My puppy wont eat?

2015-10-17 6:43 pm
He stopped eating Tuesday night, I've tried forcing dog food in chicken broth but he spits it out and I tried hot dog but he runs away from it. I talked to the vet and she said just try forcing wet food which I did and doesn't work. What can I get or do that is affordable to get him to eat?

He's 4 months and had all his shots, he was vomiting but that stopped, and he has not pooped but has peed

回答 (5)

2015-10-17 6:57 pm
I`m surprised that any vet would recommend forcing food into pups mouth, as this could be very dangerous to say the least, if you do`nt know what you are doing properly.
And do not feed your pup human food like hot dogs.
If your vet thinks your puppy is in good health all round, then the only reason your pup is not eating is because its not hungry or it just hates the food its being fed.
How OLD is this puppy? That would help in answering your question more positively.
There is a lot of info on this website relating to dogs that won`t eat, and it may help you define why your pup,is not eating:>

More info sites:>>

ADD; Just a thought.
Have you had the pups mouth checked out for any problems like sore gums and painful teeth, as he will be teething now and might have a sore mouth. Dont offer any hard food. Soak all kibble until its mushy and add some canned meat to it for taste. But do check his teeth and gums just to be on the safe side.
2015-10-17 7:07 pm
Your vet is not a very good vet if they recommended force feeding to someone who doesn't know how to do it properly. Four month old puppy was throwing up? Maybe its allergic to something in the food you were trying to feed it. Try giving it some soft food in a dish that isn't the same dish it was feeding out of. Make sure its not the same food. When the puppies tummy feels better it will eat when it gets hungry. If you try to force it youre just going to make the puppy scared of you. Never give a dog people food.
2015-10-17 6:48 pm
How old is the puppy? Has the puppy completed ALL of its vaccinations? Are there any other symptoms such as vomiting, loose stools or diarrhea?

Before we get INTO force feeding, please be advised the puppy will not starve, if it misses a few meals. If it has an upset stomach it is best to let it "re-set" by going without solid food for 12 hours. Water should always be available.

I see you've replied that the pup is 4 months OLD BINGO!!!!!!!!

That is when the adult teeth begin coming IN. Expect puppy to have a sore mouth & gums. See if he's like to knaw on a frozen wash cloth. (Maybe one soaked in chicken broth, THEN frozen). Tonight offer him a little and I do mean just a little like a 1/4 cup or less of soft (& soaked in very warm water) puppy kibble or canned puppy food. If you can go get some Gerber MEAT baby food mix some in WITH the warm water to make a nice gravy for the kibble you intend to soften. WARM water helps release more flavor in the kibble and softening it may help the puppy be able to eat it, if the teeth or jaw is hurting. Do NOT give any human PAIN medications to your puppy. They are TOXIC to dogs.
2015-10-17 8:08 pm
Get a second opinion from another vet, then feed it properly:
2015-10-17 10:44 pm
Normally if you insist on making them eat,then they don't cause they get suspicious and they don't understand why you're acting all upset.Leave the food and water available and don't say anything.He will eat eventually.Did he eat anything weird?

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