Who created physics and all the laws?

2015-10-18 8:56 pm

回答 (30)

2015-10-18 9:00 pm
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The same One who created the heavens and the earth.

See Genesis 1:1 for details.
2015-10-18 9:07 pm
Scientists call them laws because, as a rule (law), that is what nature does. Laws are also subject to change. They are not things that exist, they are descriptions of what nature is doing.

As for the physical realm, there is no 'who', just 'what'.
2015-10-18 9:07 pm
What makes you think someone created physics? Things can have properties without having some space wizard inventing them.
The people who insist that some magical being had to create physics are at a lost to explain where there magical being came from.
2015-10-18 9:11 pm
Lots of human scientists.
Please realize that:
a - Physics is the study of the physical properties of the Universe
b - Laws of Physics are statements or mathematical equations describing very specific physical properties of the Universe

So: *both* physics *and* the laws of physics are inventions of humanity.

- Jim, Bach Sci Physics 1989
2015-10-21 8:46 am

(Job 12:7-9) “ 7 However, ask, please, the animals, and they will instruct you; Also the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you.  8 Or give consideration to the earth, and it will instruct you; And the fish of the sea will declare it to you.  9 Who among all these does not know That the hand of JEHOVAH has done this?”


(Isaiah 40:26) “26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing.”


*** w80 2/1 p. 4 The Power Behind the Universe—A Mysterious Force or a Real Person? ***
Sir Isaac Newton, described by many historians of science as “the greatest scientific mind the world has ever seen,” wrote in his famous work Principia: “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being. . . . The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect.

*** ce chap. 1 p. 9 par. 6 Life—How Did It Start? ***
. It is interesting to note, too, that even evolution’s best-known advocate, Charles Darwin, indicated an awareness of his theory’s limitations. In his conclusion to The Origin of Species, he wrote of the grandeur of the “view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one,”3 thus making it evident that the subject of origins was open to further examination.

*** g82 5/8 p. 23 Breathing—The Bird and the Insect Ways ***
Or do you draw the same conclusion as did the famous inventor Thomas Edison, who said: “After years of watching the processes of nature, I cannot doubt the existence of a Supreme Intelligence”?

The 10 min. audio / article "The Untold Story of Creation" might interest you:
2015-10-18 8:57 pm
Why presume its a "Who"?

Mark says -- "Because if not, did they make themselves?"

That is called an argument from ignorance. It is also special pleading -- how you avoid asking this same question about your supposed "who."

If you wanted an actual answer, you would have asked -scientists-. The fact that you did not, shows not only an argument from ignorance, but an argument from -willful- ignorance. I.e. you are willfully stupid and apparently proud of it.

"Do you believe they created themselves? And that the universe created itself in general?"

I'm going to post a second video which provides a very basic, simple introduction to Zero Energy Universe. If you are not willfully ignorant, then watch it. I should not hear back from you until the next hour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ImvlS8PLIo

Every time some theist attributed some unknown phenomenon to a "who", they have been wrong every. single. time. Why would this be any different? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVusPTM0P9o
2015-10-19 10:17 am
The egg is everything and the chicken is everywhere.
Physics is everything and all the laws is everywhere.
If physics is from nothing, no pain and no gain is all the laws.
If the technical heart can provide the power, the scientific eye is all the laws.
2015-10-19 9:03 am
When the first humanoid crawled out of his cave, picked up a rock, and banged it against the saber-tooth tiger's head so the humanoid and his clan could eat, the first application of physics (the change in momentum over time equals force) was effected.

It's been downhill every since. Proof? We now have hydrogen bombs rather than rocks.
2015-10-18 9:04 pm
They do not apply in the US as most of the Laws of Physics were passed in Europe, and many of these before 1776.
2015-10-20 2:23 pm
The father of physics is Ibn al-Haytham. We can directly attribute the creation of the fields of expiermental physics, applied physics, celestial physics, and the physics of optics to him. With that being said we cannot ignore the contributions of Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Max Planck, and others. They contributed a lot in terms of our overall understanding of Physics.
2015-10-20 10:45 pm
The Freemasons

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