N.Korea is threatening usa with nuclear missile launch. Iran and Russia are doing it as well. What if they decide to do it together?gameover?

2015-10-18 5:16 am

回答 (5)

2015-10-19 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
2015-11-29 7:53 pm
you need to get a life or find some psych help soon
2015-10-19 7:49 pm
Nobody is threatening you in America or England.
2015-10-18 1:11 pm
Game over for the entire world. They nuke us, we nuke them, that is what MAD, is all about.
2015-10-18 5:21 am
Let's add India, Japan and germany also to team with Iran, Russia and N.korea. You'll be wiped out of the map. don't worry you can have the chinese americans, but they are weak.

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