Why don't blacks support ben carson or herman cain? Dont they vote on skin color and race? and maybe welfare checks?why don't they vote GOP?

2015-10-18 9:50 pm

Why dont people of color vote gop? why do they let libs to enslave them?

回答 (8)

2015-10-18 9:51 pm
No. Blacks vote on the issues.

Conservatives vote based on skin color and race.

The Republican Party's official agenda is to bring back Jim Crow laws.
2015-10-18 9:52 pm
Because we arent looking at the color of their skin but the content of their character.
They are Republicans. Liberals dont do that.
2015-10-18 9:51 pm
They be not black enuff.
2015-10-18 9:51 pm
The GOP won't give them "Their Stuff!!" NOT... exactly rocket science!!
2015-10-18 9:55 pm
because they have been programmed to believe they are not capable of caring for their selves and they need the government to take care of them and their entire family. Black people should stand up for their selves against those who treat them as stupid. I mean come on,black have been voting for democrats for years and years and where has it really got them? No where. They are STILL stuck in the slum hoods.
2015-10-18 9:53 pm
NO. Unlike conservatives, most black people are NOT racists and don't vote based on race. Conservatives assume -- wrongly -- that othrs are as morally bankrupt as they are, and that's just not true.
2015-10-18 9:52 pm
They know how bad blacks are at running anything.
2015-10-18 9:55 pm
Question is whether Ben Carson supports blacks...he has not said so.

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