How do I sale old TVs?

2015-10-18 3:16 pm
I am saving up money for Christmas presents for my family this year. As a full time student living with my father, I don't have a full time job and I find creative ways to make money and save.

Recently I've come across four good working older TVs. They are the big bulky box type and I know they're not popular anymore but I'm sure someone will buy them at the right price. I'm just not sure who that person is or how to find them.

How should I go about selling them? Should I sale them in bulk or individually? How much should I charge? I plan on posting them on Craig's List but before I do so I wanted to get your guys' opinions on what the best approach would be.

回答 (8)

2015-10-19 12:51 pm
ill be shocked if you got an offer on them. i would just take them to best buy for recycling. they do it for free on old tvs. or they used to.
2015-10-18 6:50 pm
no one wants the old big bulky TV's and you are not even allowed to throw them out in the trash anymore - you have to pay to get rid of them
2015-10-18 4:13 pm
You're not going to get much if anything for these old tube style sets.
2015-10-18 3:35 pm
They have very little street value. People are giving them to recycling places every day.
2015-10-18 3:24 pm
50 dollars max. People can go to WalMart now and buy ner smaller TV's for 100 dollars
2015-10-19 5:20 pm
I have one as well and if I could sell it if I got $25 for it I would consider that a bargain for me
Goodwill will take the old cathode tube tvs you might check their stores if they have any on the floor to sell, and what they are charging
2015-10-18 8:57 pm
As others have said, they have very little value. People put them out by the curb in hopes that the garbage collectors will pick them up.

You could try to have a yard sale in front of your home, and price the TVs at $10 each, with you carrying them to people's cars. You could also have a few other things on sale.

If you try to use Craigslist, remember the #1 RULE: ONLY DEAL WITH PEOPLE WHO CAN MEET YOU IN PERSON AND WILL PAY CASH. Particularly since you're trying to sell a low-interest item, you'll likely receive several scam/spam replies, with people giving complicated (and phony) arrangements where they will send you a check for more than the amount you are asking for, and you're supposed to cash the check and send them back the extra via Western Union and someone they know will pick up the TV, etc.--ALL A FAKE.
2015-10-18 3:56 pm
You almost have to pay people to take those old tube TVs away. No one wants a big old 250 pound TV when they can get a new flat-screen for $139. You might get $10 or $20 for them on Craigslist - if you deliver.

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