Why should low information voters especially blacks who vote on race have an equal vote to us whites?why cant we make their vote half of us?

2015-10-18 9:55 pm

Why should blacks vote be equal to whites when they vote mindlessly on race?

回答 (9)

2015-10-18 9:57 pm
Because the US Constitution won't let you Nazis have your way.
2015-10-18 10:06 pm
You're retarded.

That's because you're either a Very Good Republican living large the Racist Ideals of your Party or a Very Poor Troll failing to meet the Minimum Standards of Trolllery.
2015-10-18 10:00 pm
Genuine racist or troll.

I can't tell.
2015-10-18 9:58 pm
Because they are equal citizens.
2015-10-18 9:56 pm
Republicans like yourself feel that way, yes.
2015-10-18 10:04 pm
Talk about low information!!
2015-10-18 11:02 pm
Because your assumption is inherently racist and wrong. How do you know blacks are "low information voters?" Or anyone else for that matter? I wouldn't be surprised if you think disagreeing with your views pigeonholes them as "low information voters." The whole "race" aspect is a miserable failure on your part as well. You act as though history doesn't show the vast majority of blacks vote Democratic no matter who the candidate is, or what color their skin is. If your theory held water then Jesse Jackson and Sharpton would have been President long ago. I know racists are really stupid people, but you should really stop announcing it publicly.
2015-10-18 10:05 pm
Tell your member of Congress to amend the Constitution.
2015-10-18 10:07 pm
I think you should have to pass a test before you can vote, just like driving. If you don't know the issues you can't vote. I would say that would eliminate 90% of Democrats and 50% of Republicans from voting.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 11:18:29
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