I hooked up with my ex boyfriend and hes in a relationship. Would he still like if he did that or was he just using me?

2015-10-18 8:08 pm
I want him back, and i ve been tying to get him back. It only been 6 months since he started dating his new girl ( rebound). Our relationship ended badly. I haven t been the same since and i see him everywhere and think about him everyday. He still texts me but i m trying to see him more often. We hooked up and he cheated on his gf. Why do guys cheat? does he still like ... Should i lay off him or keep trying?

回答 (4)

2015-10-18 9:04 pm
if he cheated with you on her whats gonna stop him from doing the same to you? I don't think he did it to get back with you. hes still with this other girl and you made yourself available. its about him and his needs. if he wanted to be with you he would. I would, if I were you, not text him or sleep with him. if he really wants you then give him time and a lot of space to figure out what he wants to do. in the mean time though don't let him string you on. also hope his girl doesn't find out, that could be bad news for you. chances are hes not going to leave his new girl and remember hes a cheater.
2015-10-18 8:19 pm
He probably cheated because he liked being inside you. It's over, and he will never want a relationship with you or even respect you, so you might as well take what you can get and play the role of "side chick" until he cuts you off.
2015-10-18 8:17 pm
I hooked up with my ex boyfriend and hes in a relationship. Would he still like if he did that or was he just using me? he pollinated ur field forever according to the law of telegony (law of first male), but that doesn't mean that you have to fornicate like an animal. not judging you but how would u feel if u were in his new girl's place?
2015-10-18 8:11 pm
the title is enough ----- if he liked you he would not be your ex AND he would not be with someone else ---- he is using you and does not care about you or the person he is seeing

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