How many guys have been arrested wearing flip flops?

2015-10-18 4:27 pm
I am 20 year old guy wounder how many guys been arrested wearing flip flops because i wear them all the time and i have almost been arrested wearing them. What is it like

回答 (3)

2016-06-11 11:09 pm
參考: Criminal Records Search Database :
2015-10-18 11:28 pm
WHy would you want to get arrested? I watch enough episodes of Cops and I seen people get arrested while barefoot.
2015-10-18 5:24 pm
There is nothing illegal about walking around in flip flops. The danger of flip flops is when driving with them on the feet. Quite often a flip flop will slip and get stuck under a pedal. This leads to cars crashing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:40:22
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