Will I take the new or old sat?

2015-10-17 2:21 am
Right now I am in the 10th grade , and i am not sure if I will be taking the new, or the old sat. Please be exact when answering and PLEASE make sure you're info is correct before hand. Thank you in advance:)

回答 (3)

2015-10-17 11:49 am
You'll be taking the new SAT.

"The redesigned SAT will be given for the first time in spring 2016. "
2015-10-17 3:36 am
New one if in USA
2015-10-17 3:35 am
When you sit to take the exams it doesn't matter the important thing is when you get up you'll have sat the sat.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:38:32
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