more mature than your friends and don't deserve having to deal with them. Be proud of yourself for doing the right thing.
2015-10-22 10:46 pm
Mature. In this day and age it is becoming normal to have sex at that age tho but just because it is becoming a normal doesn't mean it is correct. The taking drugs to get high thing is just plain stupid. You are being a good friend watching there back.
2015-10-22 9:36 pm
you r a pussy u should be banging dudes and poppin pillz all day
2015-10-22 9:23 pm
2015-10-22 7:57 pm
Mature in my opinion
2015-10-22 7:49 pm
You are mature in the sense that you already know what you should or shouldn't do to benefit yourself, your health and your mind.
However, you are immature if you think that people are going to take your advice simply because you offer it.
If you are also 15, you are no authority to them, and your advice is quite irrelevant.

If you really want to help your friends, take them to some center where they can see teen moms and some rehab center for drug abusers. Those images will surely have a better impact than your "scolding" them.
2015-10-22 7:41 pm
2015-10-22 6:20 pm
How could you think you're immature! OF COURSE YOU'RE MATURE!
2015-10-22 5:56 pm
You are the most mature 15 yr old i know. Im 15 too. Dude, im glad u know whats good and whats not. Im proud of you, random stranger i found on yahoo answers.
2015-10-22 5:44 pm
2015-10-22 5:17 pm
you're definitely mature for your age. although, if I were you, I'd just drop the case and let them figure out you were right all along on their own. they're bound to screw up sometime...
2015-10-22 4:26 pm
You are being very mature. I am not condoning their behavior but at that age its very hard. Society is telling you one thing while your gut is telling you the other. I'm not going to sit here and say I haven't done those things because I have but sometimes people have to learn the hard way. I use to be like you and only telling your friends not to do things will make them want to do it more. Its hard but all you can do is be there for them till they learn or go off in your own direction. More than likely after high school you wont even have those friends anymore. Be young. Have fun while you can but also be responsible.
2015-10-22 4:23 pm
Your friends are in lessons # 1: Do no harm or maximum # 2: Love your neighbor as well as yourself .You are in Lesson #3 or #4: You can not control the will of someone else and Everyone needs their own experiences to understand life.
Lesson #5 is that curiosity of mankind wont be quenched until we experience every scenario, good or bad. That is the reason your friends harm themselves, even if they believe it is fashion or peers that make them do so...

