Adverb (e.g. hence, therefore) 的擺位問題?

2015-10-17 11:07 am
Adverb 不可像 conjunction 般直接將兩句子子連接,需加 and 或開新句。

He was not there. Therefore, he was not the murderer.
He was not there. Therefore he was not the murderer.
He was not there, and therefore he was not the murderer.
He was not there; therefore, he was not the murderer.

He was not there, therefore he was not the murderer
也正確? 這看似 conjunction

另外,however / therefore 也是 adverb ,為個 however 後要加 comma。Adverb 則不用?

回答 (1)

2015-10-17 11:39 am
therefore, however等這些「連接副詞」不能直接連接兩個子句,因此用在兩個子句之間時,前面應用分號,後面則用逗號。當然我們也可以把兩個子句分開,這時連接副詞成了第二句的第一個字,這時仍然要用逗號隔開。另一個辦法是在連接副詞前面加上一個對等連接詞,如and,但and前,與連接副詞後,都需要加上逗號。有些母語人士比較不講究,不遵守這些規則,但我們學習英語的人,還是照規矩來比較好。


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