I got banned from an online forum. How can i hide my IP adress freely and re register again? Which free methods allow for this? Please help!?

2015-10-17 5:54 pm

回答 (3)

2015-10-17 5:59 pm
Move house or change your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
2015-10-17 5:59 pm
They can detect you many ways, not just by IP address. They can also detect proxy use or even VPN use, from "blacklists" they may have. As well, the can store cookies on your computer to identify you, or even run Java scripts to query your PC as to who you are, and even query your public IP address. Apps like WebRTC can be triggered in your browser without you even knowing it...
2015-10-17 6:00 pm
You need to first answer a couple of questions, such as, why were you banned? What did you do? Which rules did you break to cause you to be banned?

If you violated the forum's rules, please don't ask us to help you. If you have a legitimate cause, then contact the forum and present your case.

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