Therefore you are more mature than them.
2015-10-22 3:22 pm
Mature good for you! Sadly your friend's relationships will not last long, you are very wise to be cautious and learn from them.
2015-10-22 1:14 pm
If you want to fit in have sex and get high with them or you will always be a social misfit
2015-10-22 1:13 pm
Very mature actually
2015-10-22 1:03 pm
You are very mature. That's what most kids do nowadays and it ends up into something awful. DONT give in to them
2015-10-22 9:18 am
You are the mature one, they are the imature ones
2015-10-22 8:58 am
You mature my homie
2015-10-22 7:05 am
You're at that age where more of your friends and.age group will start experimenting. You of.the smarterkids your age knowing there is no rush into sex or do drugs, whether its to please someone or not. Its incredibly mature of you to not get pulled into it and not think highly of it. Though you have to let them make their own decisions you can still be a good friend to them. Its hard when drugs are involved (most people dont make harder drugs a big deal) but just make sure they know the side effects and what could go wrong, just be their for them. You dont have to agree.
2015-10-22 6:15 am
Waaaaaaaaaaaaay more matur than them.. And probably my mom haha!! No, but it's really great that you're smarter than your friends
2015-10-22 5:23 am
wtf you're mature
2015-10-22 5:19 am
youre mature for trying to help your friends
2015-10-22 3:22 am
2015-10-22 3:12 am
You are mature, your friends on the other hand are not. They should not be doing those things for those kind of reasons or at that age. You are a good friend for caring about them. If you really worry about them, you should tell a trusted adult about this if this continues.
2015-10-22 3:01 am
You are definitely mature. Just because your friends see it as annoying that you care about their health, doesn't mean you are immature. This is a good age to being noticing things like this and making good decisions to benefit yourself.
2015-10-22 2:30 am
2015-10-22 1:54 am
2015-10-22 1:48 am
You're mature. Teenagers your age shouldn't be participating in sexually activity or using drugs. That's something that you do when you're older and find someone suitable, and also mature as yourself or for when you get married. And it's a good thing you can recognize the wrong. And to be honest with you, I'm not saying to not be friends with them but find a better group of people who do better activities such as sleep overs, hang outs at the mall, or other good stuff like that. Like distance yourself from them. You care enough to tell them what they're doing is wrong because their choices lead to some serious BAD and harmful consequences. So let them fall into their own pit, you've done your part in telling them.
2015-10-22 12:26 am
Immature- Quit your nagging. they still have a chance to fix their lives and turn around. You guys are only 15.
2015-10-21 11:54 pm
Your very mature.
2015-10-21 10:47 pm
Honestly they're the ones that are immature and you're the mature one. doing things just to please people or seem cool is immature as hell. Do what you do
2015-10-21 10:27 pm
You are certainly not immature, but I don't think it is your place to scold your friends either. You will start to feel like you're being irritating because hey, what 15 year old wants to listen to another 15 year old? Just let them know your opinion on things and if they don't listen then it is their own problem. They will soon learn from their own mistakes, you just seem to have a bit more common sense!
2015-10-21 10:16 pm
Congratulations on making a good decision but to answer your question, at 15 you are immature. You may be making the right decisions but you are still immature. You are not fully grown, your brain will continue to mature and other changes will over take you
2015-10-21 9:59 pm
You are definitely the mature person in this situation. What your friends are doing is incredibly bad and they shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff at such a young age. I mean, they're as old as me! You are doing the right thing and I applaud you for that :)
2015-10-21 9:52 pm
very Mature and you are a good kid.
stop talking or being friends with those kids.
possible tell ur parents and tell their parents about
drug abuse and all,that way ur helping those kids.
2015-10-21 9:42 pm
Mature, and please stay that way. Blessings
2015-10-21 9:25 pm
why are you going on yahoo answers for approval. why do you care about other peoples sex lives. heres a pat on the back for being exactly like every other gross teenager on the block
2015-10-21 9:22 pm
Mature for your age. You are right not to do unsafe things but please remember we mature as we pass through life - who you will be at 20 will not be who you are at 30 for example. You cannot rush this process so don't try and grow up too fast.
2015-10-21 7:54 pm
Mature it's a good thing
2015-10-21 7:49 pm
the truth is that mature people do not feel the need to ask a question like this.
2015-10-21 7:40 pm
Immature for thinking you can change the world around you. Quit trying
to do the impossible tasks that parents should be doing, and take a load
off your mind.
2015-10-21 7:22 pm
You are showing great maturity, wisdom and courage to stand tall and not give in while your friends are doing things that you believe to be wrong. I hope that you will be able to remain strong and not be swayed by peer pressure. You can tell your friends that you do not approve of what they are doing, but you cannot change their behavior. Stay true to yourself and stay true to what you believe and you will never go wrong.
2015-10-21 6:04 pm
Your concerned, a good friend is typically concerned about thier friends, normal.
All the skills in the world will not stop people from doing what they want. In the sex area, they can say what they want, some people have high sex drives, there doing it because they want too.
Young people make bad choices, hopefully they will out grow thier bad choices and move on to less destructive options. Drugs impact every generation, many don't make it, some make it only to fall victim to it later in life.
Be concerned, but never lose track you live youy life, under your terms not someone elses.
2015-10-21 5:02 pm
You are being mature, however, these are their life choices. They are going to do what they are going to do. There is no stopping that until they hit their own rock bottom. It's better to just focus on what YOUR morals are. If you really feel like they are tainting your life or theirs, maybe it is time to find some new friends or at least keep these ones at a small distance. Ultimately, it is your life and your choices that matter in the end.
2015-10-21 4:45 pm
Mature person
2015-10-21 4:40 pm
your mature but your smart enough to decide what you want to do
2015-10-21 4:28 pm
I'm a 14 year old girl and what they are doing is just stupid so in all other words your mature good luck
2015-10-21 3:34 pm
You will become mature at age of 21. but i agree that mentally you are more mature than your fellas.
2015-10-21 1:42 pm

The fact that society is so ****** up that it would make you feel bad about yourself for being smart makes me sad.
Based on what you've said here, you literary (and I mean the word literary) the ONLY mature and intelligent person in your group.

