Why am I getting 15.00 dollars for food stamps when I'm just getting 600 every two weeks from work, I'm taking care of my 3 year old son?

2015-10-16 7:17 pm

回答 (10)

2015-10-16 11:47 pm
why did you have a kid if you can't afford to care for them?
2015-10-17 1:49 pm
I know how you feel. Did you just start a job and reported your earnings? or did you already have the job and decided to apply for food stamps? This is why people don't report the earnings because if you do the food stamps will decrease. I know this is wrong, but how can we live with what these jobs are paying.
2015-10-16 7:20 pm
You should be asking the father for child support instead of citizens for their tax dollars.
2015-10-16 7:47 pm
that $15 knockdown happened to millions of recipients. duno why, prob a scheme of rightwing nut governors since ebt, i understand, is a state-fed program.

i know abt 3 disabled seniors who where knocked from abt $120 to $15/16.

they were restored, or appealed and then got restored.

others were getting letters from state social services depts saying they were sched for ebt termination by ss bc they dint supply requested documentation when I had


the "date" sections of the letters were blank [I save the envelopes as standard practice.]

i called the ss's contact # on letters : "mail box full, you cant leave a message."

I called as soon as ss opened in the AM, same message.

i tried other #'s fo ss, same message.

i started dialing #s similar to those #s and finally some one answered, "hello?"

i asked if this is ss, & they asked 'who's calling?' and ID'd my self and said all ss's #'s wont ans and wont take messages, they said "i know.'

i asked their ID and they said, 'uhh, that's all right.' I told this person abt the cut off letters.

the person said, 'oh, those are computer generated.' Period.

I said, but they'r saying these ppl will be cutoff despite having supplied the requested info via cert mail.

"ohhh, uhhh...see, if you do tht, the letters just goto PO box."

--"Yeah but what abt the cutoff?"

"the letters are just pc generated, they wont be cuttoff'

--"wow, thanks, what's you name & job title and #?"

" have to hang up now"


and these disabled seniors had been worried sick for many days.
2015-10-16 8:57 pm
That is up to your state and your county. I get the same income as you, am a senior citizen and get only $16 a month. That is their basic minimum. Do you have any other household income that may count for eligibility?
2015-10-16 7:29 pm
Contact your Case Manager and ask for a Review. You can schedule it where you initially got your application processed. Failing that, you can go On-Line and ask for a Fair Hearing. Bring all your documentation.
2015-10-16 7:27 pm
How much you get is driven by your income, any other assistance you receive (section 8, TANF) and the cost of living in your area. If you think the amount you are receiving is incorrect, talk to your case worker.
2015-10-16 7:26 pm
And I'm a citizen as well I dont know what the big deal is with that?
2015-10-16 7:25 pm
cuz the government doesnt care about society
2015-10-16 7:19 pm
That's a small amount. Military families get a lot more.

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