This is, of course, good. But if you ask me, you may need to be careful because your friends are probably going to destroy themselves and you do NOT want to be taken down with them no matter how much you've been through together. You don't owe them anything...
2015-10-21 11:49 am
You are mature. Wrong doing people always talk in that way. Only few of them advise others not to do like them. For every action there will be a reaction. Every man expects that his fiancé must be a virgin, so also every woman expects that her fiancé must be a virgin. A good starting is necessary for everything. Wedding is an important incident in life. Virgins' wedding is the top most. The opportunity for unnecessary suspicions are rare in this wedding life. They feel that their minds are clean and their life as well. It's a happiest thing.
2015-10-21 11:26 am
2015-10-21 10:18 am
I think you are behaving very maturely and you should have to change your friends.
It is not necessary to follow the every trend of society. We should listen to our heart that what's right or wrong for ourselves. To hell with the world... just do what you thing is right and for me you are right.
2015-10-21 9:29 am
I commend you for being a sensible young person.
Once you've cautioned them, you've done your part. When they get into trouble, they will remember you cared.
Just be there for them whether or not they take your advice. You're in the place God wants you to be.
2015-10-21 7:34 am
Everyone matures at different rates, don't worry about it. I was in the same position as you at that age and all my friends were losing their virginity or had already lost it. But I waited and didn't lose it until I was 17. Some people may consider me a "late bloomer" but I didn't consider myself truly ready to have sex until then. I guess I was immature and just wouldn't have known what to do. I also didn't have my first kiss until 15 and was afraid to do anything with a guy. But then it came naturally and I just let it all happen. And then when I looked back I didn't even know what I was so afraid of, it's not scary at all. Just don't do anything you're not comfortable with, and if you feel you're not ready then just wait. Don't let a guy pressure you into anything, you never owe a guy sex. When you lose it just relax and don't tense up, pick a comfortable position, tell him to go slow, use a lot of lube, and a condom and never forget to use protection!! :) xoxo
2015-10-21 5:39 am
You are incredibly mature. What your friends are doing is wrong, please tell a guidance counselor or something, because most likely, they won't listen to you.
2015-10-21 5:21 am
Matured in the right way to think about your future.. your doing the right thing kids these days doesn't know..
2015-10-21 4:34 am
2015-10-21 4:08 am
Mature like a rated-M game
2015-10-21 3:36 am
Immature. Let people have their own sex life and do you. Everyone has sex in their life
2015-10-21 3:34 am
Definitely Mature!

By the sound of your friends, you seem to be the coolest and smartest of the bunch. Maybe you should consider hanging out with friends who think more like you do!
2015-10-21 2:57 am
You are mature, your friends are immature. I grew up in the great situation where you should have been, but I may be comfortable with honesty.
2015-10-21 2:39 am
Mature, you did the right thing about warning them. Don't listen to @Al, you were mature, not immature.
2015-10-21 2:36 am
You're mature. What many people don't know is that all these sexual partners people have is the reason they can't form lasting relationship (psychological research). The more partners person has the less likely they will be able to form long lasting relationship with someone...hence the reason people can't stay in a marriage (divorce or cheating).
2015-10-21 1:16 am
Immature. It is perfectly okay for you not to follow in your friends' footsteps but especially at your age you cannot really dictate to them, they won't listen.
2015-10-21 1:02 am
You are doing the right thing and being responsible. I know they are your friends but please get away. Because if they pressure you into doing something stupid it's both of your faults. You because you could have said no and it's their fault because they influenced you. Please keep this answer in consideration.
2015-10-21 12:59 am
your mature
2015-10-21 12:57 am
have your friends look up their drug on

have you heard of the myers briggs rather than just either of two things you could be a quantity of any of 16 things! (you could even question the MBTI!)

at the MBTI this sounds like ENTJ if you find out your friends are like E*TP then your suggestions could be modified to go with their perspectives Yay sex Yay the right drugs
2015-10-21 12:48 am
It appears you are mature for your age but you are technically(at just 15) still immature as in not ready to be on your own, support yourself, etc.... I will say it is refreshing to hear of a young person who knows how to say no and that doesn't give into peer pressure. It's kinda rare these days.
2015-10-21 12:06 am
If you need to be asking if you are or aren't; you are immature.
2015-10-20 11:49 pm
You are totally mature! Don't listen to your friends. It is wrong for that one person to do it when she has a boyfriend, and you are right to warn them about it. It's so nice of you to tell them that, even if they don't listen. Keep on telling them and maybe they will come to their senses
2015-10-20 11:45 pm
2015-10-20 11:43 pm
You are extremely mature.You should tell the principal or call the authorities.You shouldn't be their friend if they act like that.
2015-10-20 11:18 pm
Go to the doctor. I am just kidding.
2015-10-20 11:09 pm
I believe your mature, for knowing whats right and wrong, and the fact that you want to look out for ur friends best interest in life. And you are extremely mature for voicingyou concern and opinion. yet people are gonna do what they wanna do regardless of what others say. just do you.
2015-10-20 10:53 pm
I think it's very mature of you to be able to stand up to your "friends." I do however suggest that you should get new ones. If they get annoyed at you because you are looking out for them, they are just going to be more trouble in the long run. They may influence you to do bad things in the future, and you seem like you are much smarter than that. I'm not saying to completely ditch them, but definitely surround yourself with people who have the same morals as you do.
2015-10-20 10:44 pm
Promiscuous sex before marriage is a dangerous activity and can result in life long diseases and psychological distortions, it is usually engaged in by immature persons who regret it in later life.
2015-10-20 8:33 pm
You are a mature person they are acctually the immature ones they are just doing it in this age to boast to be able to say I had sex and I ****** women before please don't attempt to do something stupid like this in this age this would only extinguish your life if someone ever finds out you having sex they might record you doing it and the video might go viral if the video goes viral and your school president or teacher sees the video this will cause you to get expelled from school don't care about what they say you are a mature person and adult enough to seperate wrong and right
2015-10-20 6:41 pm
You are NOT being immature. If anything, between you and your friends, you seem like you have the most common sense.
2015-10-20 6:40 pm
mature. you friends are immature.
2015-10-20 6:25 pm
Mature - but nagging them won't change anything, just annoy them. The best thing to do is stop nagging for a while and then try to talk about it gently and thoroughly when you're together, cuz attacking them from the outside they will just get annoyed and defensive and won't listen to you :/
2015-10-20 6:05 pm
Your mature. I could explain but I don't think I need too ^^^^^^
2015-10-20 6:04 pm
Am I mature or immature?
So all of my friends in this situation are 15. Two of my friends are sexually active. One is doing it just so they won't be a virgin and the other is doing it to please her boyfriend. I scold them both but they tell me to grow up. I dislike that they're potentially forming habits at such a young age. Do I just need to get over myself? Also another friend of mine is popping extra strong pain medication to feel a high. I scolded them and warned them how overdosing can damage your liver but they told me to calm down since they're out of pills. They can clearly get more but this seems to be their excuse. Am I just immature about and not facing the fact that things like these are becoming a norm? I seem like the annoying one always nagging them to do better but I'm never listened to. I've watched some people's lives end or go down the drain because of bad habits so I don't want their outcomes to be the same. Please tell me what you think.
2015-10-20 5:51 pm
2015-10-20 5:28 pm
it`s hard to say...i believe you are a little bit mature, right..
2015-10-20 5:13 pm
You are mature, you have higher standards than they do. by them simply accepting the lower side of the scale, makes them more readable and somewhat hasty. Don't use a crutch when you can use your mind to free yourself
2015-10-20 4:46 pm
2015-10-20 4:36 pm
Maybe later in life they gonna regret their choices. You are way mature then half the people your age. I wish I had good friends like you when I was your age. They both might get pregnant so sad they only kids. I hope you don't come to follow their behaviors. Pain killers can kill you if you take too many. Thanks for being a good friend to them.
2015-10-20 4:03 pm
You are super mature . You are just saying the right thing to all the stupid teenagers this days . Continue as you are are and maybe make new friendship seriosly
2015-10-20 3:20 pm
You sound very mature,much more so than your friends, but also quite naive. personally, I think you need stay out of your friends business. If that is how they feel then there isn t much you can say to stop them doing the wrong things. Focus on your own life and please stay this mature; don t bring yourself down to fit in.
2015-10-20 12:45 pm
At your age of 15 you are well matured .Otherwise how can you get such excellent ideas about life . If your friends are fortunate enough to follow your ideas hey will do really well in life .They will become worthy citzens and contribute immensely for the development of the society spiritually and culturealy . Continue your good deeds and ignore any adverse remarks .
2015-10-20 12:36 pm
Immature for asking this question. Why not just not care? Don't let these people drag you down. They aren't truly affecting you and you shouldn't let them affect you. Why must you declare it out to the world that some losers are bugging you and you feel like a nag? Why not just not care?
2015-10-20 11:52 am
Who knows
2015-10-20 11:03 am
You are immature and show a Puritanical streak of fear of sex. Grow effing up.
2015-10-20 8:37 am
2015-10-20 4:32 am
You need new friends.
2015-10-20 3:59 am
Let 'em know you're worried but people have to make their own choices, good or bad.
2015-10-20 3:48 am
help answer mine
2015-10-20 12:39 am
you need to be mature enough to stop forcing people to do whatever you want when they don't care. just ignore them, it's their loss.
2015-10-19 10:31 pm
you are being a lot more mature than your friends.
2015-10-19 6:28 pm
Your just a smart cat
2015-10-19 5:31 pm
You are allmost mature.
2015-10-19 4:00 pm
As u have an account on Yahoo , So i can say u r mature .
2015-10-19 6:21 am
2015-10-19 4:55 am
You are right. They may end up throwing their lives away.

All you can do is be there for them when it all goes pear shaped. That is if you still want to be their friend and haven't made other friends.
2015-10-19 4:07 am
No you are just being smart. I know my friend recently lost her virginity and the guy is in my english class was basically calling her a *****. I say stay away from sex and drugs
參考: High School Student
2015-10-19 4:04 am
I honestly think youre doing the right thing. Im 15 too. Because at this age, i honestly think that we should learn more things a d not do things that adults do or things that are inappropriate for us teenagers
2015-10-19 4:02 am
No You're doing what is right by trying to help your friends. You are DEFINITELY right
Hope this helps(:
2015-10-22 5:56 am
2015-10-20 7:51 pm
Am I mature or immature?
So all of my friends in this situation are 15. Two of my friends are sexually active. One is doing it just so they won't be a virgin and the other is doing it to please her boyfriend. I scold them both but they tell me to grow up. I dislike that they're potentially forming habits at such a young age. Do I just need to get over myself? Also another friend of mine is popping extra strong pain medication to feel a high. I scolded them and warned them how overdosing can damage your liver but they told me to calm down since they're out of pills. They can clearly get more but this seems to be their excuse. Am I just immature about and not facing the fact that things like these are becoming a norm? I seem like the annoying one always nagging them to do better but I'm never listened to. I've watched some people's lives end or go down the drain because of bad habits so I don't want their outcomes to be the same. Please tell me what you think.
2015-10-20 10:29 am
Your pretty mature. Your right about both of your friends and I know your just trying to help them. Tons of girls are being sl5ts now and your being mature and waiting till marriage (I think?:P) and your mature about drugs to. Dont listen to the others, your mature and I'm proud of that:)
2015-10-20 7:48 am
Definition of Mature:
:based on SLOW CAREFUL CONSIDERATION <a mature judgment>
: having or showing the MENTAL and EMOTIONAL QUALITIES OF an adult
: having a FULLY grown or DEVELOPED BODY : grown to full size
: having reached a FINAL or DESIRED STATE

As a person who was active at that age, you are doing the right thing by steering your friends away from that. Truth is, in your teen years ALL OF YOU are sexually immature. AND your brains are not fully developed. You have plenty of time to be sexually active.. just DON'T because you're disadvantaged. Doing so is weak and impulsive, part of being an adult consist of taking your own stance, having self control, willpower, and restraint. How are you gonna tell your parent that you're pregnant, had a miscarriage, have stds, no income, and/or were played like a fool without holding back from the shame? Perhaps you could search the internet and find horror stories about those situations online and somehow get them to see in a subtle way. It can be educational for everyone involved.Even if it doesn't help them it can help your children.


I had a friend who made me feel like ****, it didn't change anything until I let it sink in by horriblee experience that I was being used and played.

Now the pill popper:
1.Have a sit down with your him/her.
2.ASK him why he's doing it.
ASK what does he feel like he's getting out of it.
ASK him what his plans are for taking those and why.
3. DON'T Stress this person, that could make it worse.

But if they are affecting you spiritually or depressing you, you may have to let them make their own mistakes and make your presence scarce. It's not your job to babysit them, because friendship is a two way street, they are not allowing themselves to be in a position that supports you in RETURN. ask yourself would they help you if the roles were reversed or would they just let your life go to hell? And move on? Let them know you treat people how you want to be treated.

Your friends sound like sell outs trying to fit in with the wrong crowd to be considered "normal". The only thing that will matter after high school is your being a good person, life skills & diploma. NOT NORMAL. People outgrow their friends, move, die, the load gets heavier with careers, children, families, bills, changing interests. Popping pills won't help you get paid or impress your future boss. Getting pregnant will have guys perceive you as baggage especially at our young age.

God speed.
參考:; My personal experiences
2015-10-20 6:04 am
You seem very mature about this. I suggest you stop being friends with them for this, you warned them and taught them what could happen and when they didn't listen, soom life will start to teach them.
2015-10-20 4:58 am
There is no such thing as maturity or lack thereof. Age is just a state of mind. As CLinton once said, you're only as old as you feel.
2015-10-20 1:26 am
We are in the same situation and I cannot tell you how nigh this drives me insane. I'm also 15 and I feel as if I'm the mom of the group or any group. Just relax and let them make their choices. They will one day realize that this was stupid. Although if things get really bad, let someone know. If anyone has the potential to be hurt let an adult know. I can't tell you how many times I worry over the fact that my cousin comes home drunk and her parents don't know it or that she thinks about doing sexual stuff will every attractive male she sees. Just be there for them.
2015-10-20 1:26 am
I APPLAUD YOU. You deserve so much more respect than they are giving you. It is extremely difficult to stay responsible when getting mixed into a crowd like this. You are very mature and I am beyond proud of you!!! You are doing the right thing. Just keep letting your friends know that you are there for them and that you love them. But please keep doing what you have been and DO NOT give in. GOOD ON YA!
2015-10-20 12:40 am
First: Your sex life doesn't determine how mature you are. If you don't feel ready to have sex yet, that's fine. I would say that the fact that you don't want your friends having sex to not be a virgin or just to please their boyfriend shows that you are mature.
Second: Being against popping pills means you care about your friend. That doesn't make you immature, it makes you a good person.
參考: Me
2015-10-20 12:19 am
You sound a hell of a lot mature than your friends.
2015-10-19 10:46 pm
no your being very mature about all of this as long as you are not doing any of this
2015-10-19 10:40 pm
It sounds like you are the only one in your circle of friends who is mature and who has the best chance to succeed in life. Maybe you need a better class of friends as though you might be a good influence on them they seem to ignore your advice and give you very bad advice so the danger is that if you even once give in to there suggestions you might do something that is not you and it might be very prudent to find friends who think like you do and you can't it would be better to not have friends at all than the ones you currently have.
2015-10-19 8:55 pm
You are intelligent. Let your friends decide the name of their baby a few months down the road. This more than just sex. This is about your lifestyle 5-10 years from now. You are the mature one.
2015-10-19 7:34 pm
Telling people not to pop pills is mature, the other isn't. Sex is part of life. Yes, granted 15 is young to have sex, but it's their decision not yours.
2015-10-19 7:22 pm
My mate is exactly the same, a sex addict. Tbh after a while you or them will either tend to get bored of it because they are probably doing it for attention. I'm in a relationship and we haven't done anything yet but we are starting to think that we should because we feel we both want to do it and we're ready. So the one with the boyfriend is probably doing it because maybe she loves him but just warn them they might get hurt
2015-10-19 6:50 am
2015-10-19 4:06 am
Your friends are immature and what theyre doing especially at their age is beyond stupid. You should find new friends, but whatever you,do dont get sucked into what theyre doing
2015-10-19 4:04 am
Maturity is relative. the truth is, no matter what status you have, everyone feels like they are the main character in this world. just accept that fact and live with yourself. Help them if they ask for it and worry about numero uno bruh. You.
2015-10-20 2:03 am
To each their own. Just accept these people as they are. Enjoy their company in a neutral way. Show an interest in their choice. Ask about feelings. I think they will value you as a friend who listens This will make you
different from all the others in their lives telling them what to do. Remember, and this is important to remember, to be included in their life, you don't have to do what they do. Invite them home. They may see a better choice in your home. Your mature. Enjoy your youth. Enjoy life! (Submitted by an Australian, Tuesday, 20 October, 2015).
2015-10-19 6:04 pm
2015-10-19 3:12 pm
You sound extremely mature to me I think your doing the right thing
2015-10-19 1:29 pm
You re way mature than those girls it s sad to watch their lives go downhill due to sex and drugs and peer pressure at a very early age and I personally believe that sex and drugs under 18 are not appropriate but if it s their choice then so be it you can still be there for them when the sh*t hits the fan as much as you can but you can t help those who can t help themselves

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